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Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:40 am
by samuelc812
Here is Version 5
  • Added Malta and changed part of Sardinia to Corsica
  • Added a unique continent of the Mediterranean which is worth 10 bonus armies, it consists of a few areas from different continents
  • Added New Attack Routes
  • Added Mini Map
  • Eliminated Bonus Listings down the bottom of the map
  • Tweaked the texture of the Land and sea to hopefully, make it more pleasing to the eye



Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:38 am
by samuelc812
Is this map ready at least for the "Draft" stamp??

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:10 am
by foregone
The texture in the latest is much better, IMO.

Is there any particular reason Cyprus, Corsica and Sardinia only have connections towards the South, btw? Seems strange considering the geopolitics of the region.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:05 pm
by MrBenn
This map is certainly moving in the right direction. [Advanced Draft]

I'd like to see a bit more thought about how the gameplay will develop...
At the moment it looks like a bit of a free-for-all.
I preferred an earlier version without all the Med crossings - they seem a bit clumsy.
Have you thought about differnet ways of implementing the Med bonus area? You could do it so those territories fall in both continents?

The graphics need a bit of work, but your time would probably be slightly better spent trying to get the gameplay ironed out as much as possible first ;-)
On a side note, there are no continent names on the map; you'll need to get them on somewhere ;-)

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:21 pm
by The Neon Peon
Looks much better. And I like the Bonus you made for the Mediterranean.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:18 am
by samuelc812
Is anybody interested in doing the xml??

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:21 am
by foregone
I'm willing to do it for you if you can't manage. Wouldn't worry about it yet, though. Only need it much later in the foundry process.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:31 am
by samuelc812
I realise that, i probably will do it myself, just wanted to see if anyone was interested ;)

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:08 am
by eigenvector
It looks to me as if the continent might be useless - can anyone ever hold it in the early and middle stages of a game?

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:49 am
by samuelc812
Of course it's possible...

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:49 am
by TaCktiX
That's like saying Asia doesn't count as you can't hold it early or mid game (Except against idiots). I say keep the continent, but maybe split it in half across and East/West line (a la Rome/Byzantium) to make it a very tough couple of bonuses.

Also, you forgot an extra R in Mediterranean Sea.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:54 am
by samuelc812
Really ok thanx, could you elaborate on your splitting the bonus in 2 idea please ;)

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:25 am
by TaCktiX
Split right through the Mediterranean text, leaving 5 territories to each side (Greece, Al-Marj to East; Sicily, Tripoli to West).

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:24 pm
by samuelc812
Ok here are my Gameplay ideas:
  • I am going to implement TaCtiX idea to split the Mediterranean continent in half to make them easier to take
  • I was thinking that maybe The island territories could be like the Alcatraz on San Francisco, except the islands can still attack each other via the ocean attack routes, it's just that the islands can't attack the mainland except for the parts connected to the Continents
  • But definently Standard Gameplay, i don't think there should be any Secondary Objectives or anything like that
  • I was also thinking about having Capitals - European Capitals - And - African Capitals - which can be another easy bonus to take the 3 African or European Capitals for a +2 bonus or Hold All Capitals for +5...Your Thoughts??

Please suggest some more Gameplay ideas if you have any....

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:22 pm
by eigenvector
samuelc812 wrote:Ok here are my Gameplay ideas:
  • I am going to implement TaCtiX idea to split the Mediterranean continent in half to make them easier to take
  • I was thinking that maybe The island territories could be like the Alcatraz on San Francisco, except the islands can still attack each other via the ocean attack routes, it's just that the islands can't attack the mainland except for the parts connected to the Continents
  • But definently Standard Gameplay, i don't think there should be any Secondary Objectives or anything like that
  • I was also thinking about having Capitals - European Capitals - And - African Capitals - which can be another easy bonus to take the 3 African or European Capitals for a +2 bonus or Hold All Capitals for +5...Your Thoughts??

Please suggest some more Gameplay ideas if you have any....

The idea is to have the Capital inside the country as an internal territ? I was thinking of this in the terms of "castles" for a crusades map... I'm for it.

I also support the idea of splitting the bonus.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:40 pm
by samuelc812
eigenvector wrote:
samuelc812 wrote:Ok here are my Gameplay ideas:
  • I am going to implement TaCtiX idea to split the Mediterranean continent in half to make them easier to take
  • I was thinking that maybe The island territories could be like the Alcatraz on San Francisco, except the islands can still attack each other via the ocean attack routes, it's just that the islands can't attack the mainland except for the parts connected to the Continents
  • But definently Standard Gameplay, i don't think there should be any Secondary Objectives or anything like that
  • I was also thinking about having Capitals - European Capitals - And - African Capitals - which can be another easy bonus to take the 3 African or European Capitals for a +2 bonus or Hold All Capitals for +5...Your Thoughts??

Please suggest some more Gameplay ideas if you have any....

The idea is to have the Capital inside the country as an internal territ? I was thinking of this in the terms of "castles" for a crusades map... I'm for it.

I also support the idea of splitting the bonus.

