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pfm68 and russelllowes [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:11 am
by Sky Hunter


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 11484037

In game 11484037 russelllowes and pfm68 are coordinating with each other. Pfm68 was allowed to hold Mexico with and repeatedly attacked me while russelllowes made no effort to take Panama or other southern Mexican areas even though they were only defended 1 army. Pfm68 then moved west into china leaving 1 army in each of his Mexican territories allowing russelllowes to conquer all of Mexico and move into the northern areas. Pfm68 is now clearing the way for russelllowes into China while russelllowes mops me up. They are playing as if they are one person with the object of helping russelllowes win. This coordination is not mentioned in the game chat. I'm new here but this must be against the rules.

Re: pfm68 and russelllowes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:26 am
by afroaction
2012-09-19 15:16:31 - russelllowes: At the moment he's your enemy, why should i attack him and make him my enemy, especially with mighty Orange on my doorstep?

Pfm is very weak, can't really do anything against yellow if wanted to.

Re: pfm68 and russelllowes [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:53 am
by deathcomesrippin
After going through the evidence, I don't really find anything to support the accusation.

pfm68 and russelllowes are Cleared of Secret Diplomacy.