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Concept: Something

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:35 pm
by dakky21
Map Name: TBA
Mapmaker(s): me
Number of Territories: TBA
Special Features: bombardments
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: linear, but could be fun

Map Image:
Click image to enlarge.

The idea came with those Antarctica 12P games which had those really weird settings - it is linear, everyone has equal chances on any setting (while some are more fun than others). The MIDDLE RED circle can bombard each player's starting territory and if successful, kick them out of the game, just like on Antarctica. Starting terrorizes cant't be attacked anyhow else.

I want to know if this concept could work before staring to make a map. The gameplay is what bothers me, would this work since it's so linear? Basically another Antarctica (maybe I could make Arctic?) but with a twist - the middle one resets to neutral... and that was the idea..

On Antarctica on any settings in Escalating the -10 soon become obsolete when sets come in, so the reset to neutral could be one setting more to look at (not too much difference when in trench, though), but anyway, a liner map with one single goal - be first to reach the North pole (or whatever) and you win... probably not in a no spoils game though :)

Inspired by this Game 16997192 .. it's going to be a massive build and never ending one. Because South Pole doesn't resets and let's you to kill bases... So you need to advance in trench and stay alive for one turn and plan when to do that so you can have another set which will happen never I guess.

Re: Concept: Something

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:44 pm
by IcePack
If you base this on darts, it works very similar but you would have the extra benefits of having the doubles and triples lines as well as the area around the bullseye you could impliment some other strategy game play instead of basing off antarctica / artic geography again

Re: Concept: Something

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:22 pm
by dakky21
Ice, forget the darts, I'll make a ground configuration of an imaginary planet. But the sole gameplay is in question here....

I can make it look great, but would people play on such a map, thats the question... does it need borders, randomness etc. The graphics part is less concern, but I need to know gameplay before starting to draw...

in example... divide each sector by two, so each has 8 instead of 4 territories, maybe some impassable lakes or mountains etc. and where they should be located.... to keep it balanced for everyone AND... LINEAR for everyone so each player has same chances... etc... this was quickly drawn in paint but the next version will be a photoshop one...

Just asking gameplay wise... would this work? If yes then I can move on.