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[PC] Ratings Additions

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:04 pm
by VectorxMan
Concise description:
These would be a cosmetic user profile upgrade.

When viewing yours or someone elses Ratings Received a table is displayed showing the averages in each category. However, on the Ratings Left tab there is nothing. Adding a table in this tab would be a nice way to see if somebody is giving out what they're receiving.

Also, there is no table tracking Tags Received or Tags Left. Adding a table tallying these characteristics would be helpful in determining their perceived playing style.

Instead of having to rate each player individually there should be a link labeled something like 'rate the players of this game'. This link would be an expanded version of the page where a rating is actually made. Rather than rating one player, all players from the game would be shown on this page. Perhaps even revamp this page to include all the games we are able to give feedback with a hider drop box for each game. I'll slap together a static image showing what I mean.

Lastly, revamp the Ratings Received and Left pages so that instead of listing the ratings from most recent to earliest, it would be broken down by Ratings Received (Month/Year) and Ratings Left(Month/Year).

  • Adding a table listing the average ratings given to other players judging their Fair Play, Attitude, Gameplay, and an Overall average rating.
  • Adding a table listing how many times somebody has tagged you as a certain something.
  • Adding a table listing how many times you have tagged others with a certain characteristic.
  • Adding links to separate ratings by month and/or year.
  • Changing the actual rating page to include all players from the game.
  • Ability to rate a user per game rather than one overall rating.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • Ability to track a player's Gameplay, Fair Play, and Attitude over time to see if their peers believe they have decreased, maintained, or improved in the afformentioned fields.
  • Quick way to weed out people using the ratings in a vindictive manner.
  • Cut down on time spent rating a people so instead of someone having their own page every player will be on the same page.
  • This will show if someone may be a good team mate rather than taking their word for it.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:41 pm
Good idea that will streamline ratings. Could be used by people with extreemly low ratings to farm people who give good ratings. Possibly add a collum that shows how many times a player has updated a rating after more games with the same person. Like in one of your responses to a bad rating left.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:49 pm
by VectorxMan
EWAND wrote:Good idea that will streamline ratings. Could be used by people with extreemly low ratings to farm people who give good ratings. Possibly add a collum that shows how many times a player has updated a rating after more games with the same person. Like in one of your responses to a bad rating left.

right! Rating people by game would be a lot better than giving them an overall one shot rating. After all, our opinion of people changes over time.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:05 pm
by VectorxMan


Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:18 am
by Crazy Frog
Ratings system could really use an upgrade...
I would like to see this change: Instead of doing each rating individually and clicking to refresh inbetween each persons rating... the ratings of all the people in that game that has been played could be done as a group.. You would have as many ratings to give as their were apponents in the game. Each opponent would still have the same options.. But you would go down the line entering all the info for all aponents in the game and then Click to Submit the entire group of ratings.
Saves Time for more important work.... like gaming.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:37 am
by darth emperor
I agree with this suggestion, more info of the ratings would help to get a better way of understanding ratings, and catch people who abuse about it.

Crazy Frog wrote:Ratings system could really use an upgrade...
I would like to see this change: Instead of doing each rating individually and clicking to refresh inbetween each persons rating... the ratings of all the people in that game that has been played could be done as a group.. You would have as many ratings to give as their were apponents in the game. Each opponent would still have the same options.. But you would go down the line entering all the info for all aponents in the game and then Click to Submit the entire group of ratings.
Saves Time for more important work.... like gaming.

This is completly contrary of what the OP is saying. As he goes for more individual ratings, wich are based on one particular game.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:01 pm
by VectorxMan
darth emperor wrote:I agree with this suggestion, more info of the ratings would help to get a better way of understanding ratings, and catch people who abuse about it.

Crazy Frog wrote:Ratings system could really use an upgrade...
I would like to see this change: Instead of doing each rating individually and clicking to refresh inbetween each persons rating... the ratings of all the people in that game that has been played could be done as a group.. You would have as many ratings to give as their were apponents in the game. Each opponent would still have the same options.. But you would go down the line entering all the info for all aponents in the game and then Click to Submit the entire group of ratings.
Saves Time for more important work.... like gaming.

This is completly contrary of what the OP is saying. As he goes for more individual ratings, wich are based on one particular game.

Well what Crazy Frog's comment sounds like is haveing a "rate all players X" when I think he means having all the users on the same page. This way we wouldn't have to open a tab for each rating or have to return to the same ratings page over and over.

