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Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:45 pm
by ISN2
natty_dread wrote:
ISN2 wrote:It leads to both, like all other empires connections to outside, that's why I placed the bridge in middle of border line ...

Ok... 1) it is unclear, because usually bridges only connect 2 territories to each other, so it would probably confuse players and 2) what's the point of having that river in the first place, since those bridges make it the same as not having a river there at all?

Just something that shows here is an empire, I mean some natural things in out way of each empire to have some natural borders with farmlands, like trees, rocks and ...

It's just to make the look of map better. But I will work on the middle bridge and will do a better unconfusing thing for there ...

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:08 pm
by natty dread
Yeah, but that river doesn't even make sense. Rivers flow to the ocean... that river just goes between two mountains, what's up with that.

Anyway, for the gameplay... you have lots of starting castles that are only 2 territories apart from each other. That's not quite enough distance. Especially if you implement a losing condition. Then you have realm of waters which is way isolated from the others, giving whoever drops it a huge advantage.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:18 pm
by ISN2
natty_dread wrote:Yeah, but that river doesn't even make sense. Rivers flow to the ocean... that river just goes between two mountains, what's up with that.

About river you are right, will work on it.

Anyway, for the gameplay... you have lots of starting castles that are only 2 territories apart from each other. That's not quite enough distance. Especially if you implement a losing condition. Then you have realm of waters which is way isolated from the others, giving whoever drops it a huge advantage.

Actually all castles have 2 territories between them, but those 2 territories will have a lot of naturals. and about Realm of Waters, it is connected to 2 other empires too, just sea routes.

One connection from "Realm of Waters 1" to "Knights Valley 4" and other one from "Realm of Waters 4" to "Infernal Empire 1" ...

About game play and balances, be sure everything is balanced, all castles have 2 territories between them and another castle. Every castle has 2 territories between it and a Post. connections between empires is somehow that every empire connects to one empire's territory that is bordered with barracks and connects to another one empire's territory that is not bordered with barracks.

Every empire has 3 connections to farmlands that 2 of them are not connected with each other but connected to another empire ...

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:34 pm
by natty dread
Ok, but you're going to need a lot of neutrals there.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:42 pm
by thenobodies80
Could you please remove the (gr) tag from your title? Usually, mapmakers add a [Gr] tag when the map receive the graphics stamp, so currently your title could create confusion.

Apart from that it's certainly time to move on! :)

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 4) (Gr)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:45 pm
by ISN2
thenobodies80 wrote:Could you please remove the (gr) tag from your title? Usually, mapmakers add a [Gr] tag when the map receive the graphics stamp, so currently your title could create confusion.

Apart from that it's certainly time to move on! :)

I removed it, sorry for that tag, I guess, I miss understood somethings, so added it.

And thanks for stamp :D

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:47 am
by ISN2
Update 5:
1. River has been removed!

Click image to enlarge.

Overall Infromation

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:06 am
by ISN2
Lorn Empire

Long years ago, in some where far away, there was a glorious empire named Great Empire. An empire that was controlling a large area, from northern mountains to southern seas. After death of king, the empire got disintegrated and disparted to eight small empires. Since then, all eight empires are in fight with each other for years and the former Great Empire is now just a Lorn Empire. You are king of one of these eight empires, take other empires out and build the great empire back.

Map Size: 82 Territories (Total)
Play Type Support: All Types
Starting Territories (Where Players May Start): 8
Auto Deploy Territories: 12 (8 Barracks, 4 Post)
Bonus Territories: 8 Castles
Combined Bonus Territories: 56 (All Territories In Empires)
Winning Conditions: Take Out All Other Rivals
Losing Conditions: Get Taken Out Or Have No Castles

Map Rules:
1. Each player starts the game on 1 or 2 castles depending on number of players.

2. Each castle has 4 armies at start and has a +1 deployment bonus.

3. Players get 1 army per every 3 territories. The minimum army getting is 3 armies (Like normal maps).

4. There is a barracks territory in each empire bordering the castle with 4 naturals on it. The barracks territory has an auto deploy bonus of 4 per turn.

5. All other empire territories will start with 2 naturals on them except 2 bordering territories with other empires that will start with 12 naturals.

6. Having every 3 empire territories will have a +2 bonus.

7. Having every 5 empire territories will have a +4 bonus.

8. Having every 6 empire territories will have a +5 bonus.

Note: castle and barracks are counted as empire territories too.

