Welcome Comrades to the 94th edition of the Dispatch
Well we certainly made a rod for our back this time. A bit late with the last issue, a change of staff and bang - we are on time again! An impressive innings for your favourite group of dedicated volunteers by anyone's standards!!
If you think that CC has started to take off then you won't be alone. The #GCCM event has been enthralling all of us. We have Twitter kicking off, Facebook being relooked at and now even some ideas on the boil with Youtube. Oops
I think I let the cat out of the bag there. An announcement on that hasn't been made yet! And all that on top of your usual Mafia Games, an Interview with Dako, all the happenings in Clans (Oh yeah ... it's CLAN WEEK!!), tournaments and the foundry. When does anyone have time to sleep? Some of us in the real world even balance all this with work or exams or natural disasters or what have you. It's enough to make your head spin! Wesley Snipes put it well when he said:
I've reduced a lot of the stress in my life. I've gotten rid of a lot of things. The light was turned on and a lot of the cockroaches started spinning. I swept them out the door. And sometimes you just have to throw things out because they carry a certain energy.
Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!
thehippo8 Chief Executive If you would like to apply to join the news team, please visit the thread below for more details!
Click here for Recruitment Details... Welcome back readers. koontz fills us in on current GCCM events, I have another Scum Insider, and Dako talks about Russia, girls, and his martial arts skills.
You Stay Classy, CC.
safariguy5 Freestyle Executive The Great Community Map Project. Live Chat Event Update show
_/[] Callouts x \_/[] Help x \_/[] Social x \_/[] #GCCM x \_________________20:15:57 * JaneAustin joins #GCCM 20:25:56 * NoSurvivors was invited by JaneAustin 20:25:59 * NoSurvivors joins #GCCM 20:26:10 < JaneAustin > hey NoS !!20:26:34 < NoSurvivors > hey janey 20:29:12 < JaneAustin > so you're coming to our live chat event on Tuesday? 20:29:16 < JaneAustin > you're gonna play? right? right?20:30:09 < NoSurvivors > wait, what event?20:30:18 < JaneAustin > the live chat GCCM trivia contest20:31:04 < NoSurvivors > oh yeah20:31:16 < NoSurvivors > I saw your announcement about that20:32:33 < NoSurvivors > I posted in that threaed20:32:39 < NoSurvivors > did you see my post?20:32:49 < JaneAustin > lol yeah NoS I did20:33:01 < JaneAustin > it made me laugh20:33:26 < NoSurvivors > so what kind of trivia is it?20:33:28 < JaneAustin > anything and everything having to do with maps, mapmakers, and the foundry20:33:45 < NoSurvivors > and how do I win again?20:33:50 < JaneAustin > the first person to answer 10 questions correct wins20:35:25 < NoSurvivors > and we get a GA medal if we win?20:35:36 < JaneAustin > lol yeah you do 20:35:40 < NoSurvivors > yay20:35:43 < NoSurvivors > I'm gonna see if I can get some of the ppl in my clan to come play too20:35:46 < NoSurvivors > it's /join #GCCM for the room we'll play in?20:35:58 < JaneAustin > yup, that's right20:36:02 < JaneAustin > tell them to click on live chat on the left side bar20:36:05 < JaneAustin > and just type "/join #GCCM" into the text box of the chat applet20:36:21 < JaneAustin > and voila, they'll be in the room where we're having the event20:36:25 < NoSurvivors > no wait20:36:56 < NoSurvivors > maybe I'm not20:37:00 < NoSurvivors > I want that medal all for myself 20:37:03 < NoSurvivors > it's this Tuesday?20:37:18 < JaneAustin > it's Tuesday, 7 May20:37:26 < NoSurvivors > cool 20:37:31 < NoSurvivors > what time?20:38:04 < NoSurvivors > I hope I can make it20:38:16 < NoSurvivors > I'm gonna make it20:38:16 < JaneAustin > lol we're running it 3 times so I'm sure you can make one of them20:38:20 < JaneAustin > it's at 11:00, 17:00, and 23:00 CC time20:38:22 < NoSurvivors > oh yeah20:38:22 < NoSurvivors > I can def made two of those20:38:22 < JaneAustin > good20:38:26 < JaneAustin > b/c if you don't win at the first one20:38:46 < JaneAustin > you can try again next time20:38:52 < NoSurvivors > yay20:38:54 < NoSurvivors > one of those GA medals is mine20:38:58 < JaneAustin > lol okay20:39:02 < JaneAustin > I gotta run now 20:39:10 < JaneAustin > lunch time20:39:47 < JaneAustin > I just wanted to make sure you knew bout the GCCM trivia contest20:40:25 < NoSurvivors > cool 20:40:28 < NoSurvivors > what are you having for lunch?20:40:30 < NoSurvivors > yeah thanks for reminding me 20:40:35 < JaneAustin > tomato soup and a grilled cheese20:40:41 < NoSurvivors > cool20:40:51 < NoSurvivors > I love tomato soup20:42:44 < NoSurvivors > and grilled chese20:42:54 < JaneAustin > lol me too20:42:57 < NoSurvivors > later janey 20:43:07 < JaneAustin > laters NoS !20:43:21 * JaneAustin quit (timeout) 20:43:25 * NoSurvivors quit (timeout) Event Information :Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2013Times: 3 trivia contests will be held that day at the following times:Location: Live Chat, enter /join #GCCM in the message box to join the room where the event will be held.Format: The first member to correctly answer 10 trivia questions about maps and the foundry wins. The winner of each session will not be allowed to compete in the following session/s. However, if you compete and are unsuccessful, you may compete in other sessions.Prizes: A shiny gold GA medal!
