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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:39 pm
by cairnswk
edbeard wrote:can you go back to the old text for the stations? Or, get a brand new one. eww is how I feel right now

sorry edbeard, please explain

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:41 pm
by edbeard
I liked the solid black you had on version 7. Maybe you just added a glow to version 8, but personally I don't like the look.

V 9 Update.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:37 pm
by cairnswk
edbeard wrote:I liked the solid black you had on version 7. Maybe you just added a glow to version 8, but personally I don't like the look.

edbeard....i removed the white border on the text...but added a 1 px glow at 35% tranparency so that it isn't so obvious....with the new rail lines running through the stations now, the solid black text simply is far too dark and illegible.

V9 is below.


* RIB colour changed
* TGV now coloured orange
* TRI now coloured pale green
* Paris colours re-arranged
* LON, HAM & PAR stations all border each other
* Liverpool on the UK now instead of Birmingham
* New bonuses

For onbekende

Here is the breakdown of how I calculated the bonuses

BNX: Bonus 4
2 def: PAR + HAM
9 att: 7 PAR + 2 HAM
9 neigh: 7 PAR + 2 HAM

BLX: Bonus 3
4 terr: MOW-SPG-HSL
2 def: SPG + HSL
2 att: HSL + SPG
2 niegh: HSL + SPG

NRX: Bonus 5
5 def: PAR + BRU + KLG +BER + SPG
11 att: 7 PAR + 1 BRU +1 FRT->KLN + 1 BER + 1 SPG
9 neigh: 7 PAR + 1 BER + 1 SPG

VLX: Bonus 3
3 terr: WAW-VIL-SPG
1 def: WAW
1 att: WAW
1 neigh: WAW

BRL: Bonus 4
1 def: LON
2 att: LON
2 neigh: LON SOX + LON ICE

TRI: Bonus 5
3 def: NCE + FLN + ROM
3 att: NCE + VEN + ROM
2 neigh: NCE + VEN

ORX: Bonus 7
5 def: PAR + LUS + VEN + SOF + ISL
13 att: 7 PAR + LUS + FLN + VIE + ATH + BUC + ISL
9 neigh: 7 PAR + BUC + FLN

SOX: Bonus 9
7 def: LON + PAR + LUS + VIE + SOF + ISL + ATH
14 att: 2 LON + 7 PAR + LUS + VIE + SOF + ISL + ATH
9 neigh: 7 PAR + LON + BUC

VSX: Bonus 6
5 def : PAR + LUS + VEN + FLN + ROM
13 att: 7 PAR + LUS + VIE + ZGB + NCE + ROM + BSI
8 niegh: 7 PAR + TRI

TGV: Bonus 5
10 ATT: 7 PAR + NCE + MRS + IRN
9 neigh: 7PAR + RIB + TRI

RIB: Bonus 3
2 def: MRS + IRN
2 att: MRS + IRN
1 neigh: TGV

ECX: Bonus 6
5 def: HAM + BER + BUD + SOF + ATH
6 att: 2 HAM + BER + BUD + SOF + ATH
6 neigh: 2 HAM + BER + BUD + BUC + ISL

SCR: Bonus 3
2 def: HAM + HSL
3 att: 2 HAM + HSL
3 neigh: 2 HAM + HSL

TEE: Bonus 7
5 def: PAR + BRU + KLN + WAW + MOW
11 att: 7 PAR + BRU + FRT + WAW + MOW
9 neigh: 7 PAR + MOW + WAW

URK: Bonus 6
2 def: BUD + MOW
2 att: BUS + WOW
2 neigh: BUD + MOW

ICE: Bonus 6
4 def: LON + PAR + KLN + LUS
12 att: 2 LON + 7 APR + LUS + BER + BRU
8 neigh: 7 PAR + LON

PAR: Bonus 9
8 Terr
8 def
11 att: 2 LON + 3 BRU + FRT + 4 LUS
? neigh.

v 9 Large


PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:20 pm
by onbekende
BNX: I got Bonus of 3, I find this better for a 4 terr thou 3 terr needing defence continent

BLX: (you noted 4 terr but gave the correct 3, just saying) The bonus for such a continent is nicely, thou I will give you my concerns later on

NRX: We can discuss the bonus either it be 5 or 6, I say 6 even as you only need to defend 5 terr, but who is going to take this in the start? if someone has this he has the game probably!

VLX: (my calc gives bonus of 1, but thats absurd offcourse) See this continent as Oceania, giving it 3 is laughable (really)

BRL: A bonus of 4 is too much once again, this is again an Oceania waiting for a bonus of 2!

