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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:00 am
by yeti_c
Suggestion Idea: Final Objective

Description: Similar to a continent definition... if a player holds all of the objective territories then they win the game.

Why It Should Be Considered: Kindof similar to mission cards - but defined across the whole map... would give 2 routes to victory... My original idea for this was in a "Trivial pursuit map" where you had to gain all 6 "cheese" squares and the centre territory... this coupled with Neutral territories would be ace.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [Yes]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:17 am
by yeti_c
Suggestion Idea: Trade Routes

Description: Method of moving armies along specific routes (only affects Adjacent)

Why It Should Be Considered: You have trade routes that connect to each other and you can reinforce along their length as you wish...

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:49 am
by Gilligan
Suggestion Idea: Neutral Players

Description: When a player becomes a deadbeat, the "computer" can take their turns, as a normal player. This could happen in the beginning too, with the few neutral territories.

Why It Should Be Considered: It would change people's strategies, and with 3 or 4 deadbeats in the game it won't be boring.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:55 am
by yeti_c
Gilligan wrote:Suggestion Idea: Neutral Players

Description: When a player becomes a deadbeat, the "computer" can take their turns, as a normal player. This could happen in the beginning too, with the few neutral territories.

Why It Should Be Considered: It would change people's strategies, and with 3 or 4 deadbeats in the game it won't be boring.

Lack Label (Mod Use):

I'm 100% sure this isn't an XML change... this would be a gameplay change!!


PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:38 am
by Contrickster
Suggestion Idea: Overloaded Territories

Description: On specified territories (mountainous, icy, desert, wasteland etc), once armies reach above a certain specified number either

a) No more can be added (there is an army number limit for that territory


b) Once the territory becomes overloaded the territory loses a specified number of armies every turn until the territory restores to the load limit (unless constantly replenished).

Why It Should Be Considered: Added territory realism and strategy consideration. Is it really realistic to have 100 armies on Greenland and 1 in Ontario - what do they feed on, where are their energy supplies, how are they housed - it should be more of a challenge to populate specified challenging regions with armies. This could open up "close up maps" such as with cities (urban areas) and forests etc.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:47 pm
by dominationnation
bonus go on specific territorys

It would be sort of like getting a set of cards. When you get certain bonuses instead of putting them where ever you want they automaticly go on a predetermined territory.

That way you could have a training camp and any troops that you get as a bonus for that would automaticly go on the last territory

Lack label: [Yes]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:11 pm
by Wisse
whaha i started with the underline and everyon is doing it too

Decay Territories

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:51 pm
by Janiv
Suggestion Idea:
Decay Territories

A territory marked as a decay territory in the XML could result in a specified number of troops killed in that territory per turn.

An alternative variation to this idea could be troop loss only occurs when you move into the territory or deploy additional troops to that territory.

Why It Should Be Considered:
This could allow for the creation of things like mine fields, poisonous or radiated land, hot lava, areas under attack from bombardments, etc.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [Yes]

Re: Decay Territories

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:17 pm
by Contrickster
Janiv wrote:Suggestion Idea:
Decay Territories

A territory marked as a decay territory in the XML could result in a specified number of troops in that territory per turn.

An alternative variation to this idea could be troop loss only occurs when you move into the territory or deploy additional troops to that territory.

Why It Should Be Considered:
This could allow for the creation of things like mine fields, poisonous or radiated land, hot lava, areas under attack from bombardments, etc.

Lack Label (Mod Use):

Good idea. Radiated land features in USApocalypse.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:53 pm
by WidowMakers
Suggestion Idea:
KEY/SWITCH Territories

A territory marked as a KEY/SWITCH territory in the XML would activate map changes to borders or bonuses.

Why It Should Be Considered:
For example imagine a map where two territories are connected by a bridge. Both territories ca attack each other. However, if a player occupies a territory on one side of the bridge and the bridge SWITCH territory, they then control the bridge function. This makes the bridge 1 way in favor of the owner of the SWITCH owner.

This could be used for locking doors, lowering bridges, raising and lowering water levels, or adjusting bonuses for you or opponentsetc.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [Maybe]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:57 pm
by WidowMakers
Suggestion Idea:
Negative Opponent Bonus Territories

A territory (or groups of territories) marked as a Negative Opponent Bonus territory in the XML would give negative bonuses to opponents on their turn

Why It Should Be Considered:
Instead of going after a bonus that gives you more armies your next turn you could go after a bonus that gives everyone else less armies the very next turn. The results are immediate.

There would probably need to be a certain group held because if only 1 territory was required to give others negative bonus, the first turn could be the end of the game.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:03 pm
by WidowMakers
Suggestion Idea:
"TRUE" Teleport Territories

A territory marked as a "TRUE" Teleport territory in the XML would provide actual troop movement how a teleport works.
Why It Should Be Considered:
Currently the closest thing we have to teleports is the 1-way border. The issue with this is that if you attack from a 1-way with 18 on 7 and you win, you only need to put 1 army in the conquered territory. This is not how it should be. How did the 18 guys you attacked with get back to the attacking territory if it is a 1-way?