The Scum Insider by safariguy5 show
The Scum Insider Newbie Help Want to get into the Mafia scene, but don't know how to play or even what it is? Consult these threads: Mafia Information , Mafia and You , and Rules and Terms of Mafia . Too much work? Too lazy to read through everything? No worries, you can always jump right into a game and ask for other players or the game runner to help guide you.What is "Mafia"? Mafia, for those of you that don't know, is a game that generally takes place in a town, where the townspeople have to determine who the mafia (or "scum") is and lynch them via a majority vote during the day and the mafia try to kill everyone at night and bluff their way out of getting killed by the town.Mafia News Mystery Killer Mafia ended with a win for town as the last SKer was killed off. Town lucked into unintentional crossfire as one SKer was picked off by the other one early. A fun concept, and we hope / revises the set a bit to add a little more complexity to the game.Mafia Callouts Calling all players interested! Some mafia games need some filling: Sign-ups: Seeking Replacements: Consult the Replacement Thread to see what games are in need of reserves/replacements. Now get out there and investigate Mafia for yourself: viewforum.php?f=213 Advanced Roles and Strategy by safariguy5 We talk about a scum strategy this issue.Bussing What is It? Bussing refers to members of a mafia faction distancing themselves from a particular member. This person is most commonly already under lynch pressure, so the other mafia players will distance themselves from the lynchee to prevent suspicion of mafia collusion.Example Jack is under lynch pressure and Alice is his scummate. Alice moves her vote onto Jack to bus herself away from him.How to Use This Strategy Bussing is usually done to set up a WIFOM situation where it makes it difficult for town to spot who the mafia players are on the bandwagon. Sometimes, the person being lynched will try to drag another mafia player down in a form of reverse bussing. This paints the surviving mafia player as townish because the now dead scum player accused them. A double bus can occur when two mafia players are leading cases against each other. This might convince town players that the two mafia players are just two townies going against each other.
show: Interrogation of Dako
Q. Any thoughts you might care to share about CCup4 Dako? I wish I'd run it. But alas, they decided I was not worthy. The rest has already been said, CCup4 will be a good lesson to CDs. Q. Ass or breast man? Looky - breast, touchy - ass. Q. Favorite map? Most of them look almost the same nowadays, I wonder why they always make similar maps lol. But I really like Dawn of Ages and Battle for Iraq in terms of gameplay and balance. And my specialty, WWII Ardennes . And I can look at Japan and FNA for hours, they are really pretty. Q. Care to share why you stepped down as head tech? Ummm, I can say that it was due to political reasoning. PM me if you want to know more. Q. Which of the female TOFU members do you have the most dreams about? InsomniaRed of course. Why even ask? Q. If you owned CC what would you change? Almost everything, ha. The list can be very long, but first of all I'd actually started to work on it. Q. What did you like about being a mod? Different colors, paddle access, dice hacks . I also quite enjoyed TeamCC porn accounts but got bored on the third round. Q. What did you dislike about being a mod? Let's not dig into that, all right? Otherwise this interview will look very anti-CC. Oh, yes, sitting-related issues! That I can say without fear from Red Team. Q. Do Russians still like red-heads if they're bat-shit crazy? The more she's crazy the more she's hot, we say. And it's not like I am going to have kids with her, right? Q. Would you rather live in a castle and rule a small kingdom or fly around the galaxy in an invisible spaceship? INVISIBLE SHI-I-IP!!! Q. If your clan didn't exist, which one would you join and why? THOTA . And KORT of course. I still don't know how people can be in one clan and not like each other 100%. Q. What has been your favorite clan war to date, and why? TOFU-KORT, 1st and 2nd edition. I just love to win vs cows with KABOOM and all the mud-slinging . Q. What was your favorite part of being a mod? Do you actually listen to me? I already said, colors! And being special. I am an attention whore, one can say. Q. What is the best and worst thing about living in Russia? Best - bears, vodka, matryoshkas and that you can easily be a mad scientist that can assemble bomb from cereal, detergent and ice cream in a microwave. And you can easily survive for $8000/month and look better than most here. Worst - living in Russia. Autocracy, corruption, no speed limits (wait, that is actually good!), bad medical care, declining education. List can go on and on. Q. Have you ever had to use your skills in aikido in a fight or to impress a girl by pretending to fight with someone? No, but I have complete script written down for one, two and three attackers. Some of them involve bikes and deadly weapons. Q. Favorite doctor? David Tennant. Definitely. Q. Favorite companion? Donna Noble, no question about that. Catherine Tate is a genius!Donna: If you ever see a little blue box, flying up there in the sky, you shout for me, Gramps. Oh you just shout. Granddad: You know, I don't understand half the things you say these days. Donna: Nor me.