Don't know about castles i was thinking just large dots or stars like the American Civil War Map, this isn't really a medieval map?? And yes inside the countries....

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:46 pm
by eigenvector
samuelc812 wrote:
eigenvector wrote:
samuelc812 wrote:Ok here are my Gameplay ideas:
  • I am going to implement TaCtiX idea to split the Mediterranean continent in half to make them easier to take
  • I was thinking that maybe The island territories could be like the Alcatraz on San Francisco, except the islands can still attack each other via the ocean attack routes, it's just that the islands can't attack the mainland except for the parts connected to the Continents
  • But definently Standard Gameplay, i don't think there should be any Secondary Objectives or anything like that
  • I was also thinking about having Capitals - European Capitals - And - African Capitals - which can be another easy bonus to take the 3 African or European Capitals for a +2 bonus or Hold All Capitals for +5...Your Thoughts??

Please suggest some more Gameplay ideas if you have any....

The idea is to have the Capital inside the country as an internal territ? I was thinking of this in the terms of "castles" for a crusades map... I'm for it.

I also support the idea of splitting the bonus.

Don't know about castles i was thinking just large dots or stars like the American Civil War Map, this isn't really a medieval map?? And yes inside the countries....

I just mentioned castles as an example for something else. Glad we're on the same page, though... :)

Keep up the good work.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin [Version 5]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:37 am
by samuelc812
MrBenn wrote:This map is certainly moving in the right direction. [Advanced Draft]

Thankyou :)

MrBenn wrote:I'd like to see a bit more thought about how the gameplay will develop...

I preferred an earlier version without all the Med crossings - they seem a bit clumsy.
Have you thought about differnet ways of implementing the Med bonus area? You could do it so those territories fall in both continents?

If there are no Med crossings, how will people know where the islands connect???
That sounds like a great idea, now i just have to figure out how to blend colours in the parts that are in both continents???

MrBenn wrote: On a side note, there are no continent names on the map; you'll need to get them on somewhere

They will be in the next Version ;)

How a Map Progresses Through the Foundry wrote:To earn the draft stamp you must meet the following conditions:

1)The map, first and for most, must have some sort of clear plan of how production will go CHECK

2) Have a playable image. If we quenched it people should be able toplay on it. Ths should included the following:
  • Territory names CHECK
  • Working legends CHECK
  • Speculative Bonuses CHECK
  • Tentative Border Divisions CHECK

3) The working image needs to be beyond rough draft state. This means that you must provide the following:
  • A working image done in some kind of graphic software. Pencil drawn images and images done on paint will not be accpected. CHECK
  • Two quality updates must be provided. CHECK

4) Have honest and interested discussion. Not just you and three friends. CHECK

What else do i need to do???

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 5--Oct.12--pg1,4

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:08 am
by e_i_pi
A few points, though I haven't been keeping up with this thread much lately so they may have been mentioned already:

1) Balearic needs colour distinction --- hard to tell if it's part of Spain or the mega-continent
2) The effects you're using to separate the continents don't just separate the continents, but also create an odd looking border with other areas, north side of Spain in a good example
3) Aswan-Sinai needs distinction --- hard to tell if there is a border there or not

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:09 am
by samuelc812
Here is Version 6 everyone :)

I hope that much has improved :)

Click image to enlarge.

I just want this to be a standard gameplay map without all the gimmicky gameplay things maps seem to have these days, just simple, just a better version of simple :)

MrBenn if you would rather see the Mediterranean Continents be both part of the mainland as well as their own continent would you kindly suggest how you would have me do that?? ;)

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:26 am
by MrBenn
I think that I preferred the overall style of version 5... :|

The borders look a lot more clean and consistent, so that's a step in the right direction.

I think there are too many connections going over the sea. They clutter the map and make the island bonuses virtually impossible to secure... speaking of bonuses, the values you currently have will definitely need to be revisited, but you will need to iron out the gameplay first ;-)
samuelc812 wrote:MrBenn if you would rather see the Mediterranean Continents be both part of the mainland as well as their own continent would you kindly suggest how you would have me do that??

It isn't about what I prefer - this is your map after all ;-)
I was only suggesting that the islands could belong in multiple bonus regions... if you wanted to go for this option, you'd need a way of visually identifying the dual regions, and a note on the legend too.

As far as the legend/title goes, I'm really not a fan of the flowers: they don't really convey anything Mediterranean to me...

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:34 pm
by Charles_IV
I like the map. I think Greece and Crete must have a connector, don't you agree?


Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:29 pm
by Tisha
yes, the flowers need to go..

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:29 pm
by Mr. Squirrel
Hey, the middle east right now is way too large and gives way too small of a bonus. Why don't you split it in two, with Turkey as one country on the top and the middle east as a different one on the bottom. You could then give smaller bonuses for each and it will make that area not so much of a no man's land.

Re: The Mediterranean Basin--Version 6--Oct.22--pg1,5

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:37 pm
by samuelc812
Sorry to do this to you guys, i will pick this up later on but right now this is on a temporary Vacation ;)