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Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:48 pm
by rhp 1
not sure where this goes, so i posted in QandA also.. anyhow.. In freestyle games when attacking from one terit to another terit (using clickable maps obviously) and the terit you choose to attack to or fort to is not possible... (wrong territory clicked on).. a pop-up window stating that "...x...terit cannot be attacked from ....x...territ, or something to that the time you click ok, your stack is smashed like grape being made into wine... is there anyway to disable this pop-up from occuring.. I know when i've clicked on the wrong thing.. I don't need a pop-up telling me so and costing me the game.. thanx for any help you can provide..

Re: Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:07 pm
by sherkaner
Ah, right. I never get complains about that, and I hardly ever get it myself. But it's easy to remove if you know how the code works.
Maybe I should get a new version out with that removed, it doesn't really serve a purpose besides informing the user.

Lines (2 times):
Code: Select all
   alert(tName+' is not accessible from '+fromTerritory);
}, 200);

Re: Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:20 pm
by rhp 1
sherkaner wrote:Ah, right. I never get complains about that, and I hardly ever get it myself. But it's easy to remove if you know how the code works.
Maybe I should get a new version out with that removed, it doesn't really serve a purpose besides informing the user.

Lines (2 times):
Code: Select all
   alert(tName+' is not accessible from '+fromTerritory);
}, 200); i'm sorry that your clicking is infallible where mine apparently is not...the only conclusion I'm able to reach is that i'm moving across the board so fast that my brain is unable to keep up with my middle finger, with is now outstretched and pointed in your general direction.. lol ...jk.. anyhow, I have seen other top freestlyers have the same compaint, so i know i'm not the only one..... I play on a monitor made in 1943 i believe, and in order to get the max amount of info on the screen, i have to use the smaller map size, so the crosshairs don't always light up on the correct terit..
and i could be wrong, but your reply sounded a lot like you were callin me out.. lol.. i'd love to see what you thought about my haphazard clicking once our game was over, as their are few on this site that can consistently beat me, much less keep up with my speed.. lol.. thanx for the help... appreciated..

Re: Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:57 pm
by sherkaner
Hmm, I was just trying to explain why I didn't do it already. And I don't really like freestyle speed (last non-battle royal game I played was in 2008 actually), that might have something to do with it.

Re: Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:17 pm
by rhp 1
sherkaner wrote:Hmm, I was just trying to explain why I didn't do it already. And I don't really like freestyle speed (last non-battle royal game I played was in 2008 actually), that might have something to do with it.

Aw man.. I was just messin with... note all the "lol's"... and yea... seq is like gouging my eyes out with a piece of carpet.. so boring and slow.. but if you could do something about the damn pop-up I would be forever indebted to you... really my only complaint about the site.. (and not that it's a huge complaint)...

Re: Clickable map pop-up window..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:29 pm
by sherkaner
You don't like slow, do you..
Version without that alert: ... e_.user.js

I've tried to fix something with auto-attack too, gotta test that first before I'll let everyone upgrade.