Welcome Comrades to the 82nd edition of the Dispatch
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of Hurricane Sandy. May you keep safe and look after each other. Sure humans can be vile to each other (and our hearts go out to those hot spots too) but no-one expects mother nature to upset the apple cart in such a spectacular fashion! The Dispatch's current turmoil pales into comparison but I can assure you that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and the train has begun moving again. Watch this space and be ready for some more great things from our dedicated team!
Halloween is upon us (along with Allantide, Abaidas, Quentin, Wolfgang of Regensburg, Eastern Orthodox Liturgics, Reformation Day, Shamhain, Brythonic Calan Gaeaf, Kalan Gwav, Kalan Goañv or even Parentalia and as we move into Día de los Angelitos and Día de los Muertos or Día de los Difuntos). Are you
Trick or Treating , flying a kite, feasting, celebrating the opening of Lieben University (1587), remembering the resumption of the Maori wars in the Waikato (1863), commemorating Nevada's admision as the 36th state (1864), holding a torch for the 200,000 souls lost in the great cyclone in India (1876), marvelling at the last successful cavalry charge in history in World War One's Battle of Beersheba (1917), gasping at the stunning losses of the propane tank explosion at the Indiana State Fair (76 dead and 400 injured in 1963), or those as a result of Ghandi's death (10,000+ sikhs killed in riots in 1984), being inspired by the Soyuz TM-31's launch allowing for the continuous manning thereafter of the International Space Station (2000) or just putting your feet up!
Safariguy updates our
Mafia world with flair. No interview this issue, but we hope to get back to those from next issue onwards!! Mr reliable,
Dukasaur , updates the tournament world with both
Tournament Tips and
TPA Wrap up from
DaveH and
Join this? Or not! from
WorldCup4James . It is my turn to bring you the
Strategy section - in which I ask whether we need
Strategy Guides and I introduce a new series of articles on
Collective Wisdon and this time we look at
skychaser 's views on how to deal with
cooks . The
Foundry section is as busy as ever so much so that I thought it was a
circus . In keeping with the circus theme,
Qyu looks at
Circus Maximus while
Koontz1973 is as busy as ever - updating maps, talking about Halloween and ... drum roll ... another competition. Finally,
Icepack wraps up what is happening in the clans - and there is a lot happening! Well, for being thin on the ground, it's impressive to see that the
Dispatch keeps on trucking!
Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!
thehippo8 Foundry Executive If you would like to apply to join the news team, please visit the thread below for more details!
Click here for Recruitment Details... Hello again Freestylers. The twin evils of school and work could not keep me from my duty. The Masli interview fell down between the desk and the wall and no matter what we try it cannot be shifted so we have to publish without it. Never mind, I still get to talk a bit more on mafia setups for this issue.
You Stay Classy, CC.
safariguy5 Freestyle Executive The Scum Insider by safariguy5 show
The Scum Insider Newbie Help Want to get into the Mafia scene, but don't know how to play or even what it is? Consult these threads: Mafia Information , Mafia and You , and Rules and Terms of Mafia . Too much work? Too lazy to read through everything? No worries, you can always jump right into a game and ask for other players or the game runner to help guide you.What is "Mafia"? Mafia, for those of you that don't know, is a game that generally takes place in a town, where the townspeople have to determine who the mafia (or "scum") is and lynch them via a majority vote during the day and the mafia try to kill everyone at night and bluff their way out of getting killed by the town.Mafia News Alphabet Mafia is in something of a deadlock as the looming threat of cult forces the remaining town and mafia players to work together. However, this alliance of necessity is fragile and constant arguing and mutual distrust threatens to pull the team apart.Mafia Callouts Calling all players interested! Some mafia games need some filling: Sign-ups: Seeking Replacements: Consult the Replacement Thread to see what games are in need of reserves/replacements. Now get out there and investigate Mafia for yourself: viewforum.php?f=213 Advanced Roles and Strategy by safariguy5 This issue, we talk about open and semi-open setups.The Preset Mafia Game What is It? The preset mafia game is a mafia game where the setup is either known beforehand or guaranteed to be one of several setups. With C9 being the most well known setup, giving the players the possible roles before game is a good way to test balance and improve deductive reasoning. It also allows newer players to play on relatively equal footing with veterans.Example F11 is a setup that is semi-random intended for 9 players.How to Use this Strategy One of the most important things when playing an open or semi-open setup is the necessity of understanding what roles can and cannot be in the game. While these games tend to open themselves more to massclaiming, clues about what the setup could be can be gleaned by kills, lynches, and even one's own role. Power roles should be careful not to out themselves too early as a cop or a doctor who remains undiscovered can be very powerful at endgame in identifying mafia or clearing townies.
