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BOB 5.3.0

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BOB 5.3.0

Postby sherkaner on Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:12 pm

What is BOB
Temp download link. Http://
Chrome users must open the Bob link in a new tab to install

BOB is a script that adds some functionality to this site, especially to the game-pages. Most of that functionality can be altered or turned on/off by the menu at the left of the screen.

2 of the most used added functionalities are the statistics table and the Map Inspect.
The statistics-table is created from the logs, it shows for example how many armies someone received last time they started a turn. It also calculates how many territories everyone has in a fog-game.
The map inspect-feature makes it possible to highlight some territories on the screen, for example to check which territories could give you a bonus. Highlighting is done by hovering over certain elements:
players/teams in the statistics-table or on the right: highlight all territories of this player/team.
card: highlight territory belonging to this card.
Bonus/'continent' in the statistics-table or on the right (if enabled): Highlight all territories belonging to this bonus (if you need 5 out of 9, it will highlight all 9 territories).
Territories on the map: Highlight (with a certain convention) the territories that border this territory.
6 different options atm: Border (2-way attack), attack-only, defend-only, bombard, bombarded by, mutual bombard

How to install
BOB works for both Chrome and Firefox by default, but firefox needs greasemonkey installed.
See this thread for the whole installation-guide for firefox.
If you have Greasemonkey installed already, or you're using chrome, just click the following link, it will try to install immediately: GET BOB
Http:// (find Bob)

If the BOB-script doesn't work properly directly after an update (I've seen it show 2 bob-menu's on the left), try to pres 'ctrl-f5' once or twice. This should reload the page without using the cache (and thereby refreshing it). If that doesn't solve it, or you have another kind of problem, please put it in this thread (and try to put some details in it, maybe a certain map, a particular action).

If you can think of any improvements that can be made, please share them by posting in this thread. I'll try to keep my TODO-list below updated.
Changes in version 5.3.0:
Fixed small bug when text map was enabled.

Changes in version 5.2.9:
Config script location was sometimes still wrong on game pages, identifying it a bit different now.

Changes in version 5.2.7/ 5.2.8:
Updated colors to be loaded in the script till 12 players + colour codes,
Poly-games are now seen as proper team games,
Flat-rate spoils estimate should be correct again now,
If a bonus is done through the collections feature, bonusses should show up correctly again.
Updated jquery to 2.0.3

show: older versions

Older versions : see yeti_c's old thread
Last edited by sherkaner on Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:36 am, edited 45 times in total.
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby sherkaner on Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:58 pm

got rid of the old posts, 84 pages was a bit too much.
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby Chewie1 on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:18 pm


Just clicked on ' upgrade available' on my BOB menu.
After it was installed, when I now take a turn and click on side stats on the right handside of map instead of the players stats dropping down it takes me to the top of page and then when I scroll back down it has made all the players names dissapear from the right handside.
The only way to see stats is to look underneath the map.
Any idea how I could fix this?

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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby sherkaner on Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:22 pm

Hmm, I see what you mean. Unintended consequence of a change, gonna have to think about how to solve that one.
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby LLLUUUKKKEEE on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:58 pm

you should probably fix the link in the BoB menu to this forum now too!
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby Chewie1 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:45 am

sherkaner wrote:Hmm, I see what you mean. Unintended consequence of a change, gonna have to think about how to solve that one.

Phew glad its not just me then.
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby Swifte on Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:31 am

When I hover over the name of my spoils, they are no longer highlighted on the map. Is anyone else having that problem since upgrading?
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:42 am

I have had my update flashing for a long time now and I resisted the urge to upgrade and my old BOB works like it always did.....just fine
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby sniffie on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:11 pm

Swifte wrote:When I hover over the name of my spoils, they are no longer highlighted on the map. Is anyone else having that problem since upgrading?

I have te same problem, now I notice how much I always depended on BOB.

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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby SirSebstar on Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:49 pm

sniffie wrote:
Swifte wrote:When I hover over the name of my spoils, they are no longer highlighted on the map. Is anyone else having that problem since upgrading?

I have te same problem, now I notice how much I always depended on BOB.


me 3.
i upgraded firefox though to 9.0.1
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Re: BOB 5.1.9

Postby Chewie1 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:40 pm

sherkaner wrote:Hmm, I see what you mean. Unintended consequence of a change, gonna have to think about how to solve that one.

Fixed with the latest upgrade. Thankyou.

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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:57 am

Okay, I recently switched to Firefox for my default browser and I downloaded Greasemonkey and some scripts...