Q. Favorite drink? Any. I'm Russian in the end. But if we go into preferences, gin, rum, red shiraz, weissbeer. Q. Favorite map and settings? Dawn of Ages dubs NS A F; Battle for Iraq dubs E A F; Ardennes quads NS A F. Q. Favorite car? f*ck cars, Honda and Kawa are my choices. Q. What's the story behind your username? My sister used to call me like that when I was a kid. Got stuck with it from that day. Nothing really special other than it is derived from my name. I got many other cool nicknames, like Rambo, which is what my classmates used to call me because I was shortest in class but fought the most. Q. Who do you think you are? Sometimes I dream that I am Master Fenrir, but then I wake up in cold sweat realizing I am more of a freakns... Q. On a scale of 1 to Josko how much do you love KoRT? Josko^(n-1) where n is the amount of attention I get from Foxy and fishy weekly. Q. If you were given the whole of CC to chose from, and they couldn't say no, who would you press gang into being a TOFU player? Hm, let me think about it. I guess ahunda, laughingcavalier, betiko, Rodion, ballenus, Leehar, freakns, Lindax, BigBallinStalin. Those are one of the best players/teammates/posters I have seen on CC that are outside of TOFU. But I am sure I forgot like 10 people just because I was lazy to look into scoreboard. Q. Would you rather be paid in vodka or roubles? Roubles, I don't drink vodka (shhhh!) Q. Would you rather fly Aeroflot or jump off a building? Lol aeroflot is so crappy guys. Jump off the building with a chute, yes, that would be my choice. Q. Russian beauties or Asian honeys? Former for wife, latter for evening adventures. Those Philippine girls, awww. Q. You are a black belt in a martial art. Are your hands deadly weapons, or only when holding the steering wheel of a car? Yes, I know how to kill person in many ways, and I can severely injure anyone quite easy as well, muahaha. Don't mess with me! Thank god I have never had a need to use them that way. And I drive safely, almost like them - VIDEO . It's awesome to live in Russia, hell yeah! Q. What is the coldest you have ever been? -40 celsius. That was quite funny actually, throwing boiling water our of the window - VIDEO Q. Blonde, Brunette, or Redheads? All three at the same time please. But hair color is nothing, it all comes down to curves and lumps. Q. If you switched clans, would you want another highly competitive clan (ie PACK) or a clan that likes to have a little more fun (ie TNC)? Competitive to the bone. I cannot do anything half-assed. Q. What games did you play before CC? I was pro in Warcraft 3 DotA, my team took #4 in Russian Cup back in the days. And I was always into Diablo cause I liked to kill tons of monsters with limbs flying all over the place. Q. Are there any hot Russian Brides left in Russia? Tons of them, one is coming to my place right now *wink* *wink*. Q. What time did you go to bed last night? 4am if you ask for today. But I know what this woman asks about . THAT night I went to bed at 9am, and it was not my bed. Then I was waken at noon with the words "Go into your own bed, she is coming back!". Still digesting all the beer and vodka I obeyed and went into my bed. 4 hours later I was woken again and was told "Hush, go out through the back door, missus should not see you!". The night was wonderful, I was able to eat only when it was around 11pm . Q. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now? I loved playing with cooking pots! My mom used to put me near the cupboard and I could be lost for many hours opening each of them, trying to fit one into another and so on. Adorable, eh? Right now it went all digital but there are few things that I can spend many hours with without noticing — my bō and my bokuto. I wonder what will happen when my katana arrives this summer . They said they will finish forging it by July. Q. What do you think of Hong Kong? It is a lovely city. Very smelly, very friendly and reminded me of Ankh-Morpork instantly. Big colorful village with skyscrapers. You walk down the avenue, one wrong turn and 5 blocks later you can see people selling vegetables from the boxes, offering Rolex and other goodies from under the jacket… Ahh, I liked it. Q. What surprised you about CoF when you met him? He has Russian soul. I mean this guy, he has a stove all rusty but clean, his house is a bit shabby but looks cozy and neat, he doesn't bother to feed his dogs with the same fork he uses and is completely open to people. It is rare