- Better performance (thanks to new data caching)
- Bare-bones Quick Reply editor at bottom of view topic page (currently turned on in Monkey Business, more forums to come!)
- Users can report PMs to moderators
- Separate PM Reply and PM Reply to all
- ATOM News Feeds: subscribe to topics, individual forums and the whole forum using the feed icon in your browser address bar.
- Jabber/Google IM messages: send instant messages from user profiles. To set it up, go to Control Panel -> Profile and enter your jabber or gmail address into the Jabber address field. If you do not receive messages you may have to add conquerclub@igniterealtime.org as a contact.
- Jabber/Google IM notifications: receive instant message notifications of new topics, posts, private messages, etc. To set it up, follow the step above then go to Control Panel -> Board preferences and change Notification method from E-mail only to Jabber only or Both
- You can foe moderators and admins (I hacked the forum code to allow this)
A full list of changes in phpBB 3.0.6 is available here: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1859035