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Bretton Woods
In July of 1944 Allied victory in World War II was starting to become obvious. On the Russian Front, Operation Bagration had begun in late June, and by mid-August it would have led to half a million German casualties, leaving the road to central Europe open for Russian forces. In France, the British took Caen in a brutal battle of attrition, while the Americans galloped across an almost-undefended Cotentin Peninsula. In the Pacific, the Japanese were in full reverse. The Americans took Saipan on July 9th, then landed at Guam on July 21st.
With victory almost completely certain, the year in politics was spent mainly in planning for the post-war world. From July 1st to 22nd, representatives from all 44 allied nations gathered at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire to hammer out the post-war financial order. The negotiators created the IMF and the IBRD (which later became the World Bank). They agreed to dismantle the Bank of International Settlement (although that decision was never implemented) and proposed (but failed to agree on) various other international institutions.
In the end, 43 of the 44 Allies agreed to the broad thrust of the Bretton Woods agreement, which had negotiated exchange values for all major currencies, and all being universally convertible to both gold and the U.S. dollar. The one holdout was the Soviet Union, which walked away from the agreement, protesting that it would "reduce all national banks to being branches of Wall Street." The complaint was not entirely unfounded, as Bretton Woods did mark the beginning of a world dominated by American commercial interests.
For students of economics, Bretton Woods marks the one and only major economic milestone that was settled and negotiated by (most) of the world's nations. All major economic shifts before or since were either stumbled into by accident (by climate shifts, or technological change) or imposed unilaterally by one ascendant power (Venice in the 12th century, Holland in the 16th, Britain in the 18th).
The Bretton Woods agreement was fatally wounded in 1971. The U.S. was suffering major financial dislocation as a result of Vietnam War expenditure, and in August of 1971 Richard Nixon unilaterally broke the link between gold and the U.S. dollar. Officially, the system continued, but with its one overwhelmingly-dominant power no longer participating, it was only a matter of time until the system collapsed.
In 1976 the Jamaica Accords were signed, officially admitting that Bretton Woods was dead and laying the agreement to rest.
Settings -- Bronze
Map: Jamaica
Players Per Game: 4
Game Type: Standard
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: None
Reinforcements: Unlimited
Round Limit: 20 or 30
Round Length: 24 Hours or 2 Minute Speed
Joinablility: Public
Settings -- Silver
Map: World War II Western Front
Players Per Game: 8
Game Type: Doubles
Initial Troops: Manual
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Nuclear
Reinforcements: ANY
FOG: Yes
Round Limit: 20 or 30
Round Length: 24 Hours or 2 Minute Speed
Joinablility: Public
Settings -- Gold
Map: Pirates and Merchants
Players Per Game: 6
Game Type: Terminator
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Flat Rate
Reinforcements: Chained
Round Limit: 20 or 30
Round Length: 24 Hours or 2 Minute Speed
Joinablility: Public
Settings -- Platinum
Map: World 2.1
Players Per Game: 7
Game Type: Assassin
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: None
FOG: Yes
Round Limit: 20 or 30
Round Length: 24 Hours or 2 Minute Speed
Joinablility: Public
Medal Criteria
- Tokens are for wins only
- 1944 points are required for a medal.
- You must have two or more kinds of token, including and at least one Gold medal.
- Each Bronze win scores 90 points
- Each Silver win scores 110 points
- Each Gold win scores 135 points
- Each Platinum win scores 200 points.
- *No sign-ups required. Monthly Challenge FAQs.
- Games must start between CC Time: 2024-07-05 09:00:00 and CC Time: 2024-07-31 23:59:59 to be considered for the challenge.
- Wins will count until CC Time: 2024-08-31 23:59:59.
- Any issues will be solved by Dukasaur, and His word is final.