by Swimmerdude99 on Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:06 pm
Hey all, apologies. I'm going to try and pick this back up... its been a year, I have not heard back from the two freemies, chanak and huyuk, so I will advance the people facing them.
The maps selected by players that did not have to get played due to forfeits, will remain as "used" for future rounds. Since those were chosen ahead of the matchups rather than during, there isn't any chance of abuse.
Advancing due to forfeit of players that left the site:
aad0906 over chanakam2020
TrafalgarLaw01 over huyuk
The matchups that never started:
mint-murray v william tennant (he never replied, so guzmanuk is advancing, and I have maps). I will send these in a large batch to catchup in r2.
Offsite to 12/31/2023. Reach out to TheSpaceCowboy to reach me