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Re: iPhone and iTouch App

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:04 am
by Travin
And about 3rd-party apps - they all use facebook API and pass variables to the facebook site. You are passing them to your own script (mobile.php) which ... people don't usually trust.

Actually, it is using the same POST variable passing that facebook and Conquer Club use. So it is as secure as this site with the exception of the pages being served on my own site. No sure why you think people don't trust PHP when every page on this site as well as much of the internet is served via PHP. /shrug

Also, I've never seen or played you before so I can't really say that I trust your word.

Heh, see you on the battlefield.

Re: iPhone and iTouch App

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:06 am
by Travin
will it work for the droid?

It should work on any phone with a browser and an internet connection.

Re: iPhone and iTouch App

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:33 am
by pont
travin - i play using the main site on my iphone. one of the biggest problems is that you cant see much of the log because you cant scroll taht frame.
if you can think of a way of showing the logs easier that would be cool. Maybe have a filter on there so you only show certain lines. maybe filter on player, the turn phase (deploy/attack/reenforce). that way you can see what other people have been up to on their turns which you can't at the moment.

just looked at your site - wasnt my turn to play a move so didnt see how that worked, but the page was full of all the comments! need to make that area smaller!