Time to sharpen your pencils and sit up straight. It's time to learn something. I can't remember if it was Barry, Maurice or Robin which said:
Strategy When the spoil's are gone and you can't go on It's strategy When the dice are crap and you don't know why It's hard to bear With no wins to turn to you're goin' nowhere Strategy When you lose control and you got no cards It's strategy When the stacks vanish and you don't know why It's hard to bear With losing conditions you're out of here When the team-mate's gone and and it's all gone wrong Strategy
Maybe I heard them wrong? Anyway, time for the Strategy section to return to Dispatch. In this issue I have a look at
Strategy Guides - do we really need them? I also have a look at
skychaser 's brilliant exposition on
how to deal with cooks . Although I kept butting it, I did learn something and hope you do too. Alternatively, if you know better then please speak up! Better still, get yourself on the Dispatch team and tell it like it is - we need the help!
thehippo8 Temporary Strategy Executive Official Strategy Guides by thehippo8 show
Not only is CC a place where you can find maps of all types to whet your whistle, but there is an amazing community of like-minded souls who have spent many happy hours setting up Complete A-Z List of official strategy guides . Well, they did until March 2009 (3 and a half years ago) and 47 maps have useful strategy guides. Have you read them all, do you agree with their content, do you have anything to add, do you follow them at all, do you have any comments about them? CC has moved on quickly. We now have 214 maps to ploay with. So there are a whopping 167 maps without official strategy guides. Sure, you can slip into the Foundry and glean some useful content there - but frankly that's a poor substitute for a proper strategy guide. Moreover, the Foundry contains many other wonderous stuff that you may forget why you went there! Do we need strategy guides? Let me get all deep and meaningless here. Of course we don't. Strategy Guides are for losers who can't stand on their own two feet. You have to throw yourself into every map. Scrape your knees and get whiplash. Anything worth having is only worth having if you got it through hard work! When you get knocked off your horse, you get back on it. Only the tough survive and the harder you fall the greater the feeling when you get going again! Seriously? What do you think! Of course we need Strategy Guides. Who can be bothered with all that look and see crap when someone can tell us how not to look like a complete twit! Sure, no glory without guts and all that, but who needs it? Moreover, don't we have a responsibility to share our knowledge so we are all on the same playing field? WHo wants to beat someone because they are really too stupid to be able to understand a map? Let's all share the biz and then we can rumble like gladiators. Punch for punch, toe to toe. Everone knows that the best games are the ones that swing back and forth ... like a see-saw with attitude! So, in short, yeah I reckon we do need Strategy Guides. Of course, there is a difference between a strategy guide which explains the game and a strategy guide which means that you now have no hope because the other person is, well, just smarter than you in every way. We have to all be able to play the game but that's not the same as telling them all our secrets, huh In truth, there are the things we focus on and the things they focus on! That's what makes the maps interesting, the more complex and convoluted - the more opportunity their is for each of us to truly have our own strategies. And no, we can't expect all that to be in a strategy guide! So - yes bring us strategy guides and may those amongst us who can properly understand, we will work out the rest for ourselves!If we are to update the guides, where do we start? Okay, so we have guides for 47 maps. We should have guides for the rest (says me!). But do we play catch up chronologically? Do we go through and work out which are the most popular maps and do those? Do we start with the maps in Beta and then have a task force working through the rest? What? Practically speaking, any problem can be resolved by reducing a big problem in to lots of little ones. The CC community, particularly the Foundry, are focussed on the Beta maps. But are they a good place to start?: I say no. They can't be. We havn't played enough games on them yet and really it isn't fair to expect anyone to be able to create a strategy map on something which may be altered, and sometimes significantly (think of how much Trench changed throughout Beta). The next group of maps strongly in our mind are those maps which have just gone live properly (particulalry the ones in the last six months). Perhaps the map makers, tournament organisers or other specialists who like those maps should make an effort here. Pet projects, like! Alternatively, the Strategy crown can get together on a roster on that one! The next obvious group are the most popular maps. There are some maps that are played repeatedly, and in all manner of options, such that they are really well known. No reason why the keen can't pick those up now. But the real ones that need work are the maps that are not being played because they are not known well enough. They are, in my view, the important ones. They are the ones in which we actually need strategy maps!! Herein lies the rub. Who knows about them? Who cares about them? Who has enough knowledge to write such strategy guides? Will anyone care? The strategy guide has only one setting guide - what to do? We have a very thorough exposition of spoils. In the same way that we need strategy guides on maps, don't we need them on settings too? Seriously people, why are you still asking these questions?? I mean, come on! Of course we need them, and luckily I'm not the only one who thinks so! In a separate series of articles we will be considering the Collective Wisdom of others who have posted in the Strategy Forum. All I can say is, more please! Reviewing the old guides Any guide is only as good as the perceived wisdom of the time. As time moves on, the state of the art moves on too. What seemed like a useful strategy at one time can look strange and pathetic when judged by modern concepts (otherwise known as what actually works! It therefore stands to reason that the old strategy guides need to be reviewed periodically (maybe once every two years?). Seems to me that the period that would normally wait has elapsed on all the guides. Sure, there have been some considerable commentary and debate since each guide came live - but who wants to go through the 50 plus pages of info on each map? No, we need to take our time and go through it all properly! And repeatedly. What we need is an enthusiastic team to get in there and do this! Any takers?Conclusion and comments Well, I've convinced myself that we need strategy guides. Am I right? Do you have any comments? Do you want to be part of a task force to bring the guides up to date? Your feedback is, as always looked forward to!
Collective Wisdom Series: Fighting cooks by skychaser with commentary from thehippo8 show
Trawling through the Strategy Section, I was bowled over by the clever, selfless and downright fun talent sharing their wisdom with us all. In this series, we will look at some of these great posts and consider them in more detail. In this issue, we look at an article called Fighting Cooks that was posted by skychaser - posted early last month.skychaser wrote: I've been noticing a lot of people argue about some actions from people with lesser experience or strategic skills ... someone attacks another with no clear intent ... and then they would tell "Goddamn it Leeroy, why did you attack my Kamchacka "? Well, sometimes it may have happened to you that a cook or a cadet attacked your spoils and let you in a crazy desire to jump into the computer monitor and break that one's computer and all of his belongings. Then when it happens one's got a lot of things to do.