to see uncomplicated people when they have huge income. Q. When was the last time you cried? I always cry on movies during the happy ends and never do I cry when there are some misfortune there. Last time was when I was flying back from HK and was watching Wreck-It Ralph during the last scene. Q. What are you really afraid of? Heights, losing my limbs or sight, other drivers on Russia. And sometimes I am really afraid of josko. When I type a message I always think twice what he can write in reply and oh my, sometimes that makes me shiver! After that I delete half of my post because overall impact on the universe would be negative. Q. Is Ace Rimmer generally truthful? Yes, most of the time he tells the truth. Q. Now that life is your own again will you look for other channels to flex your community muscles? God please no. I would like to spend this time in real life if you know what I mean. Russia is a country of opportunities. Q. If you could make a map doing anything you want what special programming tricks would you add which don't already exist on CC? I'd add mutated territories. For example you hold 5 districts in a bonus and then they merge into one big terr that has all the borders. And if you conquer such merged bonus from an opponent you don't get the whole bonus yourself, it will rebel and break down into 5 original terrs but all neutral (except the one you just conquered, lets call it city centre). So if you cannot hold that big city you will have to unite it later again to conquer it. Now that would be something. Q. Would it be better if CC were redone in Cyrillic? Hell no. I never used Cyrillic when I write code, even my comments are in English. Q. Who is cooler, St. Cyril or St. Methodius? Last time when I visited their grave in Rome, Methodius was a bit cooler to the touch. Q. How many languages do you: - Read/Write - Speak - Program in Fluent Russian and English. Can speak a little bit of Japanese. And I know a lot of dev languages, more than 5 but less than 10. Q. Favorite language to: - Type in - Read - Speak - Program in - Debug English is way easier to type, but I prefer to speak Russian because I know more words there and can construct better sentences. If I knew 5000-10000 more words in English I'm sure that would not be a an issue anymore. As for programming, most of the time I do PHP so I am used to it. But Python and Scala really attract me nowadays, though I know none of them. Q. How long would it take you to learn how to do the Oppa Gangnam Style dance? Or do you already know how to do it? I think 2 to 4 hours. Never tried to dance it before. Q. Who would you rather play a dubs game with, Denise or catnipdreams? Well, you need at least 4 players for dubs, so I'd take both and invite fishy over as well. Q. Who would you rather "play" with, Denise or catnipdreams? Cat is more kinky (in a good way), Denise has more experience. Not sure, not sure. Can I do a pre-play wth both and then decide?
Hello loyal Platoon Report readers! I want to kick off this edition by first thanking and applauding Leehar for his
years served as Clan Executive here at the Dispatch! It's no small feat to run an ever-changing team of writers and get all the news from the clan world together twice a month, but he sure had a great way of getting it done. It's always been a pleasure to work with him, and I sincerely wish him the best in his new role as Head Clan Director. From all of us, Leehar, we thank you!!
I'm proud to say we have a great bunch of articles for your reading pleasure this week, including multiple contributions from two of our newest writers, IcePack and betiko, as well as updates to many of our regular features, and more news about how clans are getting involved in GCCM.
To kick things off, we've got the exclusive scoop on the updated F400 rankings thanks to IcePack. Check it out to find out all the latest results and movement. IcePack also brings us a report on Conquer Cup 4, including the results of the play-in draw, and great background on the clans involved, as well as a few predictions. Speaking of predictions, betiko has an update on Conquer Cup 3. His report includes the latest on all the action in the finals of the event, and also a look at the implications for the CC3 prediction contest. Completing our reviews of the major ongoing clan events, qwert has another update for us Clan League 5, featuring all the updated scores and tables, as well as the first clan to qualify for the Premier League in the second phase.
