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CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

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CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby thehippo8 on Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:37 pm


Welcome Comrades to the 82nd edition of the Dispatch :)

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of Hurricane Sandy. May you keep safe and look after each other. Sure humans can be vile to each other (and our hearts go out to those hot spots too) but no-one expects mother nature to upset the apple cart in such a spectacular fashion! The Dispatch's current turmoil pales into comparison but I can assure you that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and the train has begun moving again. Watch this space and be ready for some more great things from our dedicated team!

Halloween is upon us (along with Allantide, Abaidas, Quentin, Wolfgang of Regensburg, Eastern Orthodox Liturgics, Reformation Day, Shamhain, Brythonic Calan Gaeaf, Kalan Gwav, Kalan Goañv or even Parentalia and as we move into Día de los Angelitos and Día de los Muertos or Día de los Difuntos). Are you Trick or Treating, flying a kite, feasting, celebrating the opening of Lieben University (1587), remembering the resumption of the Maori wars in the Waikato (1863), commemorating Nevada's admision as the 36th state (1864), holding a torch for the 200,000 souls lost in the great cyclone in India (1876), marvelling at the last successful cavalry charge in history in World War One's Battle of Beersheba (1917), gasping at the stunning losses of the propane tank explosion at the Indiana State Fair (76 dead and 400 injured in 1963), or those as a result of Ghandi's death (10,000+ sikhs killed in riots in 1984), being inspired by the Soyuz TM-31's launch allowing for the continuous manning thereafter of the International Space Station (2000) or just putting your feet up!

Safariguy updates our Mafia world with flair. No interview this issue, but we hope to get back to those from next issue onwards!! Mr reliable, Dukasaur, updates the tournament world with both Tournament Tips and TPA Wrap up from DaveH and Join this? Or not! from WorldCup4James. It is my turn to bring you the Strategy section - in which I ask whether we need Strategy Guides and I introduce a new series of articles on Collective Wisdon and this time we look at skychaser's views on how to deal with cooks. The Foundry section is as busy as ever so much so that I thought it was a circus. In keeping with the circus theme, Qyu looks at Circus Maximus while Koontz1973 is as busy as ever - updating maps, talking about Halloween and ... drum roll ... another competition. Finally, Icepackwraps up what is happening in the clans - and there is a lot happening! Well, for being thin on the ground, it's impressive to see that the Dispatch keeps on trucking!

Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!

Foundry Executive


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Hello again Freestylers. The twin evils of school and work could not keep me from my duty. The Masli interview fell down between the desk and the wall and no matter what we try it cannot be shifted so we have to publish without it. Never mind, I still get to talk a bit more on mafia setups for this issue.
You Stay Classy, CC.

Freestyle Executive

The Scum Insider by safariguy5


Time to sharpen your pencils and sit up straight. It's time to learn something. I can't remember if it was Barry, Maurice or Robin which said:
When the spoil's are gone and you can't go on
It's strategy
When the dice are crap and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no wins to turn to you're
goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no cards
It's strategy
When the stacks vanish and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With losing conditions
you're out of here
When the team-mate's gone and and it's all gone wrong

Maybe I heard them wrong? Anyway, time for the Strategy section to return to Dispatch. In this issue I have a look at Strategy Guides - do we really need them? I also have a look at skychaser's brilliant exposition on how to deal with cooks. Although I kept butting it, I did learn something and hope you do too. Alternatively, if you know better then please speak up! Better still, get yourself on the Dispatch team and tell it like it is - we need the help!

Temporary Strategy Executive

Official Strategy Guides by thehippo8

Collective Wisdom Series: Fighting cooks by skychaser with commentary from thehippo8


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments!

"What are we going to read tonight, Brain?"

"Same thing we read every night! Join This? Or Not! by WorldCup4James, TPA Wrap by DaveH, and Tournament Tips by DaveH!"

"Good idea!"

Today I have had the honour of awarding GC medals to Dave and James for the fourth consecutive quarter. They have both now served (slightly more than) one full year at the Dispatch, and been very highly productive during that time. I'm very, very delighted to have these guys on my team!

Tournament Executive

Join This? Or Not! by WorldCup4James

TPA Wrap by DaveH

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: Tournament Rescue and Round Robins.