Let me interject here, and I've been that stupid cook or cadet not that long ago, while a fatal beating may well solve the problem, it's also an opportunity. I'll come back to that. In the meantime, skychaser sets out a list of other options:- Foe that one, "he won't ruin my game anymore ". - Try reasoning with him "so he will not do this to me anymore ". - Join only the games where lieutenants are the lesser ranked one and never join a game where there are cooks. - Adjust your strategy to a way where cooks will not do this to me again.
Foeing and avoiding seem obvious answers. Run for the hills! And how do you reason with someone who either doesn't read or just doesn't get it or worse simply doesn't do what you ask? But skychaser level-headedly continues:And you may think about other options but I think the harder but more fun of all is my fourth option, adjusting your strategy to play against anyone, may he have a cook hat or any other hat or badge. But it's hard 'cause cooks are unpredictable right? Well, Not so much, at least I think.
This made me sit up, because skychaser is on to something here!Well the first thing I think you need to know then playing with cooks is the way to think when playing with them. In fact the very first thing is that cooks got a lot of action, you should want that action being beneficial to you. In other words You want the cook working for your very own victory. There's a high probability the cook will f*ck someone and ruin his game, You must not let it be you.
Great, so how do we do that? skychaser continues:Here goes some tricks to get this result.- Don't get in the way for he's got a job to do.
Ah, let him run amok but don't get in the way?Yeah, let him alone. In big maps, you may even sacrifice some stack to him and it's still better than losing all chances of winning.
Well, that sounds so logical and obvious now that you say it! skychaser continues:If, for example, you have a stack of 8 at some place and you notice him stacking - you have only two options, retreat or all in attack him. Once he exchanges 15 or more he will attack you anyway if you're a "threat ".
Gawp, seriously? Can anyone really misunderstand the game that much?Also, this is true for Australia, as an example (playing on the Classic map ). If he's stacking some armies in some Austalian territory you should NEVER stack at the vicinity, he will surely attack your stack counting with luck and then trying to get the profitable continent.
Give him space to move. Let him "do something!If he's fighting over a continent you should invest at another continent and retreat. Let him weaken the other players for you.
Well, that's sound advice. And human nature too. Let the rabid dog go mental, just don't put your leg in the way! So what's next? skychaser continues:- Don't do half a job. That's critical. If you're going to get a continent from him, never let some of his armies near. Be even more serious - if he feels you're taking his continent and he feels like being robbed. If you're going to attack you should be serious to attack him till he's got no means to attack you at that place. Otherwise we will just cash and attack you regardless of how many reinforcements you place for protection.
Stupidity knows no bounds!If you take from him a continent, you want him causing havoc at another side of the map, maybe near you but you don't want him causing havoc at your countries.
You can also give him some bait by leaving him something to munch on where you want him to munch. Once he gets the sniff of blood then hopefully he will continue and fight the others! So, what's next skychaser ?Learn to retreat. Sometimes you may see him gathering armies. Let's see you have South America and some stack at the African border and you see him gathering some army at Europe (in the Classic map ). What do you think he will do? Then you just guess he wants Africa. Well Africa have a little stack of other player. I have had some interesting results by retreating and letting the one guy just "take " Africa for him.
Always keep an eye on where he's going, what seems to be the most obvious thing. Sure, he may do something really dumb and go the wrong way anyway, but chances are you will be right!The point here is that number only matter to cooks when it's an absolute number, when you have more than twice his armies, otherwise he may attack you no matter what. If you could retreat and let him attack other people then it's the best to you.
Sure, spoils may have other dynamics - but generally speaking where it is clear that you simply cannot stop the cook then best to leave him to his own devices and concentrate on something more worthwhile! So, what's next skychaser ?Concede. Don't be furious about someone getting continents. He's rampaging a lot it means he's doing a good job. Even better if it's foggy game. In this case you know his not letting any hostage alive.
In foggy games, always remember where the cook is and watch the log carefully. No point in conceding territory only to fall straight back into another confrontation later yourself! What's next skychaser ?Be diplomatic if possible. Diplomacy have many uses, some of them are not perceived by many people. One must think outside the box to get the true meaning of diplomacy. Playing with cooks you must think over a way of making him work for you. that's it. He needs to feel safe from you and that's all.
And cooks, if you are reading this - listen carefully to what is being said. While you may not have any control over your natural tendencies, you can at least ensure that you understand what the others are saying. Ultimately, we may all learn to realise the difference between diplomacy (potentially good for you) and manipulation (which is merely leading you to your doom! But once you understand that, then you will probably be understanding the map and you will probably no longer be a cook! skychaser continues:Let's see an example: You have Australia (Classic Map ) and the cook is gathering some armies near. You can propose him Europe. Just saying "Truce me cook, I left Europe for you and you let Australia to me ". He will understand this as literal, most people will do, but in truth you want him to kill people at Europe for you and you're telling to everyone at the board that you will not stop him. You're basically double dipping here. You not only get Australia's bonuses but some people will HAVE to stop him getting Europe since you proposed you can't break the truce. Some people that maybe got instigated by this. If you see someone making a seemingly retarded truce. Think TRICE my friend.
