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Best Prison Plan Ever...Not in America!!!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:31 pm
by ConfederateSS
----------So for 10 years... Detroit was the USA's murder capital...We lost our title, years ago, that happens when you get less people through murder,less people to kill....Now New Orleans is the USA's murder capital... Taken from St.Lo...,taken from Baltimore....

----------Around the same time....El Salvador was Murder capital of the world....I don't know if the death squads worked for the government, gangs, or both....Murder capital none the less....

-----------O.K....To many years of liberals in America, soft on crime...Our prisons are like Spas or Vacation resorts...Hotels, schools of crime... pampered criminals....For those who make to prison....

----------- El Salvador has turned their country around....Crime, death is the lowest in years...El Salvador has become one of the safest places on Earth...How did the President of El Salvador turn things around???...With a brilliant,old school prison plan...

----------- Unlike in America where prisoners get what ever the what... Especially, contact with the outside world... Special Visits... ;) ;) ...
----------- El Salvador has cut off contact with the outside world for prisoners....No Internet, no visits by people from the outside.....They have used the Prison to stop crime in the country.....If gangs don't stop their activities on the outside....El Salvador starves the prisoners/Gang leaders...Crime dropped to record lows... =D> ... That's crime prevention... Paying Attention America. :!: ...
.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)