9. Every player must have at least 1 castle or will be eliminated.

10. The farmlands in middle of map will have low number of naturals on them, 2 or 4 except some important ones that will have more naturals.

11. There are territories in farmlands named "Grail Caravan", "Silk Villages", "Viller Camp" and "Tent" that will start with 12 naturals on each and will have an auto deploy of 8 each turn.

12. Out ways of each empire will start with 12 naturals at start.

Balanced deployment: Deployment and initial drop of the map is completely balanced, in 2 player games, each player starts on 2 castles, while in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 player games, each player starts on 1 castle. All castles are in balanced positions due the blow reasons:
About game play and balances, be sure everything is balanced, all castles have 2 territories between them and another castle. Every castle has 2 territories between it and a Post. connections between empires is somehow that every empire connects to one empire's territory that is bordered with barracks and connects to another one empire's territory that is not bordered with barracks.

Every empire has 3 connections to farmlands that 2 of them are not connected with each other but connected to another empire ...

Reasonable bonus structure: The bonus structure does not give any advantage to any player in map and are same for all players. Every castle has +1 bonus, so in start of game it helps with the normal +3 that the player gets to start expanding. There is a barracks that give +4 auto deploy, the reason that auto deploy territory is different from main castle is this: as each player must have 1 castle as requirement, so if the auto deploy territory would be castle, then players would make big stacks there and wait for long times, now there is more choices for them, protect castle or barracks or both?
Also the main reason of a +4 auto deploy beside the castle is to give player more income to grow and move faster.
Some combined bonuses are given too for each 3, 5 and 6 empire territories, so as player grows, bounces grow too.
There are four posts in main farmlands that have auto deploy bonuses of 8, this is a good reason for players to move into middle.

Game type flexibility: All types with all player counts are supported.

Player-friendliness: I guess it is, any feedback for this one if it's not?

Open-play: At first there was only 2 way outs for each empire, but now I added connections between empires too, I guess it is open enough and already a lot of ways for moving around.

Function trumps form: I already made many changes to get these, if still there are any problems, let me know.

Form must follow function: ^^

Based on this topic: viewtopic.php?f=241&t=105183

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:32 am
by AndyDufresne
It's good to see a new face in the Foundry! I'll give this map a better look soon.


Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:50 am
by ISN2
AndyDufresne wrote:It's good to see a new face in the Foundry! I'll give this map a better look soon.


Hi AndyDufresne, I'm not sure, but I think you forgot about this topic.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:03 pm
by Industrial Helix
Hmm... looking at that sea area, i wonder if maybe having a docks area would be a cool feature for those empires bordering the sea. Perhaps each empire could have a sort of specialty area that yields some bonus. The ones bordering the sea could have docks and the ones inland could have like a mountaineer training area or a foresters division or something. You'd have to increase the mountains and trees though to make them useful.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:23 am
by ISN2
Industrial Helix wrote:Hmm... looking at that sea area, i wonder if maybe having a docks area would be a cool feature for those empires bordering the sea. Perhaps each empire could have a sort of specialty area that yields some bonus. The ones bordering the sea could have docks and the ones inland could have like a mountaineer training area or a foresters division or something. You'd have to increase the mountains and trees though to make them useful.

The dock idea is good, I will work on it in next update (If you mean docks on 4 territories that are connected to each other trough sea), but I can not understand exactly what do you mean about "specialty area that yields some bonus" ...

Can you explain more what do you mean and how are they going to work?

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:45 am
by Industrial Helix
Well... what I'm thinking is that you could turn, for example, Northern 5 into "Mountaineers Training ground" and when a play has that territory, they can now one way attack out of the mountains bordering the Northern Empire and into the northern Empire. They can perhaps attack other empires via the mountains, if the mountains are shared by two Empires.

The above would work for foresters as well, except you would surround an Empire with more trees.

The docks would give some sort of Imperial coastline sea mastery. So hold the docks and you can one way attack any of your home coastline. In certain places, perhaps beaches (this would require drawing in cliffs where the sea meets the land) a Naval Dock could land on another Empire's territory.

