Game StatsThe addition of card counters back on 2007 was a big hit. Ever since then, the
territory counters suggestion has been a hot topic. Well, as of now, you no longer have to count territories yourself. In fact, we've decided to put in the whole
game statistics suggestion! Now you can use the number of regions, troops and troops due for each player to make better tactical decisions (without the effort of counting them yourself!).
In a For of War game, the number of regions will display but troops and troops due will be ?s. The number of regions is already available in the game log, so this is not really new information.
These stats appear in the list of players next to the map. This isn't ideal because some people will have to scroll horizontally to see them, but we don't want you to have to scroll vertically each time you roll the dice... erm, intensity levels. So I've started
this topic to collect feedback on the post-stats game screen layout. Maybe we can collectively come up with a better layout?
Note to users of the
"BOB" community plugin: This update breaks BOB's compatibility with Conquer Club, but sherkaner (who is maintaining the script) has graciously programmed a new version (4.9.7) special for this update, so please upgrade.
Live ClockTick tock, tick tock, tick tock... goes the time remaining in the game. Now that the game clock is "live", it should be clearer how much time is left for you or your opponent to play.
JavaScript RequiredI've reached the conclusion that the time has come to stop supporting browsers with JavaScript disabled. This will make it easier to develop new features like the ones in this update and will help the website run more efficiently. Only a tiny percentage of users play without JavaScript, and if you fall under that group, don't worry the JavaScripts on this website are completely safe.