BOB is frackin' amazing. Blows my mind. Well done, sherkaner (and yeti_c)! And thanks for maintaining it, sherk :)

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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Frop on Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:01 am

There's something going on with the territory count since 5.2.0 (for example Game 10198534). It's showing the correct number of regions directly followed by a (seemingly) random number - 258, 227, 2212 and 208.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:27 am

Frop wrote:There's something going on with the territory count since 5.2.0 (for example Game 10198534). It's showing the correct number of regions directly followed by a (seemingly) random number - 258, 227, 2212 and 208.

To be more precise, it happened in version 5.1.7 or 5.1.9 for the first time, and happens for standard (not extended) stats, the total bonus for teams is put directly behind the amount of territories.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ChronicPound on Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:29 pm

My screenshot hyperlinks in the chat window no longer work. They don't revert to the screenshot, but merely keep the map as currently is. Is anyone else noticing the same thing?
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:39 pm

There have been reports of problems such as this, but I thought that they had been fixed in the latest version of BOB: 5.2.0. Make sure that BOB, Greasemonkey and your browser are all up to date.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Slaylark on Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:28 am

ever since i upgraded to bob 5.2.0, my clickable map options are not present on the left hand column anyomore and now my clickcalbe respond like they would if i was playing on windows internet exploror. i hate that right click left click mix up in th IE. i loved the way it worked with firefox . any idea on how this happened? i have newest clickables downloaded as well. but it still isnt appearing in the left hand side.. thoughts?
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:47 am

Hmm, you're talking about the site's clickable maps and greasemonkey script clickable maps.
Can't tell from here, do any errors show up when you load a game page?
(ctrl-shift-j, clear before going to a page, and check whether there are errors. Warnings are not relevant.)
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Slaylark on Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:00 pm

sherkaner wrote:Hmm, you're talking about the site's clickable maps and greasemonkey script clickable maps.
Can't tell from here, do any errors show up when you load a game page?
(ctrl-shift-j, clear before going to a page, and check whether there are errors. Warnings are not relevant.)

ty for the input tried that clear option, and for what ever reason it is back in the left hand column, ty :)
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby dakky21 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:24 am

I still can't load screenshot from chat. Clicking on the link does nothing. No other scripts are installed.
FF 3.6.25
BOB 5.2.0
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:38 pm

You may have to bite the bullet and upgrade to a much later version of Firefox. Granted, there were issues with scripts under FF 4 or 5 (I forget), but up here at FF 9.0.1, things are fine. You may find FF performance in general improved as well.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:02 pm

also, there is a possibility that snapshot wasn't taken properly (because of the bug), and that could be why the link doesn't work.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Dako on Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:17 pm

Found a funny bug.

If you cash a set of spoils and get +2 on some region, BOB will count it into "Last bonus" column because the wording is the same for auto-deploy regions (like castes in AoR) and for the +2 bonus from the set ^^.

And another one.
Get a game with some eliminated players. Click on "Hide eliminated players" in the extended stats table. Then click on refresh. Check that "Hide eliminated players" turned to "show eliminated players" and no longer works.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Leverpuller on Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:05 am

Need your help. I recently converted to Firefox and installed Bob. However, two things happened. My user menus on the left disappeared. And the timers all showed Na:aN. When I disabled greasemonkey, everything went back to normal.
I then asked tech support what to do and they advised me to uninstall and reinstall Bob. Problem is, I can't seem to uninstall Bob now. When I click on the monkey icon on the top right, there is no such option available to me. Can u please help?
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:35 pm

Leverpuller wrote:Need your help. I recently converted to Firefox and installed Bob. However, two things happened. My user menus on the left disappeared. And the timers all showed Na:aN. When I disabled greasemonkey, everything went back to normal.
I then asked tech support what to do and they advised me to uninstall and reinstall Bob. Problem is, I can't seem to uninstall Bob now. When I click on the monkey icon on the top right, there is no such option available to me. Can u please help?

Since you are a recent convert to Firefox, I will presume you have the latest version. (I'm running using the release update channel, which is up to date at 9.0.1.) Click the down arrow next to the monkey icon, and the menu that appears should have a "Manage User Scripts..." item, which, when selected, will take you to the Add-ons Manager for Firefox. Each script you are using should have its own entry there, with Options, Disable and Remove buttons. Remove BOB. The symptoms you describe with BOB suggest that you have the wrong version installed. Follow the instructions in the Conquer Club User Guides to get things the way they are supposed to be. If you still have trouble, let us know, in case the Guides have gotten out of date. (This isn't likely, as they are quite recent, and I think well laid out for staying up to date, but things happen.)
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