The end result is that each empire has a unique feature which helps a player defend his empire and gives him some sort of advantage in attacking other empires. In reality, many of the 'unique features' are the same in function, each one way attacks the border territory and allows for a one way attack into another empire. But, despite being similar in function, they add a lot more story to the map.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:54 am
by ISN2
Industrial Helix wrote:Well... what I'm thinking is that you could turn, for example, Northern 5 into "Mountaineers Training ground" and when a play has that territory, they can now one way attack out of the mountains bordering the Northern Empire and into the northern Empire. They can perhaps attack other empires via the mountains, if the mountains are shared by two Empires.

The above would work for foresters as well, except you would surround an Empire with more trees.

The docks would give some sort of Imperial coastline sea mastery. So hold the docks and you can one way attack any of your home coastline. In certain places, perhaps beaches (this would require drawing in cliffs where the sea meets the land) a Naval Dock could land on another Empire's territory.

The end result is that each empire has a unique feature which helps a player defend his empire and gives him some sort of advantage in attacking other empires. In reality, many of the 'unique features' are the same in function, each one way attacks the border territory and allows for a one way attack into another empire. But, despite being similar in function, they add a lot more story to the map.

But I guess it could not work, for example, any of my empires has the "Mountaineers Training ground" and can 1 way attack to it's bordering empires via mountains, the other empire has something else and it could 1 way attack to bordering empires too, so those 1 way attacks will make it again a 2 way attack as it is now, each empire has a 2 way attack border with it's bordering empires ...

And if we want to make them somehow different, for example 1 empire could 1 way attack to it's bordering while it's bordering could not attack back, then the balance will be gone.

In first condition idea is good, but as you say in function there is no different, it will just make Legend bigger, more different names and understanding map for new players will be harder. But I guess I could add some of those graphical features like docks to make it's graphics look better.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:21 am
by CJ Lues
Excellent!!! =D>

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:04 pm
by rdsrds2120
You know what would be really cool? If instead of getting +8 autodeploy on the posts, if holding one of them gave you +1 troop per 2 regions in the center or something. Or, if you were to split up more places in the center, +1 for 3 or 4 or something. Looks good, hope it goes through!

Also, maybe if the Barracks could be more involved with something, have them be able to bombard or something. Or be able to attack more than one space away. Just a thought. :D


Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:54 am
by natty dread
rdsrds2120 wrote:You know what would be really cool? If instead of getting +8 autodeploy on the posts, if holding one of them gave you +1 troop per 2 regions in the center or something. Or, if you were to split up more places in the center, +1 for 3 or 4 or something. Looks good, hope it goes through!

Also, maybe if the Barracks could be more involved with something, have them be able to bombard or something. Or be able to attack more than one space away. Just a thought. :D


I support these ideas!

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:19 am
by Victor Sullivan
natty_dread wrote:
rdsrds2120 wrote:You know what would be really cool? If instead of getting +8 autodeploy on the posts, if holding one of them gave you +1 troop per 2 regions in the center or something. Or, if you were to split up more places in the center, +1 for 3 or 4 or something. Looks good, hope it goes through!

Also, maybe if the Barracks could be more involved with something, have them be able to bombard or something. Or be able to attack more than one space away. Just a thought. :D


I support these ideas!

Thirded! Especially that one point about bombarding... :P

Anywho, I noticed there were some spelling and grammar mistakes in the background story, and instead of just correcting them for you, I decided to rewrite the story. See how you like it:
Many years ago in a long forgotten land, there was a glorious empire called "The Great Empire". The empire controlled a vast amount of land, from the mountains in the North, to the seas of the South. After the sudden death of King Vinco, the empire fell apart, as his eight sons fought for control. Eight separate empires were formed by each son and to this day the empires still fight for control. What was the Great Empire has descended into just a Lorn Empire. End the wars once and for all and unite the fragments of the former Great Empire.

Anywho, if you don't that's cool. But I thought this added more depth and opened up the possibility of naming the Empires after the king's sons, if you so desire.

Some other things:
  1. The impassable between Infernal 1 and Waters 4 is unnecessary, since there's a water connection there. I suggest just dropping the sea route and erase the impassable on that border.
  2. With rds' suggestion, I think the bonus should be even higher than what he proposed, because the way you have things, it's rather easy to go for a quick elimination, so there has to be a large incentive for going into the middle.
  3. Related to #2, I'm wondering if bombardment borders would be better than standard assault borders. This would help to eliminate the quick elimination strategy (lol). You could potentially use the Barracks in this way.
  4. Just do +2 for every 3 empire territories - it's more balanced, I think, and it will clear up a fair amount of legend space.
  5. The +1 for each castle seems unnecessary to me, as there's already enough incentive for taking someone's castle, and it would just help the guy in the lead (which is no fun :P).
  6. More of a frivolous graphics thing, but you could have a sweet bridge connecting Waters 1 and Knights 4 instead of a dotted line :D
That's all for now!


Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:22 am
by natty dread
Although I wouldn't make the barracks bombard, but the ranged attack seems a good idea.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:12 pm
by ISN2
rdsrds2120 wrote:You know what would be really cool? If instead of getting +8 autodeploy on the posts, if holding one of them gave you +1 troop per 2 regions in the center or something. Or, if you were to split up more places in the center, +1 for 3 or 4 or something. Looks good, hope it goes through!

Also, maybe if the Barracks could be more involved with something, have them be able to bombard or something. Or be able to attack more than one space away. Just a thought. :D


Thanks rdsrds2120 for nice ideas, I'm going to use some of them in my next update =D>

Victor Sullivan wrote:
natty_dread wrote:
rdsrds2120 wrote:You know what would be really cool? If instead of getting +8 autodeploy on the posts, if holding one of them gave you +1 troop per 2 regions in the center or something. Or, if you were to split up more places in the center, +1 for 3 or 4 or something. Looks good, hope it goes through!

Also, maybe if the Barracks could be more involved with something, have them be able to bombard or something. Or be able to attack more than one space away. Just a thought. :D


I support these ideas!

Thirded! Especially that one point about bombarding... :P

Anywho, I noticed there were some spelling and grammar mistakes in the background story, and instead of just correcting them for you, I decided to rewrite the story. See how you like it:
Many years ago in a long forgotten land, there was a glorious empire called "The Great Empire". The empire controlled a vast amount of land, from the mountains in the North, to the seas of the South. After the sudden death of King Vinco, the empire fell apart, as his eight sons fought for control. Eight separate empires were formed by each son and to this day the empires still fight for control. What was the Great Empire has descended into just a Lorn Empire. End the wars once and for all and unite the fragments of the former Great Empire.

Anywho, if you don't that's cool. But I thought this added more depth and opened up the possibility of naming the Empires after the king's sons, if you so desire.

Some other things:
  1. The impassable between Infernal 1 and Waters 4 is unnecessary, since there's a water connection there. I suggest just dropping the sea route and erase the impassable on that border.
  2. With rds' suggestion, I think the bonus should be even higher than what he proposed, because the way you have things, it's rather easy to go for a quick elimination, so there has to be a large incentive for going into the middle.
  3. Related to #2, I'm wondering if bombardment borders would be better than standard assault borders. This would help to eliminate the quick elimination strategy (lol). You could potentially use the Barracks in this way.
  4. Just do +2 for every 3 empire territories - it's more balanced, I think, and it will clear up a fair amount of legend space.
  5. The +1 for each castle seems unnecessary to me, as there's already enough incentive for taking someone's castle, and it would just help the guy in the lead (which is no fun :P).
  6. More of a frivolous graphics thing, but you could have a sweet bridge connecting Waters 1 and Knights 4 instead of a dotted line :D
That's all for now!


Thanks for rewriting the story, I like it and will use it in next update but i may change a little of it.

Also another thanks for your nice ideas too, I will use some of them :D

natty_dread wrote:Although I wouldn't make the barracks bombard, but the ranged attack seems a good idea.

I must look more to see how can I add some balanced bombard or ranged attack.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:32 pm
Wishing you all the best on this fantastic map ! :)

Can't wait to play on it :) Looks like it will be a great 2 player map as well :)

Cheers m8 !

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 5 - Page 4, Post 13 Needs To Check)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:36 pm
by Victor Sullivan
How goes the update? I'm looking forward to seeing it ;)

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 6 - Page 5)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:09 am
by ISN2
Lorn Empire

Many years ago in a forgotten land, there was a glorious empire called "The Great Empire". The empire controlled a vast amount of land, from the mountains in the North, to the seas of the South. After the death of King Glore, the empire fell apart, as his eight sons fought for control. Eight empires were formed by each son and to this day the empires still fight for control. What was the Great Empire has descended into just a Lorn Empire. End the wars once and reunite the former Great Empire.

