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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:35 pm
by LAU
thing is... if both or one of the resource is set neutral... he gets entire continent he'll STILL have to roll to get the resource... not to mention depending on which continent he might not even be able to get both resource in one go (unless he's got amazing rolls and split up his mens)

let say.. i'm playing 3 player game.. instead of getting 6 mens to deploy i get 3.. that way they are forced to think of where to deploy...

vs now... there's a chance someone can get crazy amount of bonus (like +6) without even risking a single roll

i'll be perfectly fine if he manages to roll and get an entire continent, at least i know he rolled for it.. it wasn't given to him


PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:49 am
by DiM
LAU wrote:thing is... if both or one of the resource is set neutral... he gets entire continent he'll STILL have to roll to get the resource... not to mention depending on which continent he might not even be able to get both resource in one go (unless he's got amazing rolls and split up his mens)

let say.. i'm playing 3 player game.. instead of getting 6 mens to deploy i get 3.. that way they are forced to think of where to deploy...

vs now... there's a chance someone can get crazy amount of bonus (like +6) without even risking a single roll

i'll be perfectly fine if he manages to roll and get an entire continent, at least i know he rolled for it.. it wasn't given to him


yep he rolls for it but imagine like this. you get a drop where you have no chance to get a bonus because you are scattered around evenly while another player gets a full continent (except for 1 terit) he will indeed roll and win it and have a full continent by the end of turn 1. you'll strugle and fight for several turns until you have a bonus but by that time he's already in the lead with a huge advantage. having 1 resource start as neutral or even both, does not solve the problem with lucky deployments. it just delays it to round 2.

in a tournament 1vs1 game on classic map my opponent got 5 out of 6 in north africa and 3 out of 4 in south america. i had most of them in north america asia and australia.
in his first go he took those 2 continents and he's now kicking my ass because he has all the borders either protected by neutrals or by his troops. he did not get a continent from the drop but the layout was so good that he got 2 in round 1 and was able to keep them wit ease.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:56 am
by Lupo
I would like to know if this map has got continental bonuses.
If so, why aren't the show in the legend?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:58 pm
by DiM
Lupo wrote:I would like to know if this map has got continental bonuses.
If so, why aren't the show in the legend?

no continent bonuses. you get bonuses for transporting resources to markets and factories or for owning the pirate cove and ports.

all the bonuses are explained in the legend. read it

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:05 pm
by gimil
if only people read the legends :roll:

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:11 pm
by DiM
the continents question is very common. many people have asked me what are the bonuses for continents. they read the legend and understood it but they just could not believe there are no continent bonuses.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:47 am
by yeti_c
If you ever do any edits to the map can you swap my name out for this base image for my sig that you'll need to resize...



PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:52 am
by gimil
yeti_c wrote:If you ever do any edits to the map can you swap my name out for this base image for my sig that you'll need to resize...



yeti has a fettish for this new sig of his :roll:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:03 am
by yeti_c
gimil wrote:
yeti_c wrote:If you ever do any edits to the map can you swap my name out for this base image for my sig that you'll need to resize...



yeti has a fettish for this new sig of his :roll:

Standardisation of my image rights!?!?!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:05 am
by gimil
LOL Your sig breaks the 150px height limit. AK will rape you for it in no time :wink:

PS your sin didnt work resized in feudral war. so youll jsut have to live with it for now


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:06 am
by yeti_c
gimil wrote:LOL Your sig breaks the 150px height limit. AK will rape you for it in no time :wink:

The image is exactly 150 pixels high...


PS your sin didnt work resized in feudral war. so youll jsut have to live with it for now


But it will for the final version.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:13 am
by Lupo
DiM wrote:the continents question is very common. many people have asked me what are the bonuses for continents. they read the legend and understood it but they just could not believe there are no continent bonuses.

I think it would be a good idea to add to the legend the sentence: "NO CONTINENTAL BONUSES" or "THERE ARE NOT CONTINENTAL BONUSES" or something similar like in Circus Massimus map.

In fact, in your maps there are 6 different continents and without this sentence a person who play this map for the first time has always the doubt about continental bonuses: does the map maker forget about them in the legend or simply this map is not supposed to have them?

So, in my opinion, simply adding that sentence to the legend you would improve a lot this map, making it easier to understand.