Read those words carefully, all! So, what's next skychaser ?Position yourself at the board. If you can play AFTER the ones you think will make a mistake (as in letting cards for you to take) then do it. It's a lot better to play AFTER two cooks than after two Colonels or something.
For instance, say it is escalating spoils. Keep an eye on where the cooks spoils are sitting. Given they are potentially feral it may be better to let them cash before you!You know Colonels are not likely to make mistakes you could profit but cooks will likely do that mistakes. If there are two high officials playing after two cooks then your chances of victory at given game are almost zero.
Well, skychaser , you've certainly opened my eyes to some issues here, thanks!Well this is my first "guide ". I'm open for critics so don't spare me. Also if you have some information or technique you may want to let me know. By all means, tell me. And let me know if you liked this topic. Thank you to the ones who had or didn't have the patience of reading this one.
72o responded (in the thread ):I prefer to foe cooks instead of trying to predict how their idiocy will manifest itself in this particular game and prepare for it. For instance, I just had a rocket surgeon cash for 8 in an escalating classic game and take out 2 of an opponent's 3 remaining territories in an effort to claim Oceania, leaving this opponent with a single 4 stack and 3 spoils. The next player has 4 spoils and a stack right next to that 4 stack, so he can eliminate him without cashing, so he'll cash twice with his 7, meaning he can now eliminate me, with 25 troops and 5 spoils. I would've been perfectly positioned to go on a run this turn, given my 5 spoils and a couple weak players, if this idiot hadn't decided that 2 bonus was too attractive to ignore.
Whilst the desire to foe may be felt greatly in such circumstances, such a desire misses one crucial point. Just because someone has a higher rating doesn't mean that they know what they are doing! Maybe it is better to assume that everyone is an idiot until proven otherwise? What are you going to do? Foe everyone? I don't think so! More's to the point, you can't avoid even cooks when playing in tournaments so maybe it's better to learn these lessons!Viceroy63 added: I also I agree with your cooks assessment and strategy. I personally do not Foe people for not knowing how to play, just their attitude. I also try to use their unexpected plays and just stay out of their way and try to be in a position where I can benefit from their recklessness. It comes down to knowing your opponents. That is the first step in strategy.
One thing to keep in mind is that nothing is static. Cooks move on up. But knowing the player helps understand their foibles. Maybe you can use diplomacy to your advantage more when you know the player's better. At any rate this is all food for thought. So, thanks skychaser !!
Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments!
"What are we going to read tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we read every night!
Join This? Or Not! by
WorldCup4James ,
TPA Wrap by
DaveH , and
Tournament Tips by
DaveH !"
"Good idea!"
Today I have had the honour of awarding GC medals to Dave and James for the fourth consecutive quarter. They have both now served (slightly more than) one full year at the Dispatch, and been very highly productive during that time. I'm very, very delighted to have these guys on my team! Dukasaur Tournament Executive Join This? Or Not! by WorldCup4James show
It's time for another round of apple bobbing from the tub of Tournaments; here are featured competitions looking for players.Halloween 2012 While you might just be putting away your costume and Halloween decorations, the Halloween spirit can continue with andyf23 's 1v1 tournament. 64 players will play on the Halloween Hallows map, and the final will be a highly-contested best-of-seven series. Alliance of Titania Fight for a cause in DJ Teflon 's mysterious planetary war series. The Alliance of Titania features Triples play on the Monsters map, and teams will engage in round-robin play before a best-of-three final. Defend Titania from invading forces, who seek to exploit the planet of its resources. 2012-13 NCAA College Basketball Once again, flexmaster33 has released a marathon sports tournament centered around college basketball. In the sixth run, there's a remarkable 182 teams featured, though players can write-in their own teams from all the various leagues. In addition, game scoring follows a unique formula based upon rounds played in the games. Players select their preferred map and settings as their home court. Not only is the 68-team March Madness featured, but the follow-up NIT tournament is also featured. And, most importantly perhaps, there's a flurry of impressive premium prizes; the final four players are guaranteed premium, with the winner taking home a year's worth of CC membership.Salient Assassinations in History Lincoln. Franz Ferdinand. Trotsky. Review some of the most notorious assassinations in world history by taking part in Dukasaur 's latest TPA event. Players will battle in eighteen Assassin games, spanning eighteen unique maps. Play will bridge the BC and some of the earliest murders with the 20th and 21st centuries. There's room for at least 100 assassins. If you're craving tourney action now, check out the Requests for Immediate Players section of the tournament forum. You can be playing very quickly after signing up as a reserve.