Welcome one and all to the Foundry portion of the Dispatch. Roll up, roll up, come one come all. We have clowns, and horses and a roaring crowd. Pay a penny, pay a pound, listen to the songs, listen to the sounds! Did you come for good, or to make me frown? Does your mother know or are you underground? Roll up, roll up and here we go again!


koontz1973 brings us updates on which maps are making their way through the Foundry. Is your favourite map there? Do you even know what your favourite map looks like? And in keeping with the current circus theme, Qyu brings us a historical revisionist introspective on, what else, but Circus Maximus - the map itself! The only clowns are the ones on the other side of the computer - you know who you are! Sqeek sqeek! And being the second most important holiday in the Satanic calendar, Halloween is upon us. A chance for my favourite map, Knights, to get a facelift by it's maker - himself who is rejiggied to become Killerkoontz1973 - and he even writes about it! Finally, there's a chance for you to shoot the duckies, hoop the bottles, catch the balls and do whatever else is required to win this weeks Foundry Dispatch Competition.

And the last laugh goes to Carl Sagan who said:

But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

thehippo8 -- Foundry Executive

Quenched & new Beta maps.

Image by koontz1973

Maps in Development. koontz1973

Circus Maximus by Qyu

Halloween killerkoontz1973

Foundry Dispatch Competition - now open to all people. by koontz1973
Foundry Dispatch Competition koontz1973


For those in the know, this is the single most important part of the Dispatch. Sure Freestyle is entertaining, Strategy is interesting theoretically, Foundry provides a glimpse for the future and opportunity for creative outlet, Tournaments is a warm up but it is Clans where it all comes together.

And by jingos has a lot happened in clans since the last update! Thankfully Icepack is on hand to bring us a thorough update of what's what and where's where. It takes a dedicated adherent to bring such a depth of understanding so cheers Icepack =D>

Foundry Executive

Updates by Icepack (The Fallen)

show: CC3

show: Newcomers Cup 3

show: 2nd Annual 1 vs 1 Challenge

show: CL4 Event

show: Regular Clan Wars


Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of interviewee. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with TheCrown

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby x-raider on Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:15 am

The 3 maps in the "Foundry Dispatch Competition" are Field of Gettysburg, Tribal War - Ancient Israel and 4 Star Meats. All 3 have had maps of their concept attempted previously. Additionally they all contain Illustrations of 4 legged animals.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:06 am

Well, looks like x-raider got it the fastest this time. Well done. Will get the hippo to shine the medal for you.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby thehippo8 on Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:18 am

No clowning around, the fastest act in the circus gets the medal!! Well done x-raider!!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby ckyrias on Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:55 am

sunday and i woke up late for the 3rd in the row!! :(

well done x-raider!!

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby sannemanrobinson on Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:36 am

The three maps are Field of Gettysburg, Alamo map and Four star meats. I do not see Trabal war Israel in there.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby trinicardinal on Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:30 am

ok so the maps are

Field of Gettysburg by pamoa (response here

4 Star Meats by Dana 1971 (response here)

and Alamo by generalhead and tkr4lf (response here

I believe that's the maps AND the posting conditions met ;)
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby sannemanrobinson on Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:39 am

Ah I missed that part two.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby thehippo8 on Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:14 pm

trinicardinal wrote:ok so the maps are

Field of Gettysburg by pamoa (response here

4 Star Meats by Dana 1971 (response here)

and Alamo by generalhead and tkr4lf (response here

I believe that's the maps AND the posting conditions met ;)

Well, x-raider may have the medal for being fast - but YOU get the medal for getting it right!!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:06 pm

And the controversy begins....

Will there be lawsuits? Will there be a Royal Commission? Will there be a blood feud? Stay tuned....
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby x-raider on Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:10 pm

Nah, that's fine. I do it for the fun.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:30 pm

sannemanrobinson wrote:Ah I missed that part two.

Indeed you did, but considering that we Clowns on the Dispatch made such a bad show of this comp I see no reason why you should not also receive a medal for your sterling efforts. After all, you were "more correct" than x-raider so we will chalk this up to experience and provide you with a shiny new medal too.

But that's it folks - lolly-scramble is over! On behalf of the entertainment team - thanks for playing and let's see who gets in first next issue!!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 82: 3-11-2012] Circuitousness

Postby trinicardinal on Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:32 pm

thehippo8 wrote:
sannemanrobinson wrote:Ah I missed that part two.

Indeed you did, but considering that we Clowns on the Dispatch made such a bad show of this comp I see no reason why you should not also receive a medal for your sterling efforts. After all, you were "more correct" than x-raider so we will chalk this up to experience and provide you with a shiny new medal too.

But that's it folks - lolly-scramble is over! On behalf of the entertainment team - thanks for playing and let's see who gets in first next issue!!

I like that decision =D> . Very fair imo. Thanks again guys... it was fun.
10:16:35 ‹Ace Rimmer› haven't looked at work in ages
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