Hi friends, its time for the 2.version on my conquest master terminator tournament, I felt the first one was a sucsess, here is the link to that one: viewtopic.php?t=240822
V.2 will be bigger and hopefully better, we will go from 10maps pr round too 15, and instead of alle sweep being scored the same, it wil be different levels depending on how hard it is to sweep the map. Put down your score when signing up, I will use those scores to seed the players, when I make the games for round.1. The players will be split into groups of 8. In the following rounds, the groups will be made based on the performance of the earlier rounds. The highest scoring player gets seed 1 etc.. Each group will play 15 games, and the games will come in just 1 batch (so premium players only).
In round 1 you will get 1 point for a kill, and 3 points for the win, and if you do a clean sweep (kill all 7 players on the same turn) you will get a 3points for an easy sweep, 5points for a medium sweep and 8points for a hard sweep. The points do carry over, but in round 2 the points double (2p for a kill, 6 win, etc.), and in round 3 it will double again and, and so on. (I did this because I wanted every game played to have an impact on the winner of the tourney, but even if you have not done good the rounds before, you could have a shot to turn it around and win, because of more points to play for). 4 players from each group goes through to the next round.
Taking the objective does not count as a kill/kills. If you win on most troops after the round limit has been reach, you would also don't get the kill/kills. If 2 or more players are tied, the tiebreakers are as follows : 1.Most kills 2.Most wins 3.Lowest seed advances. This is so we don't slow down the tournament anymore. But if it is a tie for 1. in the final, then the winner of the tournament will be decided by a tiebreaker match.
Tiebreaking rules for seeds : 1.Place in group 2.Most kills 3.Previous Seed
Medium Sweeps: Lunar War New World Clandemonium King's Court Jamaica Treasures Of Galapagos Woodboro Spanish Armada
Hard Sweeps: Feudal Epic Peloponnesian War Classic Conquest
Settings : Game Type - 8 Player Terminator Play Order - Sequential Troop Deployment - Automatic Spoils - Escalating Reinforcements - Chained Special Gameplay - Fog, no trench Round limit - 20 rounds