TPA Wrap by DaveH show
TPA 1: State of Play We now have just 1 ongoing tournament, The 1st Open Centum which is proceeding at a round a day and is at Round 90. After Round 92 the final 8 games will then decide the winner!TPA 1 Standings TPA Season 2: State of Play There are now 23 finished tournaments with PepeAtila's WW Map Master being the latest but one. Cwinslow22 was the winner, followed by uckuki, dowian2, kizkiz and Lindax. Also finished is stevkov's Eurobasket 2011 with the triples of dowian2, mkcummins and mudfighter beating off darthe_emperor, cometripas and mirinna, with Enormastitz, Terry Nutkins and Tin Trumpet in third place. This changes the leader board as dowian2 (3,522) has taken over from barterer2002 (3,320) in second place, with bones2484 (2,314), dtellis (2,225) and wilkinc (2,215) following closely behind.TPA 2 Standings TPA Season 3 Tournaments started are: 03-Sep Major Gilligan - Super Smash Bros Quadruples League 10-Sep Standard jonty125 - Mastermind 96 Player 1v1 Groups of 4 17-Sep Standard mcshanester29 - Random Doubles on Random Map 24-Sep Premier peanutman - Peanut's 3X Double-Elimination Singles Tournament 01-Oct Standard Lufsen75 - Lufsen's Terminator series: Alexanders Empire 6 Player Terminator series on Alexander's Empire map. Open for recruiting are:Plurples My Favorite Maps 2 Dukasaur's Salient Assassinations in History Redhedge's "Just Another 1 v 1 Tournament The first block of tournament dates sessions are now fully booked, but I still need tournament organisers to pre-book a variety of tournaments for the second block on the following dates in December and January: Dec 10th, 24th & Jan 7th, 21st, 28th. Surely the Dec 24th date is ideal for a "The Night Before Christmas" tournament and the Jan 7th for a "On the Thirteenth day of Christmas (my true love brought to me - 13 Third Crusades, 12 Texan Wars, 11 Egypt: Uppers etc)"! Get your thinking hats on guys and galls! In fact, we need to balance the equality gap and get all the female TO's to put in their ideas too! Although these dates are down as Premium tournaments they can be swopped for Standard types of tournaments. The thread for the TPA3 details is at:http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=175675 The thread for the code that TO's will need to include in their tournament is at:http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=177868
Tournament Tips by DaveH show: Tournament Rescue and Round Robins.
As you probably have guessed, I get great satisfaction from using Excel in organising tournaments. However, I have not had any new/different tournament ideas recently so I looked at some of the tournaments that needed rescuing and picked up three that were part of the TPA series of tournaments. You quickly realise just how inventive others are in their tournament design and it certainly made me think about different ways of managing them using Excel. As an example there is one that started with 100 players playing 100 games on 100 different maps - fantastic! At the stage that I picked it up the remaining 39 players needed to complete 47 more sets of games. 38 of these is by every player playing everyone else - a Round Robin of 39 players. To do any round robin, irrespective of the number of players there is a simple way of designing it. For instance, with 14 players the match up in Round 1 would be:1 vs 14 2 vs 13 3 vs 12 4 vs 11 5 vs 10 6 vs 9 7 vs 8 For the remaining rounds you leave player 1 in first place and "rotate" the rest of the players. i.e.Round 2 1 vs 13 14 vs 12 2 vs 11 3 vs 10 4 vs 9 5 vs 8 6 vs 7 and so on;Round 3 1 vs 12 13 vs11 14 vs 10 2 vs 9 3 vs 8 4 vs 7 5 vs 6 To translate these into sets of players, the numbers are written into the spreadsheet in two columns and the second set can be coded by referencing the appropriate position in the first set (according to the above sequence). When all positions in the second set are complete, the whole table can be copied sequentially to complete the number of rounds. Part of the table therefore looks like: The round numbers are on top. (The players reference numbers are not sequentially as they are from a previous list that was not ordered alphabetically) The maths for the round robin types of tournament are as follows. For n players , if n is even, there will be n-1 rounds with n/2 games each round (for 1 vs 1 type games of course!). If n is odd then you have to use(n+1) as the "n" value. OK, so for my tournament I have 38 rounds and, in my spreadsheet, I have a table of 38 sets of two columns of the 39 player match-ups. I have to assign players' names to this and, as in previous articles, I use the Excel VLOOKUP function. Firstly all the 39 players' names are in a vertical column with 1-39 copied next to them. I highlight the table and, using Insert/Name/Define, I define them as a table called, say, "Players". In the columns next to my two sets of numbers I use Vlookup to assign the appropriate player name - as "=VLOOKUP(player number position, Players, 2, FALSE)" which brings the player name from column 2 of the table "Players" where the number in column 1 matches exactly the player number position specified in my list of match-ups. I copy the function to every row and so have a double list of players names matching the numbers. I can then create the 19 games and list their numbers next to the two players names. For instance I have 1___Player Number 1_____Player Number 20____20____Game Number in 5 columns on my spreadsheet. This looks like (for Round 64 on Europe 1914 map: With 39 players, of course the odd number means that the round robin is designed for 40 players and each turn a different player will miss a game. For each round, 19 games are created and the first challenge is to get 39 players assigned to their correct game. The easiest way is to send a list of all the games to all the players involved and allow them to join their correct game. This may be difficult if you have novices or player who do not look at their private messages very frequently, though I expect that a tournasment that has already had 53 rounds would, by now, only contain the battle-hardened tournament professionals! In the next column on my spreadsheet I therefore create the joining information for the two players and the game number and the "to" CC function. The code is as follows:Code: Select all "Round "&CELL_WITH_ROUND_NUMBER&"; "&PLAYER1_POSITION&" vs "PLAYER2_POSITION"&" [to]"GAME_NUMBER_POSITION&" PASSWORD&"[/to]"
which creates the following when pm'ed to the players;Code: Select all Round 54; Player 1 vs Player 2 View Game 123456 (Auto-Join Game)
All I need to do is to add a message for the one person who will not get a game due to the odd number of players. To do this I use an IF function; IF(condition, Do this if correct, Otherwise do this) i.e. IF(GameNumber<>"",Player game information as above,"Player X does not have a game this round"). The condition is that the game number ="" (i.e. blank) This looks like the following:Code: Select all =IF(I73="",G73&H73&" has no game this round","Round "&B$48&"; "&G73&" vs "&H73&" [to]"&I73&" R"&B$48&"[/to]")
I also have a set of different codes to paste a table of match-ups into the tournament thread which is:Code: Select all Player 1 vs Player 2 [game]11702170[/game]
and looks like: Player 1 vs Player 2 Game 11702170 . This is used to publish the information to the players to keep them informed every round without taking up much time to do. I think it is always important to publish as much information for your players as possible, but if you can do it with a few lines of Excel code, all the better! In the next issue I will show you how to automate the above sequence. (These "tips" are ones that I have tried to make it a bit easier in managing my own tournaments. I am sure there are different and better methods than these, so please let me know. Any queries on the above I'll be glad to respond to! Please note that I use Excel 2003, so there may be variation in the menu instructions if you have other versions of Excel)
Welcome one and all to the Foundry portion of the Dispatch. Roll up, roll up, come one come all. We have clowns, and horses and a roaring crowd. Pay a penny, pay a pound, listen to the songs, listen to the sounds! Did you come for good, or to make me frown? Does your mother know or are you underground? Roll up, roll up and here we go again!