As we have for the last couple of months, we have an updated edition of our reader requested Clan Movers and Shakers column, bringing you all the roster shakeups in the clan world from the last month, and the introduction of yet another clan to the realm. To wrap up this edition of the Platoon Report, we have an update from koontz regarding GCCM and Clan Week - don't miss this chance to get in on the fun and win your clan some medals!
Swifte Clan Executive May 1 F400 Update by IcePack show
CC4 by IcePack show
After months of debate, politics, intrigue and scandal CC4 took the first steps to begin competition under the watchful eyes of the CD's. 35 Clans signed up for CC4, which requires a few play-in wars. Under the new CC4 seeding system, the top 16 clans were seeded and the remaining clans were placed into a Random Pool. Many gathered in Live Chat to watch as 6 lucky clans were drawn to face off and find out which will re-enter the random pool to compete in the 32 Clan Single Elimination Bracket. Drawn were the following match-ups:Risk Attackers [RA] vs The Devil's Brigade [DB] Risk Attackers lead by VioIet are the apparent favorite in this match up. Dualta of DB has indicated they've recently undergone a restructuring, and recently DB competed against a new clan - The Pain Dispensers and achieved huge success, currently the war is 23-2 and DB has won the challenge. RA is looking for revenge, the last time these two clans met in late 2011 DB won 21-29. Overall: RA completed first clan war in late 2010 RA is 5-8 in clan wars RA is ranked 31st on the F400 DB completed first clan war in late 2008 DB is 11-26 in clan wars DB is ranked 36th on the F400 IcePack Predicts: RA Victory over DB 25-16Warriors at Risk [WAR] vs Knights Templar [KNT] While these two clans have never met, I expect an interesting match up between WAR and KNT. Many predict WAR to walk away with a large lead in the end. WAR was a split off of RA, and are much more experienced then KNT, relatively new to the clan scene. Overall: WAR completed first clan war early 2012 WAR is 7-6 in clan wars WAR is ranked 23rd on the F400 KNT completed first clan war in Spring 2012 KNT is 4-2 in clan wars KNT is ranked 29th on the F400 IcePack Predicts: WAR Victory over KNT 25-16A Question of Honor [AQOH] vs the Headless Horsemen [HH] Keefie and kuma32478 face off one more time, recently completing a war in Feb 2013 that left AQOH the victor in a very close 21-20 battle. I expect this one to be the closest match up of the 3, and if their last war is any indication HH is going to want the sweet taste of victory even more. Overall: HH completed first clan war in late 2011 HH is 12-9 in clan wars HH is ranked 26th on the F400 AQOH completed first clan war AQOH is 4-1 in clan wars AQOH is ranked 27th on the F400 IcePack Predicts: AQOH Victory over HH 22-19 Once the three winners are named, they will re-enter the random pot and a new draw will be made, to find out which Top 16 Clan the remaining field will face!
CC3 Finals Update by Betiko show
vs Hear me now! The finals of the clan world's biggest event are now underway, and here's a little batch1 report! As you all know, this year TOFU and AFOS made it to the final (respectively seeded #4 and #10 last year for the CC3 draw). I hear the crown screaming "George Doors, what are the scores?" Right now there is a close 3-3 (it's official, 28 to go for both clans as LMS would say!). I'm going to try out a little prediction of the other ongoing games with my fog goggles:Looking TOFU: 9 (World 2.1 dubs, poison rome trips, bamboo jack trips, conquer rome quads, middle ages quads, rail europe quads, trench warfare dubs, hive quads, italy trips)Looking AFOS: 3 (Monster dubs, northwest passage trips, dark continent quads)Looking EVEN: 2 (salem's switch quads, antartica quads) According to my predictions, the score between both clans after batch one should be somewhere between TOFU 14- AFOS 6 and TOFU 12- AFOS 8. As in their previous rounds, TOFU knows how to start well and get an early advantage in the war. They have been playing with fire in quarter finals (PACK) and semi finals (KORT) where their large advance melted like snow under the sun in batch 3. Seems prettyclear that they will lead after batch 1 games, but will they keep up the pace? Will they underperform in batch 3 again? On their side AFOS has proved to have nerves of steel in some breathtaking matchups vs IA and TSM in quartefinals and semifinals winning what they had to win in the money time with the slightest advantage. Can they perform such thing again? Only time & dice will tell! Last but not least. Do you remember doing a CC3 prediction last year? Well you might take a peak at this: Conquer Cup 3 Predictions How well did you do? We already know that only 3 players are left for the final victory (6month premium+GA medal for the winner) !Emmdizzle (supreme leader of the allmighty AFOS) has even more than a CC3 victory in stake for his clan! If AFOS wins, he'll be the CC3 predictions winner!! If TOFU wins, allinpoker1980 and Chuuuuck will both win (and I will personally take the useless third place ) Fellow conquerors, stay tuned for more CC3 finals updates!
