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Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [Winner=Pyrhhus]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:29 pm
by deantursx
Welcome to what will be my 9th tournament! I've been working on this idea for a good while and I think I know how to make it work. But first, some general things:

  • Both premiums and freemiums are allowed, although you must have completed at least 50 games
  • All games shall be 1v1.
  • All games shall be Sequential, Casual, Automatic, Sunny, and Chained.
  • Maps will vary, but they are listed below.
  • This tournament may move slowly, as new rounds can't begin until the previous round is completely finished.

Throughout this tournament, each player shall hold one of 5 ranks. They can be a Devil, Demon, Human, Angel, or God. Each player will start as a Human. When a battle is won, a player's rank improves, and when a battle is lost, a player's rank decreases. For example, if both Player A and Player B are humans, and A beats B, then Player A would become an Angel, while Player B would become a Demon. One gets eliminated by losing a battle as a Devil, however there a few other ways that you can get eliminated.

Before each round, using, I shall use the list randomizer to randomly assign who will fight who. There are 15 possibilites for matchups:

  1. :) Human vs. :) Human - Classic Map, Escalating.
    Winner becomes an Angel, loser becomes a demon.
  2. :) Human vs. O:) Angel - Midkemdil, Escalating.
    Human wins: Ranks are switched.
    Angel wins: Angel becomes God, Human becomes Demon.
  3. :) Human vs. :sick: Demon - Gilgamesh, Nuclear.
    Human wins: Human becomes an Angel, Demon becomes a Devil.
    Demon wins: Ranks are switched.
  4. O:) Angel vs. :sick: Demon - Tamriel, Escalating
    Angel wins: Angel becomes a God, Demon becomes a Devil.
    Demon wins: Both players become Humans.
  5. :) Human vs. :twisted: Devil - Midgard, Nuclear.
    Human wins: Human becomes an Angel, Devil is eliminated
    Devil wins: Players switch ranks.
  6. :) Human vs. :ugeek: God - Extreme Global Warming, Flat Rate.
    Human wins: Both players become Angels.
    God wins: God remains a God, Human becomes a Devil.
  7. :twisted: Devil vs. O:) Angel - Route 66, Flat Rate.
    Devil wins: Devil becomes Humans, Angel becomes Demon.
    Angel wins: Devil is eliminated, Angel becomes God.
  8. :sick: Demon vs. :ugeek: God - Siege!, Escalating
    Demon wins: Both players become Human.
    God wins: Demon is eliminated, God remains a God.
  9. O:) Angel vs. O:) Angel - Solar System, Nuclear.
    Winner becomes a God, loser becomes a Human.
  10. :twisted: Devil vs. :twisted: Devil - Arms Race!, Escalating
    Winner becomes a human, loser is eliminated
  11. :ugeek: God vs. :ugeek: God - Atlantis, Escalating
    Winner remains a God, loser becomes a human
  12. :sick: Demon vs. :sick: Demon - Egypt: Upper, Nuclear
    Winner becomes a human, loser becomes a Devil
  13. :twisted: Devil vs. :sick: Demon - Halloween Hallows, Nuclear
    Devil wins: Players switch ranks.
    Demon wins: Demon becomes Human, Devil is eliminated.
  14. O:) Angel vs. :ugeek: God - King of the Mountains, Escalating
    God wins: Angel becomes a Demon, God remains God.
    Angel wins: Players switch ranks.
  15. :twisted: Devil vs. :ugeek: God - 8 Thoughts, Escalating
    God wins: God remains a God, Devil is eliminated
    Devil wins: Both players become Humans

Rounds will continue until there is only one player left, who shall be the champion of the tournament.

***If at any point there are 3 exactly 3 players remaining in the tournament, they shall play a 3-person game. If 2 or more of them are the same rank, they shall play on the map they would've with just two; For example, if there were 2 angels and a Devil left, they would play on Route 66, Flat Rate. If all 3 players have different ranks, they shall play on Doodle Earth, Escalating. Regardless of rank, winner of the game would advance 2 ranks up (devil to human, demon to angel, human to god, angel to god, or god to god). While the losers would decrease one rank (god to angel, angel to human, human to demon, demon to devil, or devil to eliminated)

***When there is an odd number of players remaining (besides 3), one player (randomly chosen) will have a bye that round.

***In the rare case that this tournament manages to take way too long, the Doomsday Rule shall come into effect on April 1st, 2012.

Doomsday Rule:

If you want in, or you have any questions, please post on this thread!

Status of the tournament

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:47 pm
by deantursx
The winner is Pyrhhus!


Round 10 Matchups:

Round 11 Matchups:

Round 12 Matchups:

Round 13 Matchups:

Round 14:

Round 15:

Round 16:

Round 17:

Round 18:

Round 19:

Round 20:

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [1/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:55 pm
by Lindax
Interesting. One thing: This could go on forever (theoretically). You'll have to build in a rule so this won't go on for more than a year.

[Edit]> With the "Doomsday Rule" I think you have solved this issue, thanks!


PS: I gave you the second post for standings, etc. ;)

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [1/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:45 pm
by blindman30
in please

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [1/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:03 pm
by dagdam0r
in please!


Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [3/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:32 pm
by Fuzzy316
in of course

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [4/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:09 pm
by sandman175
In please.

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:22 pm
by xman5151
In please

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:37 pm
by TheTrueNorth
in please

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:41 pm
by slickstick
in pls.

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:42 pm
by perchorin
Very creative, I'll play.

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:55 am
by D00MandD3A7H
O:) IN :twisted:

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:37 am
by mr. CD
Sounds fun, in please.

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:42 am
by koontz1973
in please

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [5/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:06 am
by Aleksandr
sounds intriguing - count me in please

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [13/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:34 am
by deantursx
every1 up to here is in!

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [13/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:10 am
by kuma32478
I'll give it a try

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [14/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:00 am
by rmjw10
in plerase

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [14/16]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:07 am
by Pyrhhus
In please.

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [16/16] [0/2]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:32 am
by deantursx
Alright, you're all in! Now we need 2 reserves and then its go time!

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [16/16] [0/2]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:08 pm
by uk massive
in please, reserve

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [FULL]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:39 pm
by dumhic
reserve spot pls

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [Round 1]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:29 am
by dagdam0r
phyrrus god dagdam0r human ;)

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [Round 3]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:57 pm
by perchorin
I never mentioned it before, but i think it's really creative how you are using the smileys as part of your tournament =D>
Also, doesn't it seem like, through 4 rounds people are dying off faster than expected?

Re: Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between [Round 3]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:42 pm
by xman5151
perchorin wrote:I never mentioned it before, but i think it's really creative how you are using the smileys as part of your tournament =D>
Also, doesn't it seem like, through 4 rounds people are dying off faster than expected?

Agreed. I am liking this tournament a lot, checking to see what cool smiley I am :D And yes it does seem like people are dying off faster than expected