koontz1973 brings us updates on which maps are making their way through the Foundry. Is your favourite map there? Do you even know what your favourite map looks like? And in keeping with the current circus theme,
Qyu brings us a historical revisionist introspective on, what else, but
Circus Maximus - the map itself! The only clowns are the ones on the other side of the computer - you know who you are! Sqeek sqeek! And being the second most important holiday in the Satanic calendar,
Halloween is upon us. A chance for
my favourite map, Knights, to get a facelift by it's maker - himself who is rejiggied to become
Killerkoontz1973 - and he even writes about it! Finally, there's a chance for you to shoot the duckies, hoop the bottles, catch the balls and do whatever else is required to win this weeks
Foundry Dispatch Competition .
And the last laugh goes to
Carl Sagan who said:
But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
thehippo8 -- Foundry ExecutiveQuenched & new Beta maps. show
Another fine map from cairnswk gets quenched this week. His 31st to be exact. Click image to enlarge. Out with one, in with two. Beta map goes Classic cities this week with two from our classic map. Sydney from cairnswk and Jakarta from koontz1973 .Click image to enlarge. Click image to enlarge. Good luck. Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
by koontz1973 show
After a month of nothing, we get this . It has some very interesting tit bits from our fearless leader. No, not El_Jefe , but thenobodies80 . As first act of this transition period I'm going to announce that koontz will help us in an official capicity. He should have got his pair of blue shoes as I write this post, so let's the magic begins!...his name has turned to a wonderful blue color!
Please, let's give (again) a big welcome to
koontz1973 He has helped us in the last 6 months with the drafting room and we think he is doing an excellent job. He has showed skill and he is certainly willing to help everyone.
He will continue to follow the drafting room, but when necessary he will help us also with other departments.
Welcome aboard koontz!
thenobodies80 is also asking two questions this week and would like input. Whilst most of you go about your business of killing little coloured armies, he and his fearless team is working to get maps into a better place.Map Complexity .Map Tags . Please have a look and see if you can help out some. Remember, the more who join the debate, the better the answers will be. Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
Maps in Development. koontz1973 show
Every map at every stage of development. Find your maps here and get involved. Drafting Room Where maps start life. But like all new babies, this is where they need the most attention. Vertex by koontz1973Paris by sempaispellcheckTribal War Israel by seamus76Alamo by generalheadAustrum by koontz1973Main Foundry The main block of work is done here. Gameplay section. Where the last bugs for a better game get squashed.krazy kingdoms by dolomite13Conquership by lostalimboWW1 Gallipoli by cairnswkFields of Gettysberg by pamoaGraphics section. Making art is not a priority, making pretty maps is.Labyrinth by koontz1973Classic City: Madrid by koontz19734 Star Meats by dana1971France 2.0 by Lancelot du LacSpanish Amarda by cairnswkParis Metro by QyuUSA 2.1 by isaiah40Philadelphia by RedBaron0 Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
Circus Maximus by Qyu show
Aurigae, expergiscere equorum vestrorum ! That was you could have heard, more than twenty centuries ago, in downtown Roma. And yes, beyond-Atlantico brothers ... far far ago before you ... Roman citizens could cheer for their favorite pilot around a oval shape track, wait for hours under the high sun for an autograph carved on the marble (no haulage problems with slaves!), and eat hot-dogs, but without french fries (no potatoes at this time)! Richard Petty was named Gaius Appuleius Diocles (1462 victories, even the real Richard Petty can trace where he came from). And Dale Earnhardt was named Flavius Scorpus (with the same death, and the same cult). Indeed, some say there are two sort of maps - those which have carriage turning around and around and around and ... and the others. You think I'm talking about Circus Maximus, and you're right. You thought Maximus was the name of its architect, and you're wrong. Maximus, because it's huuuuuge. Between 250,000 to 385,000 spectators - depending on the time. What? Indianapolis Motor Speedway? Bullshit, forget it! Obvious that a such place has its own map in Conquer Club. First version in June 2006 the 24th by rocksolid ; and revamped one year later, in July 2007 the 14th, by WidowMakers . Unfortunately, we weren't able to find any images of the first version (if you have somes, please, PM me). Oddly (in fact, not, it's logical), it was the gameplay which came first: a turn around a string of territories without bonuses (and it's still a unique gameplay). rocksolid thought about a vinyl record, or a black hole, but ended up with a horse racetrack. rocksolid even expected a big outcry by naming his own project as an anathema. Clever, dude! Gnagna guys said that will give endless games, that will be boring and threatened to never play a such map (hey, Marvaddin , you're a liar, you played it, three times !). Some suggested to add a clockwise line in the middle or in the side of the counter-clockwise lines. Banana Stomper had the best suggestion I ever read.I say DO IT! Its different. Make it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, no harm done
Let's hope all map makers will remember that one! And a first draft came. At the first stage, there was only one letter (A to P) and one number (1 to 3) for each territory. A to P!? But there is currently J, not P. Yes, but the first draft was with 48 territories, not 30. Simplicity wanted. But that wasn't Roman enough. rocksolid imagined named for each letter, a Roman Emperor's name: Domitian, Caesar. Trapped: Julian is written IVLIAN in latin uppercase, and give a mess with the previous line IMPERIUM! Too bad, let's just keep the upper-case J, nobody will notice the historical error, will they? The name had to be changed, from Chariot Race to something more authentic and ancient feeling, as Andy suggested, like Hippodrome . rocksolid chose Circus Maximus , to keep the Roman feel. And also more circus games, more 'Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant', more bloody & oily gladiator skin. Let's look now at the revamp. Of course, the gameplay is stamped and won't and can't be changed (of course, there were some exceptions in the dark history of Conquer Club, but shhhht), only the graphic stuff will be discussed here and now. A first revamp suggestion:Click image to enlarge. The first rising problem is the territories shapes. In the first map, if the stories and my memory is correct, were that they were sort of arrows, showing the turn/attack direction. Not in this revision, the arrows have disappeared. Not a great deal, and they were changed in the next draft.Click image to enlarge. The second problem is the realism. Some said the map isn't exactly like the real Circus Maximus, according to archaeologists and historians : Click image to enlarge. The main gate is not exactly the same, and not symmetrical. There is another one at the other side. The middle decorations aren't the same, without dolphins, ... an outrage! Well I understand that the middle shapes weren't really aesthetic, but I couldn't understand why the creator couldn't just do what he wanted to do ... why couldn't he give his own vision of the stuff. Allowing some digressions offer us new perspectives, new ways of life. I will say swearword, but it's like Art ! Ask Chagall , Modigliani or Matisse (well, you can't, they're dead!) if their drawing is exactly like real life! Oh dear, it's just a Conquer Club map, ok ok. Anyway, Widowmaker did the right thing: ignored the grumpies and went his own way. Maybe he give them some crumbs, then reverted to the original idea. Nice job! At last, after some minor changes (shadows, emperor's lodge decoration ...), widowmaker gave us the ultimate revamp:Click image to enlarge. I'll end this with Sheik Ilderim , from Ben-HurBonehead! Give me those reins! You think you can treat my horses like animals? To drive cows and goats is all you're fit for! Get off, idiot!
And because iIlove you, a second quote, from another Circus Maximus , from their Glory of the Empire song:On my quest for a new horizon I’ve been waiting for so long In the time of a desperate fighter.
Halloween killerkoontz1973 show
Back in October 2011, I posted what was my first draft of the Knights map. When I posted it, I always said that I would do different skins for the map. One for Halloween, Easter and Christmas have been completed. But not one for doing things by half, I contacted Gilligan our fearless entertainment coordinator and suggested a competition. Well, like all fearless leaders, he jumped on board , made the idea his own , and took all of the credit . Every year, we get a Pumpkin Carving Contest and this year an added bonus of being placed onto the Halloween knights map was part of the reward for all entries. And here they are, incase you have not played the map this Halloween. We got 9 entries only which is better than the year before... Some look OK when shrunk down whilst others look a lot better. Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
Foundry Dispatch Competition - now open to all people. by koontz1973 Foundry Dispatch Competition koontz1973 show
Congratulations to ckyrias for getting the crossword answers correct. That is his second medal in a row. Can he make it 3 or will someone else beat him to it this time around. This is a two part competition. Both parts have to be met to win the General achievement medal. Part one. Here is an image of 3 maps that have been blended together. name all 3 maps and post the answer into the Dispatch thread. Click image to enlarge. Part two. This is the easy part. Find all 3 maps in the foundry and post something about the map . You will find the map threads in the Maps in development article this issue. Good luck everyone. Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
For those in the know, this is the single most important part of the Dispatch. Sure Freestyle is entertaining, Strategy is interesting
theoretically , Foundry provides a glimpse for the future and opportunity for creative outlet, Tournaments is a warm up
but it is Clans where it all comes together.