If CF's suggestion is the latter then I think it would be another great proposed upgrade. I'll edit this into the OP.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:30 pm
by Funkyterrance
Sure, why not? +1

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:19 pm
by Crazy Frog
I am NOT suggesting that all players get the same rating.

Just that we streamline the process so that more players can be rated in a short period of time.

One page with a bunch of people and each person has the stars next to their individual name...
You go right down the line and rate each person individually and when you get done with the last person, you click enter and upload the results.

How about this as another idea:
Right now at the end of the game we see For Example 7 players we can rate...

Lets say that instead of Left Click which does an individual rating and takes you to a new screen...
Lets say we add a Right Click which opens a rating box for the people of that game... ???

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:20 am
by Crazy Frog
I went ahead and cast the Vote to implement.... But I think if the one doing the implements find some ways of tweaking the system and making it even better... we should give him or her the vote of approval to work on it a bit... Bring it to a really great finished product.

It might be a good idea to do it in 2 or stages... I do not know... just a thought...

The Major changes could be done... with intent to hear feedback and see if any bugs develop... Then do a well planned fix...
after that maybe do a final change or two if needed.

By the way... I just got done with a Battle Royal and have 50+ people to rate... Would also be nice to be able to see a graph of who actually made attacks in the game, Who was booted for missed turns, and who just sat there collecting men hoping for a win by accumulated troops... that would be a really nice feature for ratings.

Thank You Very Much for working on this Project...
Crazy Frog

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:06 pm
by agentcom
Crazy Frog wrote:I went ahead and cast the Vote to implement.... But I think if the one doing the implements find some ways of tweaking the system and making it even better... we should give him or her the vote of approval to work on it a bit... Bring it to a really great finished product.

(1) This hasn't even been stickied yet;
(2) You've had like 5 people event comment on this; and
(3) There are several more popular suggestions regarding the rating system

The fact that your poll says "Implement?" is misleading and counterproductive. It's misleading because this isn't even close to being implemented. It's counterproductive because your suggestion is a whole package of changes. Wouldn't you want people to come by and comment on it, rather than just giving an up or down vote? This encourages people to just stop by and vote, but we have no idea if they voted yes because they liked the whole suggestion or if they voted no because they just didn't like some small part (to give a couple examples).

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:44 am
by Crazy Frog
It is just my ignorance of the terms... and timelines...

I make the suggestion... and hope some folks agree... and maybe someone will get it done. Someone posted a poll... must be a Mod or someone right? I have no idea how close or how far that is from being "Implemented" but from the sound of things.. probably a few years yet?

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:48 am
by Crazy Frog
I am not sure how the Vote box got there.. or who put it up?
It had 3 or 4 in favor and 1 against when I found it Yesterday or day before and added my vote to it...

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:13 pm
by agentcom
Crazy Frog wrote:I am not sure how the Vote box got there.. or who put it up?
It had 3 or 4 in favor and 1 against when I found it Yesterday or day before and added my vote to it...

Sorry CF, I wasn't talking to you, but that wasn't at all clear from my post (in fact, it very much looked like I was!). :oops:

I assume the OP put up the poll and that's who I was talking to. You were just the last person to vote. Again, sorry about that.

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:52 pm
by Crazy Frog
Nah its allright... I was just thinking that you thought, that I thought that I was a MOD or something.... :-)))

Re: Ratings Additions and Updates

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:16 am
by darth emperor
VectorxMan wrote:
darth emperor wrote:I agree with this suggestion, more info of the ratings would help to get a better way of understanding ratings, and catch people who abuse about it.

Crazy Frog wrote:Ratings system could really use an upgrade...
I would like to see this change: Instead of doing each rating individually and clicking to refresh inbetween each persons rating... the ratings of all the people in that game that has been played could be done as a group.. You would have as many ratings to give as their were apponents in the game. Each opponent would still have the same options.. But you would go down the line entering all the info for all aponents in the game and then Click to Submit the entire group of ratings.
Saves Time for more important work.... like gaming.

This is completly contrary of what the OP is saying. As he goes for more individual ratings, wich are based on one particular game.

Well what Crazy Frog's comment sounds like is haveing a "rate all players X" when I think he means having all the users on the same page. This way we wouldn't have to open a tab for each rating or have to return to the same ratings page over and over.

If CF's suggestion is the latter then I think it would be another great proposed upgrade. I'll edit this into the OP.

Oh :oops: ok :lol: My apologies to CF, I understood it wrongly.