Forum Upgrade
We upgraded the forum to version 3.0.7 which contains many bugfixes (full list of changes here). Hopefully this will resolve a couple of issues that have come about since the last forum upgrade, in particular the "Signed out on forums, but not on My games" bug.
Privacy Policy
We now have a proper privacy policy that goes much further in protecting your personal information. We take your privacy very seriously and this is an important way to show that.
Gift certificate link on profile
I put a cute little gift certificate link on everybody's profile to make it easy to give premium membership. Who knows... maybe somebody will buy a gift certificate for you!
AddThis button moved
To reduce annoyingness, the "share" button has been moved at it will no longer activate when you pass your mouse over it. Now you have to click it.
Feedback link moved
Since many active members do not have feedbacks under the old feedback system, I removed the link out of the profile. The link will now appear on the ratings left/received pages whenever there is old feedback to view.
New Headlines
Two new headlines: [Team CC] and [Events] are live so we can better convey and display accurate information on our Homepage.