Moreover, this change would affect only graphic files and the map would be easily updated.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:23 am
by LAU
to me... round 2 bonus and domination still feels much better than round 1 bonus without doing anything

sure he might have great places but like i said.. if he's got to roll for it... there's risk involved...

not to mention it ALSO gives me the chance to perhaps play defensively at first instead of trying to deploy and gain a continent myself perhaps i'll play in a more destructive way to prevent him from getting bonuses... and in the end maybe with some good rolls and him getting bad rolls he might end up giving up the continent to me... especially if the game is Adjacent/Chained...

i just think +6 or more right off the bat when you press Begin on Round 1 is a little too excessive. Sure same thing might happen in round 2 but you know there are times when your rolls are SOOOO bad you can't conquer any places at all... at the very least i have THAT chance... it's not given...


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:29 am
by yeti_c
Your missing the point though - at least without the neutrals you've got a chance to turn the game around - with neutrals involved you're less likely to be able to turn it.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:40 am
by DiM
yeti_c wrote:Your missing the point though - at least without the neutrals you've got a chance to turn the game around - with neutrals involved you're less likely to be able to turn it.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:43 am
by DiM
yeti_c wrote:If you ever do any edits to the map can you swap my name out for this base image for my sig that you'll need to resize...



first your sig does exceed the 150px limit because that limit also includes any text that might be in there besides the image. :wink:

second. if you really want i will put your sig but i have one problem with it. the font. it's too damn modern. i have only handwritten old fonts in the map and you sig would spoil the feeling. but if you really want i'll put it.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:45 am
by yeti_c
DiM wrote:first your sig does exceed the 150px limit because that limit also includes any text that might be in there besides the image. :wink:


DiM wrote:second. if you really want i will put your sig but i have one problem with it. the font. it's too damn modern. i have only handwritten old fonts in the map and you sig would spoil the feeling. but if you really want i'll put it.

Maybe - but it will be small on the map... and of course my contribution was the modern computery stuff?!

Hence why the Sig is like that - that was the brief that I gave to WM.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:02 am
by DiM
here is the map with your sig. the small one is hard to read but the big one looks ok.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:19 am
by yeti_c
I like it...


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:23 am
by DiM
i'm in a game with lack now so i'll ask him to upload the new images.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:33 am
by yeti_c
DiM wrote:i'm in a game with lack now so i'll ask him to upload the new images.

Lack's actually playing a game?!

How rude of you not to invite me!!!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:34 am
by DiM
i'm not the one that set up the game :roll:

anyway map is up. check out your sig :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:45 pm
by LAU
yeti_c wrote:Your missing the point though - at least without the neutrals you've got a chance to turn the game around - with neutrals involved you're less likely to be able to turn it.


hm... i dunno about the chance to turn the game around when someone starts off deploying TWICE as many men you're... heck you don't even get that in mid game most of the time... well the game with my opponent getting +6 ended up with him winning a landslide victory... basically he had more men to deploy made sure we were getting any bonuses while kept expanding himself...

i dunno... i just think there's some ways to make things better like maybe not the resource is blocked off but perhaps the makets can be neutral?

I think there's a comeback if the guy is lucky and he gets bonuses that aren't too much... however i think it's a little over excessive to the point where its nearly impossible to beat if the very first round (which is probably one of the most important rounds) your opponent without doing ANYTHING has double the men you have.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:05 pm
by Mepps
Pirate Cove is just much too powerful. You recognized this some by making it start out neutral but if someone is given the other two territories on that island, they a given a very favorable position.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:10 am
by DiM
Mepps wrote:Pirate Cove is just much too powerful. You recognized this some by making it start out neutral but if someone is given the other two territories on that island, they a given a very favorable position.

i made it neutral no necessarily because it is powerful but because the map is about merchants. each player starts as a merchant and at some point in the game they might want to become pirates. i did not want anybody to be a pirate from the start.

anyway pirate cove is not really that powerful it all depends on the type of game you play and the people you play with.

remember that pirate cove is a bonus that must be defended everywhere. you must have troops in each of your ports. also the ports are very important for trading so they are very prone to being attacked. believe me it's much easier to hold 2 whole continents than to hold pirate cove and 6 ports. :wink: