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Avalanche in Europe II - sundance123 WINS! FINAL

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:16 pm
by TheCrown
This is the 3rd of a series of tournaments using this format: Mountain Combat
THEME: European Lands II

sundance123 wins the tourney
sundance123 wins the GA medal


GA MEDAL will be given for most wins on a mountain.

This is a fast paced (24 hour games) tourney and will finish probably within a month.
It is 1 vs. 1 and each person in this tournament starts at the top of their mountain and tries to avalanche (or win) as much of their mountain as possible. I will all the participants who then, in turn, will pick the map they want to be their mountain. ***When you are PMed, you will have 24 hours to supply me with a map that you want to use. If missed, you will be put at the bottom of the list. There are 14 people below you. You will also start in 14 other positions on 14 other mountains.

Top of the mountain plays next 2 people down the mountain, and if you win 1 or both, you continue down the leg, making it possible for you to win 14 games on your mountain... example (sorry for the crude drawing, but you get my point):


If you lose, then the person that beats you can avalanche part of your mountain by playing and winning below them. You will be on 15 different mountains, and win the tourney by having won the most mountains with your avalanches. You win a mountain by having the most wins on it (if tied, each tied person wins the mountain). Possible wins: Own mountain = 14 .... level 2 staring = 7 .... level 3 starting = 3 .... bottom level 7 starting = 1
If more than one player is tied at the end with # of mountains won, then # of games won in the tourney will then decide the winner. You will play at least 4 games at a time, depending on how well you win and the games will keep coming like an avalanche. The total # of games that can possibly be played is 48 if you win all of them.


Map Picking Order:
1. crazymilkshake5 - Rail Europe
2. Jerz - Scotland
3. Roxo - Berlin1961
4. plurple - Austro-Hungarian Empire
5. danalan - Portugal
6. topflite - Portugal
7. togcat - Scotland
8. TheCrown - Battle for Iraq
9. Armonier - Nordic Countries
10. chapcrap - Rail Europe
11. richman688 - Unification Germany
12. General_Tao - The Netherlands
13. nyrajf - Nordic Countries
14. Barns - Unification Italy
15. mcshanester29 - Berlin1961
16. Lt Corwin - Unification Germany
17. dwenell - The Netherlands
18. sundance123 - Battle for Iraq
19. fookeh - Unification Italy
20. PBecquey - Austro-Hungarian Empire

1. giannikas


*player* = win
player = loss

Mountain #1 - Rail Europe
fookeh & *PBecquey*
*mschane* & Lt C --- dwen & *sund*
tog & Crown --- Armon & chap --- rich & General --- ny & Barns

Mountain #2 - Scotland
PB & *crazy*
*Lt C* & dwen --- *sund* & fook
Crown & Armon --- chap & rich --- General & ny --- Barns & mcshane

Mountain #3 - Berlin1961
crazy & *Jerz*
*dwen* & *sund* --- fook & PB
Armon & chap --- rich & General --- ny & Barns --- mcshane & Lt C

Mountain #4 - Austro-Hungarian Empire
Jerz & Roxo
sund & fook --- PB & *crazy*
chap & rich --- General & ny --- Barns & mcshane --- Lt C & dwen

Mountain #5 - Portugal
*Roxo* & *plurp*
*fook* & *PB* --- crazy & *Jerz*
rich & General --- ny & Barns --- mcshane & Lt C --- dwen & sund

Mountain #6 - Portugal
*plurp* & *dana*
*PB* & *crazy* --- Jerz & Roxo
General & ny --- Barns & mcshane --- Lt C & dwen --- sund & fook

Mountain #7 - Scotland
*dana* & topf
*crazy* & *Jerz* --- Roxo & *plurp*
ny & Barns --- mcshane & Lt C --- dwen & sund --- fook & PB

Mountain #8 - Battle for Iraq!
topf & tog
*Jerz* & Roxo --- plurp & dana
Barns & mcshane --- Lt C & dwen --- sund & fook --- PB & crazy