CL5 by Qwert show
On 21 April the last last two rounds in Qualification Groups started. The first clan who managed to qualify into Premier League is TOFU who taken 15 points, and secured their spot in the Premiership. By our next update, we should start to get a clearer picture of who will rank where, as some Qualification Groups will be nearly finished. Table update
Clan Movers and Shakers - April 2013 by Swifte show
Time for our third edition of Clan Movers and Shakers, where we fill you in on all the players that have found new homes in the last month. Seems like there was less movement in April compared to March, but for the clans and players involved there is still much to be excited about. Best of luck to all players in their new clans, and congrats to all eight clans on their fantastic new members! Here are the known Movers and Shakers for April 2013, apologies if I've missed anyone:EagleByRob - Atlantis110313 - Fallent4mcr53s2 - FallenWoodsy2115 - Fraternal Order of Exceptional DrinkersDanryan - Fraternal Order of Exceptional DrinkersCatchersMitt14 - FISOartur1 - Legends of Warsempaispellcheck - Les Hussards du DragonDevon99 - One Step Aheadregan the great - One Step Aheadmiyuki- - Retributionsdkenned - RetributionJunior Bee - The Spanking Monkeys Another month, another new clan has appeared on the scene - meet The Galactico!The Galactico: Leaders: Prince_Tottenham , lt.Futt Ianhall Brainalack Marshallbobby Rowney Onagras grunion Chuckisanidiot 100023690 Tenacious D worldconquer Runeldo Matt2006 rickmorales begbiesan elite.np KuchTheWiser demonthunder
The Great Community Map Project. Clan Week Update. show
Sign ups to clan week have been extended to the 4th of May as the dispatch was late out last time. Some big names in the clan world have signed up. But has your clan? All clans are welcome to play. Just fill in the bottom form and send it to me koontz1973 before the forth. Code: Select all Name of Clan: Name of Champion: List of current clan members:
The challenges will be revealed on the 6th of May when we start.Challenge one. The champion is the player you want in your clan to be the one that does challenge one.Challenge two. This is for the whole clan and will be played at a set time. look in the spoiler for details of when.Challenge three. This one is again for the whole clan, but only some of which may be able to compete in well.Prizes for this event are as follow. Win one event, every member of the clan gets a medal. Win two events, every member gets two medals and the clans name on the map when it is made. Only one clan will gets it name onto the map. A thread has been set up in clan forum so everyone can see what is happening at all times with this event but remember, this is not a clan event so please do not bug the hell out of the clan directors, they have enough to do with all of the doughnuts and Piña coladas.
Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments! Here we are five days away from another anniversary of V-E Day. Will anyone put together a cool tournament on CC's WWII maps to celebrate? I sure hope so!
Here in the Dispatch, we have the 38th installment in Dave's
Tournament Tips . After spending some months with more advanced formulae, he is now back into terrain that many of us will recognise, and dealing with formatting and presentation elements.
In the
TPA Wrap , you will find a notice that
IanG7 has won the Assassinations by Fours tournament. An interview with IanG7 will be presented in our next issue!
Anamainiacks continues his mastery of
Join This? Or Not! If you haven't read JTON recently, check it out. Among other things, Anamainiacks launched the innovation of identifying
Premium Only. and Freemium Friendly! tourneys.
Last but (I hope) not least, I've cobbled together a quick discussion about tournament etiquette.