TRI: A bonus of 5 is over it, needs to defend 3 spots, and a bonus of 3 is better (note this will be ranted over too later on)

ORX: A bonus of 7 for 5 terr to defend is harsh, again this is a NRX too, so it can be high, I will settle for a 6 or nag with a 7.

SOX: Bonus of 9 for 7 def terr, again a NRX/ORX line, not holdable in early games, althou here I won't argue over the bonus of 9

VSX: (You forgot VIE having a VSX line running to it) A bonus of 6 is fine, althou this is a half NRX/ORX line, but fine

TGV: Bonus of 5 is indeed nice for such a layout, but not for its placing, rant follows at bottom

RIB: Bonus of 3 is nice, however rant at bottom is read!!

ECX: Bonus of 6? ALL FOR IT

SCR: Bonus of 3 is also my calculated bonus, but we have to look at the map, hence rant

TEE: Bonus of 7, I have Bonus of 6, terr to defend is 5 so I say the golden center and 6, althou this is again a NRX/ORx liney

URK: Bonus of 6 for a 2 def line at the edge of map? please don't, I say 3 at best, 4 if you nag

ICE: Bonus of 6, I have 5, terr to def is 4, it seems nice enough, I don't mind the 6

now the rants:
1) Oceanie's:
BRL and VLX are Oceanie's, thus a Bonus of 2!

2) South-West: Holding TGV's Paris station and TGV's paris station, you have those 2 continents in pocket, with even a nice expantion with moving all your army's from NCE-TGV and ramp over TRI to land at FLN-TRI station, thus having to defend 2 territories to have 3 continents, I know what to do ingame :D
thus please, each of those a Bonus of 2 (with TRI going for 3 if needed) is all it needs down there

3) North-East: Get HAM-SCR and SPG-BLX and you have a 2 continent, 2 def terr bonus, max of 4 shall be nice no?

4) The Great Strat: get South-West and North-East and if your lucky also the Oceanie's, what to do then? set army's on WAW-URK and BUD-URK and your in, you practivally win the game
7 terr to defend, you have 8 continents!!! and there bonuses + exellent staging area's to annoy anyone going for the Orient lines, I say this partially as a rant, partially that if we play together, you know what I am doing :D

(PS. great thing about this working in the Map Maker forums is seeing all the good strats, now only if the dices and Lady Fortune were with me)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:01 pm
by cairnswk
onbekende wrote:BNX: I got Bonus of 3, I find this better for a 4 terr thou 3 terr needing defence continent

i think 4 is better to counteract for 7 attacks from PAR and 2 from HAM

BLX: (you noted 4 terr but gave the correct 3, just saying) The bonus for such a continent is nicely, thou I will give you my concerns later on

Mmmm OK....the spreadsheet calcs say 3

NRX: We can discuss the bonus either it be 5 or 6, I say 6 even as you only need to defend 5 terr, but who is going to take this in the start? if someone has this he has the game probably!

Maybe then this should be 6 to encourage someone to attempt to hold at start.

VLX: (my calc gives bonus of 1, but thats absurd offcourse) See this continent as Oceania, giving it 3 is laughable (really)

Sorry, my text is wrong, the bonus should be 2 as in the map.

BRL: A bonus of 4 is too much once again, this is again an Oceania waiting for a bonus of 2!

Yes me wrong text again...should be 2.

TRI: A bonus of 5 is over it, needs to defend 3 spots, and a bonus
of 3 is better (note this will be ranted over too later on)

3 is on the map....text wrong again.

ORX: A bonus of 7 for 5 terr to defend is harsh, again this is a NRX too, so it can be high, I will settle for a 6 or nag with a 7.

Map says 7, i am happy with 7.

SOX: Bonus of 9 for 7 def terr, again a NRX/ORX line, not holdable in early games, althou here I won't argue over the bonus of 9


VSX: (You forgot VIE having a VSX line running to it) A bonus of 6
is fine, althou this is a half NRX/ORX line, but fine


TGV: Bonus of 5 is indeed nice for such a layout, but not for its placing, rant follows at bottom

RIB: Bonus of 3 is nice, however rant at bottom is read!!

ECX: Bonus of 6? ALL FOR IT


SCR: Bonus of 3 is also my calculated bonus, but we have to look at the map, hence rant

Understand rant....but you also have to hold HAM against two attackers as well as Helsinki...therefore i still say three. i think 3 is better also because HAM can also be attacked from ECX.

TEE: Bonus of 7, I have Bonus of 6, terr to defend is 5 so I say the golden center and 6, althou this is again a NRX/ORx liney

i think 7 is better for attack from KLN and PAR.

URK: Bonus of 6 for a 2 def line at the edge of map? please don't, I say 3 at best, 4 if you nag

MMMmmmm i think only you say is at edge of map, and therefore not really strategic to centre game.

