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CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

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CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

Postby thehippo8 on Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:26 pm


Welcome Comrades to the 87th edition of the Dispatch :)

Everyone's back from a well earned break - the rest of you who are still away are away: for our protection; for your protection; because you were forgotten; because you forgot us; because you escaped; because we escaped; because you can; or just because! Regardless, if you are still reading this (away or back), welcome and enjoy!

The return of the interviews =D> Cairnswk gets roasted. Heaps happening in Clans, Tournaments and Foundry - too much to repeat here. And strategy is getting traction.

Hope you are enjoying the Dispatch. Note that it has had a little bit of a shuffle. We would love your input, ideas, suggestions, article prompts, even a well placed brickbat or two wouldn't hurt. So, sing out!! In the immortal words of Oscar Wilde:

It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the journalist, found him, developed him, and made him their industrious and well-paid servant. It is greatly to be regretted, for both their sakes.

Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!

Chief Executive


I'm back from the sun and sand of my vacation and ready to get back to writing. cairnswk talks about mapmaking and his drinks of choice (among other things) this issue and we have a new Scum insider for you mafia aficionados.
You Stay Classy, CC.

Freestyle Executive

The Scum Insider by safariguy5


show: Interrogation of cairnswk


Here's another round of updates from the wonderful world of Clans 8-)

Clan Executive

Cries from the manger


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments!

I was reading Dave's TPA Wrap, and I was thinking, "Okay, he's got the TPA2 update, and he's got the TPA3 update, but where the %&#$ is the TPA1 update?!?!" And then it came to me -- there is no more TPA1 because TPA1 is finished! Of course, we already reported this to you last issue, but somehow I still hadn't got used to the fact.

The Seventh Anniversary celebrations had the traditional day of Battle Royales, and the the Hippo will tell you all about it in our lead article. DaveH has another installment of his Tournament Tips. James is taking a bit of a break to focus on academic pursuits, so I've done Join This? Or Not! for this issue. Check it out; there's been a few really neat ideas in the Create/Join forum in the last few days. And finally, I have a little bit of personal bragging to do, which constitutes our fifth article.


Tournament Executive

7th CC Anniversary Birthday Battle Royales by thehippo8

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: Translating VBE into CC Code via Excel

TPA Wrap by DaveH

Join This? Or Not! by Dukasaur

A Personal Milestone by Dukasaur


Getting back into the swing of things here. So what can we bring you today. Well, firstly, the votes have been allocated and the winner have received their medals. I bring to you the winners from the map awards 2013. Some surprising winners and some not so much. Next year we will run them later in the year so every map gets in. After a break, the Maps in Development is back. New year brings us a huge issue for this one. We have foundry news on the new layout and Battle Royale maps. Lastly, generalhead brings us another look at his Alamo map and how patience is needed in the foundry.
koontz1973 -- Foundry Executive

Map Awards 2013 - Winners by koontz1973

Maps in Development. koontz1973

Foundry News by koontz1973

Patience, understanding and the foundry by generalhead


Welcome one and all to another helping of Strategy.

This is the stuff that's important, so listen up!!

This issue we have another brief update from SoCs, thanks macbone! And please welcome back theSaxlad who brings us an article entitled The Strategy Forum Spotlight Presents: xiangwang- Colonel in 100 days!. It does what it says on the tin. Prepare for some heavy strategy tips, take notes, listen up - better still print it off and turn it into wallpaper wherever your computer may be!! Put it next to this from Jarod Kintz:

I consider conversations with people to be mind exercises, but I don't want to pull a muscle, so I stretch a lot. That's why I'm constantly either rolling my eyes or yawning.

Also in this issue, FATHARRY shares his wisdom on Feudal War and Feudal Epic. Prior to this information I shied away from those maps because I just didn't get them. Now I am scalping points on those maps and they are quickly becoming favourites for me! And remember, for those of you looking for an easy GA medal, please get acquanted with the maps in the Collected Wisdom series and go ahead and send your entries into the Official Guides - they need to be done and you get something out of it too. Stay clever!

Temporary Strategy Executive

Brief SoCs by thehippo8 and macbone

The Strategy Forum Spotlight Presents: xiangwang- Colonel in 100 days! by TheSaxlad

Collected Wisdom: FATHARRY's Guide to Feudal War and Feudal Epic by thehippo8


If you would like to apply to join the news team, please visit the thread below for more details! :)

Click here for Recruitment Details...


Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of interviewee. Post any questions you may have for them here --> [url=url]Interrogation with interviewee[/url]

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

Postby Funkyterrance on Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:29 am

Thanks to all who took part in the production of the cairnswk interrogation, including of course the guest of honor. ;) I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed it!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

Postby Leehar on Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:38 pm

More than 3 & a half years for a map, wow!

And I thought for a second Dukasaur was your favourite author :lol:
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:27 pm

I think if I could do my section over again I would have mentioned McShanester29's magnum opus
MC's 200th Tournament!! .

An excellent looking tourney. I skipped over it when I was writing JTON because it's almost full, but now I'm thinking I should have mentioned it. Anyway, better late than never: McShanester is looking for 9 more players to get it launched forthwith!
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― Voltaire
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 87: 16-1-2013] Cairns-Speak

Postby chemefreak on Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:42 pm

I always knew the devil had a hand in Das Schloss!

Das Schloß 666

Thank you Cairns for everything you do. An amazing collection of maps. CC wouldn't be the same without you.
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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