Map Size: 82 Territories (Total)
Play Type Support: All Types
Starting Territories (Where Players May Start): 8
Auto Deploy Territories: 12 (8 Barracks, 4 Post)
Bonus Territories: 8 Castles
Combined Bonus Territories: 56 (All Territories In Empires)
Winning Conditions: Take Out All Other Rivals
Losing Conditions: Get Taken Out Or Have No Castles

Update 6:
1. Several gameplay rules are changed.

2. Two graphical docks are added and an extra sea connection has been removed.

3. Some other small graphical changes are done.

4. Default natural armies are shown on the map.

5. Legend is updated.

Click image to enlarge.

Map Rules:
1. Each player starts the game on 1 or 2 castles depending on number of players.

2. Each castle has 4 armies at start and has a +1 deployment bonus.

3. Players get 1 army per every 3 territories. The minimum army getting is 3 armies (Like normal maps).

4. There is a barracks territory in each empire bordering the castle with 4 naturals on it. The barracks territory has an auto deploy bonus of 4 per turn.

5. All other empire territories will start with 2 naturals on them except 2 bordering territories with other empires that will start with 16 naturals.

6. Having any 5 empire territories will have a +4 bonus.
Note: castle and barracks are counted as empire territories too.

7. Having any 2 farmland territories will have a +1 bonus.
Note: posts are counted as farmland territories too.

8. Every player must have at least 1 castle or will be eliminated.

9. The farmlands in middle of map have low number of naturals on them, 2 or 4 except bordering farmlands with empires that have 28 naturals.

10. There are territories in farmlands named "Grail Caravan", "Silk Villages", "Viller Camp" and "Tent" that will start with 16 naturals on each and will have an auto deploy of 6 each turn.

11. Out ways of each empire will start with 16 naturals at start.

Re: Lorn Empire (Update 6 - Page 5)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:47 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Yes, yes! Nice to see an update! ;) Some comments:
ISN2 wrote:End the wars once and reunite the former Great Empire.
This should be "End the wars once and for all and reunite the former Great Empire" or just "End the wars and reunite the former Great Empire".

ISN2 wrote:Map Rules:
1. Each player starts the game on 1 or 2 castles depending on number of players.
Yes, good. And with the new XML we can make it so that the maximum amount of castles one can have is two.

2. Each castle has 4 armies at start and has a +1 deployment bonus.
Alright, I think this is good.

3. Players get 1 army per every 3 territories. The minimum army getting is 3 armies (Like normal maps).
Yup, this is fine, too.

4. There is a barracks territory in each empire bordering the castle with 4 naturals on it. The barracks territory has an auto deploy bonus of 4 per turn.
Meh, I think you could stand to increase the neutrals to like 12, so you have to invest in it.

5. All other empire territories will start with 2 naturals on them except 2 bordering territories with other empires that will start with 16 naturals.
Okay, I agree you have the right idea, but maybe consider increasing it just a bit more - to around 19-21. Like I've said before, quick elimination = bad.

6. Having any 5 empire territories will have a +4 bonus.
Note: castle and barracks are counted as empire territories too.
I think this is a little high. Maybe do something like "hold all regions surrounding your castle for +3". You could potentially exclude the Barracks from this - it might be a good idea, actually.

7. Having any 2 farmland territories will have a +1 bonus.
Note: posts are counted as farmland territories too.
Is this in addition to the standard territory bonus? I think it should be - promote movement into the center farmlands.

8. Every player must have at least 1 castle or will be eliminated.
Yes, good.

9. The farmlands in middle of map have low number of naturals on them, 2 or 4 except bordering farmlands with empires that have 28 naturals.
Whoa! 28 neutrals?? You want them to go in the middle. Make those 2 neutrals, as well, not 28.

10. There are territories in farmlands named "Grail Caravan", "Silk Villages", "Viller Camp" and "Tent" that will start with 16 naturals on each and will have an auto deploy of 6 each turn.
Alright, this is decent. 16 seems fairly reasonable, though since it's in the middle you should consider lowering it to 12.

11. Out ways of each empire will start with 16 naturals at start.
You already said this :P But I'll say again, these territories should have around 19-21 neutrals, I think.


Re: Lorn Empire (Update 6 - Page 5)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:50 am
by MarshalNey
I'm still catching up on my reading in forums after my hiatus, and I apologize ISN2 for not commenting yet. I'll look this over thoroughly tomorrow, I promise 8-[

What I see, however, I like and the first post is excellent (thank you!)

-- Marshal Ney