Dukasaur Tournament Executive Tournament Tips by DaveH show: Creating Tables - Revisited
in the last issue I complained that there was not a good way of formatting tables in Conquer Club code (phpBB apparently) and I proposed a macro to give some readability to tables. Well I was wrong and many thanks to agentcom for showing me the light There are tags similar to HTML that allow row and column separators and these can be put directly into an Excel table as agentcom showed me:Code: Select all [table] First column (filled all the way down)[tr][td] Second column: <Data> Third:[/td][td] Fourth: <Data> Fifth:[/td][td]<Continue alternating between data and the above code until the last column> Last column:[/td][/tr][/table]
"td" and "/td" are the column separators and "tr" and "/tr" the row separators. To put the table into a thread, simply copy the whole table and paste into the thread. An alternative is to put the above coding into a macro so that you can specify the rows and columns that you want to make into a table:Code: Select all Sub FormLines() ' ' ' FormLines recorded 22/04/2013 by DaveH ' Dim iRowStart As Integer 'Table start row Dim iRowFinish As Integer 'Table finish row Dim iColStart As Integer 'Table start column Dim iColFinish As Integer 'Table finish column 'Enter the table parameters iRowStart = InputBox("Enter the Starting Row Number:") iRowFinish = InputBox("Enter the Finishing Row Number:") iColStart = InputBox("Enter the Starting Column Number:") iColFinish = InputBox("Enter the Finishing Column Number:") For i = iRowStart To iRowFinish If i = iRowStart Then Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value = "[table][tr][td]" 'note that the data is written into the column 2 positions to the right of the data table Else Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value = "[tr][td]" End If For k = iColStart To iColFinish - 1 Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value = Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value & Cells(i, k).Value & "[/td][td]" Next k Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value = Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value & Cells(i, k).Value & "[/td][/tr]" Next i Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value = Cells(i, iColFinish + 2).Value & "[/table]" End Sub
This puts the code into one column:Click image to enlarge. Either of these methods puts an orderly table into your thread: Winners: Total inc R26: R27 Wins: Total Asbks 19 19 Bruceswar 17 1 18 Wendt100 17 1 18 Clacie 16 1 17 Wizz00 16 1 17 Blindman30 15 15 Marshallbobby 15 15 Aussie02 14 14 Frank_tank 13 1 14
However there are blank lines above your table due to the separate lines used. An alternative macro that puts all the code into a single cell to get rid of these blank lines is as follows.Code: Select all Sub FormLines() ' ' ' FormLines recorded 22/04/2013 by DaveH ' Dim iRowStart As Integer 'Table start row Dim iRowFinish As Integer 'Table finish row Dim iColStart As Integer 'Table start column Dim iColFinish As Integer 'Table finish column Dim A As String 'Enter the table parameters iRowStart = InputBox("Enter the Starting Row Number:") iRowFinish = InputBox("Enter the Finishing Row Number:") iColStart = InputBox("Enter the Starting Column Number:") iColFinish = InputBox("Enter the Finishing Column Number:") For i = iRowStart To iRowFinish If i = iRowStart Then A = "[table][tr][td]" 'note that the data is written into the column 2 positions to the right of the data table Else A = A & "[tr][td]" End If For k = iColStart To iColFinish - 1 A = A & Cells(i, k).Value & "[/td][td]" Next k A = A & Cells(i, k).Value & "[/td][/tr]" Next i Cells(iRowStart, iColFinish + 2).Value = A & "[/table]" End Sub
This then gets rid of the leading spaces. Winners: Total inc R26: R27 Wins: Total Asbks 19 19 Bruceswar 17 1 18 Wendt100 17 1 18 Clacie 16 1 17 Wizz00 16 1 17 Blindman30 15 15 Marshallbobby 15 15 Aussie02 14 14 Frank_tank 13 1 14 GreenBaize 13 1 14 Herus 13 1 14
So perhaps there are additional phpBB codes that we could also put to use - perhaps someone out there can feedback more information? And thanks again agentcom! (These "tips" started off as ones that I used to make it a bit easier in managing my own tournaments. Now, I am looking at other types of tournaments and scoring systems by all you innovative TO's out there. So, if you have a unique scoring system that you would like me to have a go at automating, please let me know and I'll be pleased to try and assist. Any queries on the above I'll be glad to respond to of course. Please note that I use Excel 2003, so there may be variation in the menu instructions if you have other versions of Excel)
TPA3 Wrap by DaveH show
TPA Season 2: State of Play Click image to enlarge. Like buses, we have had no completed tournaments for a long time and then three come along all at once! Dukasaur's "Assassination By Fours" tournament that he rescued from MrGlassB has finished with IanG7 winning from Hath, Italianipastido and Kinnison sharing joint second place. Also finished is Chapcrap's "Killer Ladies" with uckuki in first place and cwinslow22, pindary, sandman175 and Swifte in joint second place. The third on is the "Beat the Odds" tournament that I rescued from nebsmith in which Swifte beat Enormastitz into first place after a marathon duel. The concept of this tournament was very interesting; winners going second earned 1.5 points and a quarter of a "life". Otherwise it is only 1 point towards the total at which the game is won. The leader board is now up to date and a couple of Standard tournaments that had erroneously been scored as Premium have been