Pick your favorite available character from the list below and remember NO bowling shoes allowed. Barefoot bowlers only!!!
https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkP ... /giphy.gif
Rules and scoring below.
This will be a mix of 1 vs. 1 play (frames 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10)
and 7-8 player multi-games (frames 4 &

Each bowler will roll a series (three full games) and highest series score wins the tournament.
* I would also like to thank vykingsfan64 for inspiring this tourney. He ran something similar years back that was enjoyable.
Champion -- 300 CC credits
2nd place -- 100 CC credits
3rd place -- 50 CC credits
*High individual game -- 50 CC credits (to be shared if a tie)

Map list by frame:
Settings: Escalating, chained, fog

Scoring tables

* In the case of the multi games. If players are eliminated in the same round, players will be ranked on how many territories they lost during the round. Most territories is better rank.
* If you are unfamiliar with the sport of bowling.
The basics are if you get a strike, you get 10 pins + your next two balls.
if you get a spare, you get 10 pins + your next one ball
if you get an open frame (less than 10 pins) you only get the # of pins you knocked down.