Mountain #9 - Nordic Countries
*tog* & *Crown*
Roxo & plurp --- dana & topf
mcshane & Lt C --- dwen & sund --- fook & PB --- crazy & Jerz

Mountain #10 - Rail Europe
*Crown* & Armon
plurp & dana --- topf & *tog*
Lt C & dwen --- sund & fook --- PB & crazy --- Jerz & Roxo

Mountain #11 - Unification Germany
*Armon* & chap
dana & topf --- *tog* & *Crown*
dwen & sund --- fook & PB --- crazy & Jerz --- Roxo & plurp

Mountain #12 - Netherlands
chap & *rich*
topf & *tog* --- Crown & Armon
sund & fook --- PB & crazy --- Jerz & Roxo --- plurp & dana

Mountain #13 - Nordic Countries
rich & *General*
tog & Crown --- Armon & chap
fook & PB --- crazy & Jerz --- Roxo & plurp --- dana & topf

Mountain #14 - Unification Italy
General & ny
*Crown* & Armon --- *chap* & *rich*
PB & crazy --- Jerz & Roxo --- plurp & dana --- topf & tog

Mountain #15 - Berlin1961
ny & Barns
Armon & *chap* --- rich & General
crazy & Jerz --- Roxo & plurp --- dana & topf --- tog & Crown

Mountain #16 - Unification Germany
Lt Corwin
Barns & *mschane*
chap & *rich* --- General & ny
Jerz & Roxo --- plurp & dana --- topf & tog --- Crown & Armon

Mountain #17 - Netherlands
*mcshane* & Lt C
rich & *General* --- *ny* & Barns
Roxo & plurp --- dana & topf --- tog & Crown --- Armon & chap

Mountain #18 - Battle for Iraq!
Lt C & dwen
General & ny --- Barns & mcshane
plurp & dana --- topf & tog --- Crown & Armon --- chap & rich

Mountain #19 - Unification Italy
dwen & *sund*
*ny* & Barns --- *mcshane* & Lt C
dana & topf --- tog & Crown --- Armon & chap --- rich & General

Mountain #20 - Austro-Hungarian Empire
*sund* & fook
Barns & *mcshane* --- Lt C & dwen
topf & tog --- Crown & Armon --- chap & rich --- General & ny

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [1/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:23 pm
by General_Tao
Ok Crown, I'm in.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [1/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:25 pm
by fookeh
I'm in and will do better this time around!!!

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [1/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:26 pm
by crazymilkshake5
in plz

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [4/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:43 pm
by TheCrown
Oops, Reserved.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [4/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:45 pm
by Roxo
I'm in!

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [5/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:18 pm
by General_Tao
looking forward to this, thanks for putting it up, Crown.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [5/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:18 pm
by Armonier
OK, sign me up.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [5/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:22 pm
by danalan
In please, Berlin.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [5/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:37 pm
by richman688
Yea I am in

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [8/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:49 pm
by PBecquey
In, please.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [9/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:50 pm
by nyrajf
I'll play. Thanks!

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [9/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:52 pm
by General_Tao
Is it too early to pick a map? I'll go with either the Netherlands or Scotland.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [10/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:58 pm
by TheCrown
Yes, too early for map picking. As per my instructions in the 1st post, once the tourney is full, then the participants will be randomized, then from the top down we pick maps, 1 at a time.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [10/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:39 pm
by Jerz
Count me in Crown, looks like fun!

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [11/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:42 pm
by plurple
in pls

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [12/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:09 pm
by topflite
Me in please. :ugeek:

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [14/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:36 pm
by mcshanester29
in please :)

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [15/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:25 pm
by Lt Corwin
In please.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [15/20]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:50 pm
by Barns
I'm in! Portugal. Thanks Crown.

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [17/20]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:48 am
by togcat
I'm in

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [17/20]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:49 am
by togcat
I'm in

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [17/20]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:48 am
by sundance123
in please

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [17/20]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:13 am
by dwenell
I'll give it a go!

Re: Avalanche in Europe II [19/20]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:55 pm
by chapcrap
I'm in.