ICE: Bonus of 6, I have 5, terr to def is 4, it seems nice enough, I don't mind the 6


now the rants:
1) Oceanie's:
BRL and VLX are Oceanie's, thus a Bonus of 2!

Done on map.

2) South-West: Holding TGV's Paris station and TGV's paris station, you have those 2 continents in pocket, with even a nice expantion with moving all your army's from NCE-TGV and ramp over TRI to land at FLN-TRI station, thus having to defend 2 territories to have 3 continents, I know what to do ingame :D
thus please, each of those a Bonus of 2 (with TRI going for 3 if needed) is all it needs down there

TRI already 3 on map....i compromise with 3 for TGV and 2 for RIB.

3) North-East: Get HAM-SCR and SPG-BLX and you have a 2 continent, 2 def terr bonus, max of 4 shall be nice no?

4) The Great Strat: get South-West and North-East and if your lucky also the Oceanie's, what to do then? set army's on WAW-URK and BUD-URK and your in, you practivally win the game
7 terr to defend, you have 8 continents!!! and there bonuses + exellent staging area's to annoy anyone going for the Orient lines, I say this partially as a rant, partially that if we play together, you know what I am doing :D

(PS. great thing about this working in the Map Maker forums is seeing all the good strats, now only if the dices and Lady Fortune were with me)

so this should be V10 bonuses?


V10 Update

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:51 pm
by cairnswk
Just a couple of small updtes.

* New bonuses
* New Signal lights

V10 Small


V10 Large

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:56 am
by Gnome
Nice :wink:

It can be me but the British rail lines look tinner than the rest...they are hard to see...

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:57 am
by onbekende
I have nothing against the bonusses now (don't know if you saw, but you gave Paris 9, which I actually aren't against to)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:07 am
by cairnswk
Gnome wrote:Nice :wink:

It can be me but the British rail lines look tinner than the rest...they are hard to see...

Gnome...these aren't the finished product...yet!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:08 am
by cairnswk
onbekende wrote:I have nothing against the bonusses now (don't know if you saw, but you gave Paris 9, which I actually aren't against to)'re up very must be all of 7 or 8 am sunday?

Wunderbar...yes i noticed there was no comment on 9 for Paris, so i took that as an approval. :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:32 am
by onbekende
cairnswk wrote:
onbekende wrote:I have nothing against the bonusses now (don't know if you saw, but you gave Paris 9, which I actually aren't against to)'re up very must be all of 7 or 8 am sunday?

Wunderbar...yes i noticed there was no comment on 9 for Paris, so i took that as an approval. :)
11 am, don't flatter yourself with timezones

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:44 am
by cairnswk
onbekende wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
onbekende wrote:I have nothing against the bonusses now (don't know if you saw, but you gave Paris 9, which I actually aren't against to)'re up very must be all of 7 or 8 am sunday?

Wunderbar...yes i noticed there was no comment on 9 for Paris, so i took that as an approval. :)
11 am, don't flatter yourself with timezones

that late!!?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:56 am
by onbekende
GMT +1 here (summer time makes it +2)

but lets now get some more people complaining about the railroad lines and get it over with

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:09 am
by cairnswk
onbekende wrote:GMT +1 here (summer time makes it +2)

but lets now get some more people complaining about the railroad lines and get it over with

nice try onbekende....yes before anything more happens lets see what others have to say about the map now. :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:16 am
by Selin
good work cairnswk

just a small remark:
please use IST for Istanbul station instead of ISL.
IST is the correct abbreviation


PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:37 am
by cairnswk
Selin wrote:good work cairnswk

just a small remark:
please use IST for Istanbul station instead of ISL.
IST is the correct abbreviation


Thanks Selin for your post.
Can i ask is that a train station code or an airport code.

I have an IATA/UFTTA Diploma in air fares and ticketing, and i know IST stand for Istanbul-Ataturk airport.

Therefore i used ISL for the train station. :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:58 am
by WidowMakers
Just food for thought everyone. But when I got to add the rail lines there might be some issues with some of the stations.

I don't know if there will be enough room in LUS, BRU, ans some other multi rail stations to add the actual proper railroad lines.

I can try but I am almost sure they will be very cramped or not even work at all.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:15 am
by cairnswk
WidowMakers wrote:Just food for thought everyone. But when I got to add the rail lines there might be some issues with some of the stations.

I don't know if there will be enough room in LUS, BRU, ans some other multi rail stations to add the actual proper railroad lines.

