Conquer Club

Closed Swimmerdude99

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Postby Craig25 on Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:21 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Malicious Attacks on the Character of a Tournament Organiser in a Public Forum>


In thread:

I have had Kotaro and Swimmerdude99 comparing over 300 Super League Players to Cult Members because of their very funny vocal support for the Super League. Which has happened because I directed them to the forum as I was attempting to drive sign up's to the Championships up in a creative way. Which worked with over 120 of the Spots currently taken being filled by Super League Players. This is pretty standard complaints from a small group of Players who do not participate in the League in any shape or form and snipe at it's success from the sidelines, criticising the League, Myself and Commentary at every opportunity. This I can handle pretty easily as the thread demonstrates.

Swimmerdude99 wrote:
Got it - wild claims, can't be substantiated - bends to personal attacks as only way to try and make a point. That's the info I was looking for ;)

Edit: You have me FOED?!!?!?! BAHAHAHA. Was that from when I got frustrated that you were trying to turn a memorial event for my friend who passed into marketing for super league? I had almost forgot about that. Not sure when you started caring about offending people but yikes.

I was trying to turn a memorial event for his friend (who was also a Super League Player) into marketing for the Super League. Not only is the motive of this un-true, I find it highly offensive and derogatory. I was putting 100% effort into making it the most amazing Tournament ever as the Player who had Passed on was an avid Super League Player, even in the last few months of his life thanking me for the fun he was having playing it. Given that what he is saying would be behaviour of the very lowest order. It actually impacts on my Character and Ability to run huge Tournaments successfully as somebody reading it may miss that Swimmerdude99 was saying this out of pure malice and frustration. If anybody who does not know me read this, not only could it mean they would not join Tournaments I run, it could actually put new players off playing.

In the short term, I am looking for Support from CC in ending Swimmerdude99's behaviour, ending his constant criticising of the League which he does not play in and ending any further contact with Myself. Given the severity of what he has said, I am asking for a suitable punishment that it commensurate with the damage to my character he is attempting to cause. A strict warning that he cannot be commenting on Tournaments or Tournament Organiser's when he is not an active participant. Needless to say, he better not have absolutely any inter action directly with me also in the future.
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Re: Swimmerdude99

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:19 am

I think your posts in that thread will speak for themselves.

You have me foed, shouldn't that not display my posts? Doesn't that mean you are intentionally engaging with me?

How am I constantly attacking the league? I make one joke and suddenly I'm "constantly" seeking you out?

I also organize tournaments - what does that have anything to do with enabling your bullying?

I also mention multiple times people from SL are perfect candidates for the 1v1 championships, and that people should consider signing up for SL.

I think you might be a bit more fragile than you let on, and can't take a joke. I have no ill-will towards the SL. I do wish you had apologized in the past, but I don't think that's something you'd do so I don't expect it. I had quite literally forgotten how much you upset me back then until I noticed you had Foed me.

Stop playing the victim. I'm not making you look bad. Insulting me, and continuing to poke me when you don't even have to read my posts or attack me, is what makes you look bad.
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Re: Swimmerdude99

Postby TeeGee on Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:11 pm

This is for the Tournament Directors to deal with, not C&A

The Abuse part of our title can be misleading, but it's for game abuse, not forum abuse

CLOSED and forwarded on to the TD's
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Re: Swimmerdude99

Postby riskllama on Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:49 pm

yikes, man!!! - this thread reeks of butthurt loser. somebody crack a fuckin' window pls... :?
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