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Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:38 pm
by Tviorr
Heh. Regardless of what happens this has been a lot of fun and promises to be fun till the end.

Im going up against anonymus in the 16th final. If I get past him, Ukey comes back from his BYE to fight me. Not scary at all ;-)

If I make it past him, then Anila is waiting in the quarter final or someone who beat her to it. Yikes...

Tiddler may have gotten himself swept into the deeper waters...

On the other hand, The Mouth is apparently frightened of the Tiddler and will hide from him right up untill the final if he/we make it that far.

Figures The Mouth would talk the talk then run off to hide :lol: :P

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:55 pm
by Tviorr
whoopsie. Got 3 second turns before accepting my home games, but fortunately 2 first turns in my home games, so not quite as bad as I feared.- Still, its going to be up hill. Once more into the breach...;)

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:40 pm
by Tviorr
Paging Craig....
Paging The Mouth....

Where did you go, I have some sky box tickets for you for the games against Ukey. :)

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:43 am
by Craig25
Early Doors in this Tournament I realised I had to keep myself fresh for the League. And so far, that strategy is paying Dividends. I'm STILL the most successful player in the entire HISTORY of The Super League. :D

Carl, how about you?

Tviorr wrote:Paging Craig....
Paging The Mouth....

Where did you go, I have some sky box tickets for you for the games against Ukey. :)

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:25 pm
by Tviorr
Yeah, I get it. - I must have focused too much on the cup as I only placed 3rd in my league 1 point after the winner.

I forget where you placed in the league this past season ;) ???, but I look forward to our games in the coming seeason :)

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:37 am
by Tviorr
Squeezing past Ukey. Nails and luck and all that. Ukey dropped first turn in the random which was over before my turn with a bonus dropped and massive damage in the first turn. Not sure if I killed a single unit there before it was over ;). I then got 2 first turns on Mogul and 1 first turn in Ukeys home map, Ukey however proceeded to put on the pressure in both Moguls and stole one of them from me with a good read and excellent counter. - That should really have seen him through, but I got just enough dice on his home map games to settle a bonus first and the dice didnt much agree with him, so despite a neat trick that could have been a comeback, I ended up taking both and landing a 3-2.

Evil but accurate commentators would likely point out that it wasnt exactly fair as by skill alone it would have tipped to Ukey, but Ill take it and run around in a circle shouting "weeeeee".

Quarterfinal for the Tiddler. :shock:

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:59 pm
by Tviorr
Tiddler luck holds so far.

5 of 7 first turns and no off dice that werent matched by jumbo.

jumbo took the mogul he got a first turn on. Not much more went his way, so its looking like a 6-1.

Tiddler in the semis. What on earth is he doing there... :shock:

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:40 pm
by Tviorr
Seemingly both Shoop and DJ have fallen asleep. -

Im thinking the fair way to proceed would be to put them both out of their misery and give whoever is supposed to meet the winner in the Semis a BYE.

*whistles innocently*


Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:27 am
by Tviorr
Response to Craigs MM update for the final:

If you want a bit more, it is actually a real nailbiter ;)

Molespe caught the slight advantage with first turns getting 2-1 firsts on the home and away maps, while I got 2-1 first turns on the neutral. - So 5-4 total.

For once in a long time, though, I managed to bring the pressure on the second turns of Mogul and presently Ive taken those 2 and my first turn and weve each taken a first turn game on the neutrals, which makes it 4-1. - 4 match points, but it gets dicey from here on in.

The last neutral a first turn for me, is looking like it tipped to Molespe barring a double attempt at a compact that is presently looking like double failing. escalating card advantage for Molespe and even if he cant bring it in straight away, he should be able to break what he should break untill he can barring massive dice fail.

As for the 3 World cup games, Molespe is very at home there and while fog makes it a bit dodgy to call anything precisely, I would say he has the upper hand including the one first turn I have there. - My best bet for getting ahead in one of them, I did a small gamble, but ran into a bit of extra opposition and the dice didnt hold up to press through it.

There are still a few chances left here and there, I think - may change soon as Molespe is working through his turns as we speak - but my present prediction is that my 4-1 lead will slowly but surely turn into a 5-4 win for Molespe.

So yeah, nailbitingly close with especially one key moment in the remaining neutral game that tilted it the "wrong" ;) way.

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:27 pm
by Tviorr
Dang, but thats why they call me Griffin, cause I see stuff coming.

Congrats Molespe.

Re: Band of Brothers Super CUP ***FULL***

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:52 pm
by mcaviator
Change my home map to New World