And by jingos has a lot happened in clans since the last update! Thankfully
Icepack is on hand to bring us a thorough update of what's what and where's where. It takes a dedicated adherent to bring such a depth of understanding so cheers
Icepack thehippo8 Foundry Executive Updates by Icepack (The Fallen) show: CC3
Dako recently took over the CC3 Leadership Role, and has done a fantastic job! Currently Conquer Cup 3 is in the quarter finals, and we are down to eight clans. Here are the match ups!Quarter-finals (1) KORT vs (24) OSA - [1 :: 5] - Link (4) TOFU vs (5) PACK - [4 :: 2] - Link (2) TSM vs (10) AFOS - [13 :: 8] - Link (3) EMPIRE vs (6)AOC - [11 :: 8] - Link KORT vs OSA - OSA is the underdog here, but is the only clan outside the top 10 to make it into the Quarter Final match ups! Early gains in the match show OSA is still strongly contending to upset yet another clan, but KORT won both CC1 vs THOTA and CC2 vs TSM! TOFU vs PACK - One of the most exciting recent match ups I can think of, this promises to be a great war to watch. These two clans have traded 2nd and 3rd spots recently in the F400, so the war might settle which clan rightfully deserves the #2 spot! PACK has had some RL issues as of late, but has never lost a clan war to date. TOFU was slightly favored (19 to 12) on the CC3 Bracket Prediction to win it all. TSM vs AFOS - These two clans faced one another Round 2 of the CC2, and TSM came out the winner. AFOS gets its chance at revenge this year in the quarters, but so far TSM has stayed strong. TSM went onto place #2 overall in last years finals, to KORT. EMP vs AOC - A fairly even match up, where the winner will move onto face either TSM or AFOS. Last year in CC2, Empire beat TOFU in the Quarter Finals where they went onto meet KORT, which later went onto win it all. Don't count either EMP or AOC as contenders.CC3 Prediction Challenge CC3 Prediction Challenge link Currently Emmdizzle and snake242 enjoys the lead for the CC3 Prediction Challenge hosted by the Entertainment Team! Emmdizzle has predicted AFOS will win vs PACK in the finals, whilst snake242 predicts KORT and TSM will have a rematch, and KORT will again win it all.
show: Newcomers Cup 3
Newcomers Cup 3 link Benga's NC3 is currently in the semi-final round! RET dropped out, leaving AKA, RotS, and HH all to make valiant attempts to move on only to be defeated by the likes of TNC, IGNI, FALL, and 1RFG. TNC recently defeated IGNI for the right to move into the NC3 Finals! They await the other match up, FALL vs 1RFG which just recently started Round 1. The winner will move onto face TNC, likely in the new year.
show: 2nd Annual 1 vs 1 Challenge
2nd Annual 1 vs 1 Challenge link 17 Clans signed up for the 2nd edition of the 1 vs 1 Clan Challenge! The second round is beginning to wrap up, with KORT besting OSA and ID edging out TNC for the rights to move into the semi finals. EMP vs MD - EMP has a healthy lead over MD going into the 2nd Round after playing EMP Home Sets. Now MD is poised to play its Home Set, which should make this an interesting match to the finish as EMP tries to hold onto its lead on MD's turf! FOED vs TFFS - This match up will come down to a final antartica set! These 5 games will decide who moves onto face the winner of EMP/MD!
show: CL4 Event
CL4 is wrapping up its Phase 3 Division 1 series, while Divisions 2-5 have moved onto Phase 4. Division 1: PHASE 3 KORT, EMP, AOC and the PACK are all facing off in 3 Round Robins of 18 games each. The top 2 clans will progress to Phase 4. So far KORT, EMP, and AOC have secured themselves at least one win. A up to date status of this division can be found here:viewtopic.php?f=441&t=176594#p3855565 Division 2: PHASE 4 OSA vs MYTH In a very close match up, MYTH overtook OSA 23-18 to win the Phase 4 Division Championship! Details to be found here: viewtopic.php?f=441&t=177626#p3878760 Division 3: PHASE 4 WAR vs BotFM It looks like WAR recently completed its 21st win over BotFM on the 22nd of Oct in a match that might come down to 1-2 games. Very interesting match up You can see details here: viewtopic.php?f=441&t=178018#p3887654 Division 4: PHASE 4 FOED vs TNC FOED recently bested TNC in this match up, with a current score of 21-14!viewtopic.php?f=441&t=178019&p=3942021#p3887663 Division 5: PHASE 4 MM vs SOH MM has beaten SOH in this Division championship. Current score 21-14.viewtopic.php?f=441&t=178021&start=0#p3887681
show: Regular Clan Wars
FALL vs LOW: Fresh off a painful 20-21 loss vs 9th ranked FOED, FALL is looking to establish itself within the top echelon of CC's clans by taking on another top 12 clan with 11th ranked LOW. Set up to complete before the holidays, the first round has 2 dubs, 4 trips, 6 quads each clan / round. Currently the score is very close, with 6-4 in Fallen's favor. It looks like it will remain close to the end of Round 1! AQOH vs LOTZ: AQOH is a fresh face in the clan scene, with kuma32478 leading the group. They won their first challenge vs MB 25-15, upsetting most people who predicted MB's victory over the new clan. Their next challenge is vs kuma's former clan, LOTZ. The current score is 10-5 in AQOH's favor. He is confident they will continue to get results. Both HH and TNC have expeessed interest in facing this new clan.
Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of
interviewee . Post any questions you may have for them here -->
Interrogation with TheCrown Submitting Your Own Articles If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to
Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!
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Subscribe Here! ConquerClub Dispatch Team samuelc812 wrote: ConquerClub Dispatch Team thehippo8 - Temporary Strategy Executive - (Strategy Team List Updated Sept. 04, 2012) Dukasaur - Tournament Executive - (Tourney Team List Updated 29/8/2012) thehippo8 - Foundry Executive - (Foundry Team List Updated 1/10/2012) thehippo - Temporary Clan Executive - (Clan Team List Updated 23/06/2011) safariguy5 - Freestyle Executive - (Freestyle Team List Updated 14/07/2012)