I can try but I am almost sure they will be very cramped or not even work at all.

yes i had thought about that...see what you can do when it happens...but perhaps there will be a work around like having three thick lines with sleepers still showing just inside the platform area. There will be s solution available, and your skill will pull you through, i'm confident of that. :)

I'd do the small map first WM, and we can do the large map later after i have resized all the stations etc.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:26 am
by DiM
random thoughts on the map:

1. stk to hsl is a naval route not a rail route. while i understand it is there for gameplay purposes i still think it should be removed.
2. the "stations dissected by service lines" thing is nice but it will cause a lot of confusion. most people won't understand it and you'll have a lot of "bug" reports for missing connections.
3. clocks and the timezones.
4. are the stations the right size for 3 digit armies?
5. add PAR: at the paris bonus. for consistency reasons.
6. how did you come up with the 3 letters for each rail station and for the rail routes? for example MOW should be MOS or ISL should be IST.
7. i supposes the "message" will be removed otherwise the size limit is broken.
8. i'll study the bonuses later.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:30 am
by cena-rules
Make the british rail line white is what I would do becaus it is hard to see

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:34 am
by gimil
cairns could you consider dulling hte white in te paris station a bit. I finding it rather difficut to look at :d

(that might be because if the hangover)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:38 am
by cairnswk
DiM wrote:random thoughts on the map:

1. stk to hsl is a naval route not a rail route. while i understand it is there for gameplay purposes i still think it should be removed.

mmmm. i'll think about removing it, although when you book a rail pass in europe, if there is a water component of the trip it is cmpleted by ferry, so i thought this was a reasonable link.

2. the "stations dissected by service lines" thing is nice but it will cause a lot of confusion. most people won't understand it and you'll have a lot of "bug" reports for missing connections.

Another Mmmmmm. Perhaps some alternative wording would help. And again, i repeat earlier statements that players need to read gameplay hint
. i'll think of alternatives.

3. clocks and the timezones.

yes that has to be attended to yet.

4. are the stations the right size for 3 digit armies?

these sizes are lifted completely from the USA RAIL map.

5. add PAR: at the paris bonus. for consistency reasons.

Sorry,, what do u mean here...Paris is in the bonus legend as having a bonus.

6. how did you come up with the 3 letters for each rail station and for the rail routes? for example MOW should be MOS or ISL should be IST.

basically they are "at my disscretion". most of the airport codes that everyone knows are exactly that. airport codes. there are some official train station codes in europe, but these are attached to stations that are attached to airports. i have yet to find a list of station codes so i used my own.

7. i supposes the "message" will be removed otherwise the size
limit is broken.

oh yes...we've already had that one out with qwert today.

8. i'll study the bonuses later.
kewl. thanks DiM.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:40 am
by cairnswk
cena-rules wrote:Make the british rail line white is what I would do becaus it is hard to see

yes that's something to be considered...i'll test it to see what it looks llike. thanks cena :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:41 am
by cairnswk
gimil wrote:cairns could you consider dulling hte white in te paris station a bit. I finding it rather difficut to look at :d

(that might be because if the hangover)

sure gimil...i'll see in the next version.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:28 am
by DiM
cairnswk wrote:
DiM wrote:random thoughts on the map:

1. stk to hsl is a naval route not a rail route. while i understand it is there for gameplay purposes i still think it should be removed.

mmmm. i'll think about removing it, although when you book a rail pass in europe, if there is a water component of the trip it is cmpleted by ferry, so i thought this was a reasonable link.

2. the "stations dissected by service lines" thing is nice but it will cause a lot of confusion. most people won't understand it and you'll have a lot of "bug" reports for missing connections.

Another Mmmmmm. Perhaps some alternative wording would help. And again, i repeat earlier statements that players need to read gameplay hint
. i'll think of alternatives.

3. clocks and the timezones.

yes that has to be attended to yet.

4. are the stations the right size for 3 digit armies?

these sizes are lifted completely from the USA RAIL map.

5. add PAR: at the paris bonus. for consistency reasons.

Sorry,, what do u mean here...Paris is in the bonus legend as having a bonus.

6. how did you come up with the 3 letters for each rail station and for the rail routes? for example MOW should be MOS or ISL should be IST.

basically they are "at my disscretion". most of the airport codes that everyone knows are exactly that. airport codes. there are some official train station codes in europe, but these are attached to stations that are attached to airports. i have yet to find a list of station codes so i used my own.

7. i supposes the "message" will be removed otherwise the size
limit is broken.

oh yes...we've already had that one out with qwert today.

8. i'll study the bonuses later.
kewl. thanks DiM.

2. yes, perhaps a rewording would do the trick although i can't think of an alternate way to spell it.
5. you have BLX: Benelux Express but the last bonus just says Paris when it should be PAR: Paris.