A "TRUE" Teleport territory would allow an attacker to attack but all of the troops sent through would be stuck. So if the attacker had 20 vs 6 and chose to attack with 12. Those 12 would be sent through and there would be a 12 vs 6 auto attack on the other side of the teleport. If the attacker wins the remainder of the troops are now stuck on the other side.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:46 am
by Coleman
Suggestion Idea:
Simple X for Y Bonuses

Lets say I have a group of 15 territories, lets call them power plants. I want to be able to do this:
3 Power Plants +1 Army
6 Power Plants +3 Armies
9 Power Plants +5 Armies
12 Power Plants +7 Armies
15 Power Plants +10 Armies

Why It Should Be Considered:
Technically this is possible with the current xml but it is impossible to do without millions of lines of code on our end using combinations of positive and negative bonuses. There should be a better way.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [Yes]

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:45 am
by yeti_c
Suggestion Idea:
Bonuses Multipliers

At present bonuses are whole numbers... the ability to use multipliers (preceded by an x) to multiply reinfocement bonuses.

Why It Should Be Considered:
This could be useful for certain maps - DiM's resource map was looking for this too.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:22 am
by ParadiceCity9
WidowMakers wrote:Suggestion Idea:
Negative Opponent Bonus Territories

A territory (or groups of territories) marked as a Negative Opponent Bonus territory in the XML would give negative bonuses to opponents on their turn

Why It Should Be Considered:
Instead of going after a bonus that gives you more armies your next turn you could go after a bonus that gives everyone else less armies the very next turn. The results are immediate.

There would probably need to be a certain group held because if only 1 territory was required to give others negative bonus, the first turn could be the end of the game.

Lack Label (Mod Use):

I actually like this

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:14 pm
by AndyDufresne
Looks like we are getting a few good suggestions :) Keep them up, and thanks for following the form!


PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:40 pm
by HighCommander540
Suggestion Idea:
Surrounded Attacks

Being able to attack a single individual territory, by more than one. If you have more than one territory around a territory that you are trying to attack you should be ale to use all of the surrounding territories that you own. So to add more power and force. Better odds.

Why It Should Be Considered:
In Risk 2 the game for PC you can attack a territory with more than one territory that surrounds it if you owned them. You then got power bonuses to attack. It would make it a little more like a real battle should be...I mean if you attack a person from all angles and surround them. You have a better chance of taking them down, because you can hit them from everywhere.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]

*Note: I don't remember what exact bonus or power you gained from the surrounding territories.

Limited Attack Dice

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:05 pm
by JupitersKing
Limited Attack Dice

Limited Attack Dice create a more realistic tactical environment in game play by limiting the attacker to 2 dice. Amphibious assaults are a prime example. Imagine attacking North Africa from Brazil but only having 2 dice to roll. You would need many more armies to effect a breakthrough and hope to hold the next turn. Other examples include bridges, storming strongholds, or walls (There is a Castle map in Final Forge where these rules could work due to the nature of the map).


Bonus Spaces

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:06 pm
by JupitersKing

Having been playing on self-made maps for a few months now I've found a trick I simply call Bonus Spaces. That is certain fixed spaces on the map receive a +1 reinforcement to its owner every turn. The army is placed directly onto the space and cannot be deployed as normal.

This adds an added dimension to the game, imagine if the Middle East received a free army every turn players would attack the owner every turn to deny the bonus. However, hold the Middle East for a few turns and you can tip the balance of power in the region.

Bonus Spaces add a new wrinkle into the strategy involved of dealing with certain regions on maps designed for them.

I put up two maps with a few of these features, please check them out. Also, does anyone know how to covert a .svg file into a CC approved format? Any help would be helpful. Thank you.


Lack Speaks Here ==>: [No]

Re: Bonus Spaces

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:40 pm
by WidowMakers
JupitersKing wrote:BONUS SPACES

Having been playing on self-made maps for a few months now I've found a trick I simply call Bonus Spaces. That is certain fixed spaces on the map receive a +1 reinforcement to its owner every turn. The army is placed directly onto the space and cannot be deployed as normal.

This adds an added dimension to the game, imagine if the Middle East received a free army every turn players would attack the owner every turn to deny the bonus. However, hold the Middle East for a few turns and you can tip the balance of power in the region.

Bonus Spaces add a new wrinkle into the strategy involved of dealing with certain regions on maps designed for them.

I put up two maps with a few of these features, please check them out. Also, does anyone know how to covert a .svg file into a CC approved format? Any help would be helpful. Thank you.


Lack Speaks Here ==>:

Man you fast posted me. I was thinking of this idea this morning. I was going to call them Barracks Territories. Armies are given as a bonus but are deployed automatically into that same space. Same concept different name.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:42 pm
by dominationnation
dominationnation wrote:bonus go on specific territorys

It would be sort of like getting a set of cards. When you get certain bonuses instead of putting them where ever you want they automaticly go on a predetermined territory.

That way you could have a training camp and any troops that you get as a bonus for that would automaticly go on the last territory

Lack label:

I posted this last page. isnt this pretty much what you were talking about

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:06 am
by Molacole

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:06 am
by Molacole

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:23 am
by Molacole
Suggestion Idea: Attack only no advancement

Description: The option to have locations like ranged attacks that can attack ad distant territory while lose the option to advance troops onto that location due to the distance. Only allow fortifications from territories connected to the target after the attack faze.

Why It Should Be Considered: allows options like naval ships, pill boxes and seige weapons to play out in a more realistic manner.

Lack Label (Mod Use): [Maybe]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:23 am
by Molacole
Suggestion Idea: Paratroopers

Description: territories that allow you to attack anywhere on the battle field. You could also have territories with air defense symbol or something like that so you can control the location of paradrops.

Why It Should Be Considered: Would make things extremely interesting and combined with my max troop limit option it could prove to be a good option to have around without being able to be abused or used as a location to mass troops while having no direction. -(see my max troop limit idea to prevent this from being abused)

Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]