As you are all probably aware, as part of our ongoing Team Reorganization and Team Changes, Team CC has gone through a number of changes! And though some have been announced and some haven't, here is a proper summarizing announcement covering all those who have joined Team CC, changed their department, or departed from the Team. Here we go!
- [Cartographers] TaCktiX, Industrial Helix
- [Chatters] Jakewilliams
- [Clan Directors] Masli
- [Discussions] iamkoolerthanu, ljex, Master Fenrir, SirSebstar, thegreekdog
- [Entertainment] amazzony, FoxMists, nagerous, natty_dread, Pander88uk, Sir. Ricco
- [Society] dhallmeyer, Iron Butterfly, macbone
- [Suggestions] edwinissweet, JoshyBoy, TheForgivenOne
- [Tech] cspare, Dako, sherkaner, ender516, yeti_c
- Gilligan to the Entertainment Team from Tournaments
- Tupence to the Tournament Team from Suggestions
- Chipv to the new Tech Team from Discussions
- James Vazquez
- Optimus Prime
Congratulations to all those who have recently joined Team CC to help us expand our Community out-reach and interaction. And I hope those in new departments find them as enjoyable as the last! And finally, many thanks to those Team CC members who contributed their time and energy to Team CC and to the larger Conquer Club Community.
And as always, Happy CCing and have a banana.