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AutoSnap. - Option on optional?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:19 am
by Tviorr

Liking the new auto snap for fog games in general. - Helpful.

However, Id like to suggest that it can be tourned off for tournaments, perhaps also events and what now. - Where it makes sense.

I write mainly as an avid Super League player, where it is used to boost the home game advantage. Im sure other tournaments could come up with setups where it would actually be helpful to have the option of creating some extra home player advantage or it might fit with the situation, setup or story in a tournament or event that you dive in head first with an information advantage to the first player accepting.

In the Super League it has been of my favorite aspects that in home games, the home game player gets the chance to first as home game advantage (assuming first turn of course which is somewhat more decisive) and failing a first turn home player has the option to secure information before the away player takes a first turn.
It adds a lot to the home/away feel of the games. Theres a real advantage to a home game albeit slight beyond simply choosing the map to play on.

So. - I suggest that theres an option made available to tournaments where the autosnap can be tourned off for an entire tournament (or even just tournament rounds if people really want to get freaky with setups).

I for one will miss the extra drama it adds to home and away games in the Super Leagues.

Couldnt find a specific place to put suggestions, so made it here.