corrected. Now that the numbers of Standard and Premium tournaments taken by players start to exceed their limits of 16 and 8 respectively, the least scoring totals above these limits have been removed - these corrections are shown at the far right of the Results spreadsheet. Swifte extends his lead to 5,430 points over dowian2 (4,515), with barterer2002 (3,434), enormastitz (2,888) and uckuki (2,839). But, with 11 tournaments still to finish, the chase is still on!TPA 2 Standings TPA Season 3 We still have four completed tournaments. Open for entering is Chap's Ultimate Random in which Individuals enter and in random groups of 4 on quads, triples, doubles and 1v1 play on random maps. We now need just three Standard tournaments to complete the series - in June and July, so there is still plenty of time to prepare one. TPA 3 Standings The thread for the TPA3 details is at:http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=175675 The thread for the code that TO's will need to include in their tournament is at:http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=177868
Join This? Or Not! by anamainiacks show
And now for our regular look at a selection of the tournaments in sign-ups! It feels rather strange while I'm scrolling through the Create/Join a Tournament forum, as the number of forum threads aren't enough to make 2 pages in the forum! But nevertheless, there are still a good number of fine tournaments taking sign ups, so let's take a look at some of them.Backstabber's Guild (w2.1) by mint-murray - Freemium Friendly! If you're looking for a tournament with a twist in the setup, this is certainly one you can look into. In this Doubles tournament, you'll have to compete to win the game with your teammate, while simultaneously trying to keep his troop count lower than yours by the time you win the game. Fail to do so, and you're out! Looks like there's truth to the old saying, "Keep you friends close, and your enemies closer".Beat the Mapmakers 2 by BluU - Freemium Friendly! If you've ever wanted to face off against the mapmakers of your favourite maps, then step right up and take your shot! With the second installment in this series, BluU's tournament once again gives you the opportunity to compete against the very people who conceive and design some of the maps here on CC. Do you know their maps and appropriate strategies better than they do?Killa wants to set you up! by Killakazooma - Premium Only. If you're looking to get some team games under your belt, then check out this tournament. You will be randomly grouped with strangers and tasked to play Quads, Triples and Doubles games in different team combinations within the group. As such, this tournament guarantees that you'll get lots of team games on your way to the finals, and perhaps aid you in your quest for a personal Doubles, Triples or Quadruples achievement medal. What's more, you might even find a player that you'd like to keep as your partner for future team games! With so much to gain, why not give it a go?The Great Community Map Project. Tournament Six - Premium Only. Finally, in conjunction with the Great Community Map Project event, a series of fast and furious tournaments have been running, and will be continuing regularly in the near future. So do keep a look out for these tournaments! The sixth installment is currently taking sign-ups over here , with 4 General Achievement Medals up for grabs! These are my picks, but if you don't like any of these go to the Create/Join a Tournament or Tournaments Tab and take a look at the many others waiting to be filled. If you're craving tourney action now, check out the Requests for Immediate Players section of the tournament forum. You can be playing very quickly after signing up as a reserve. If you would like your tournament to be featured in the next edition of the CC Newsletter, please PM anamainiacks with the details of your tournament.
Tourney Etiquette Redux by Dukasaur show
Recently in the Tournament Organisers usergroup forum I saw a frustrated organiser lamenting the rudeness of people who drop invites without bothering to explain or apologise. It got me thinking that it's probably time for us to run another tournament etiquette article. We've had a few of these in the newsletter over the years, but it's a topic that deserves to be revisited regularly. The official word on tournament etiquette is in two chapters of the Tournament Handbook: Tournament Organizer Etiquette and Tournament Player Etiquette Some of the advice seems somewhat obsolete. For instance: "Help provide the organizer with finished game results. ... Posting your finished games in either the thread or by a PM ... It is best to include the game number(s) with link(s) as well as the order of finish in each game." it has been more than two years since I played in a tournament where I was required to post my own game results, and the last tournament organiser who normally required it (Blitzaholic) is no longer around. Other advice is rarely followed, but I can't help but think that this would be a better site if it was. Under Player to Organiser Etiquette item 7 we have "Thank the tournament organizer, either publicly or privately" and under Player to Player Etiquette item 7 we see "Publicly congratulate the tournament winner. Once the final game is completed, post a congratulation in the tournament thread, especially if you participated in the finals. This shows that you know how to lose gracefully." The first of those is done, by my estimate, less than 10% of the time, and the second is done so rarely that I can't even put a number on it, certainly less than 2% of the time. On those rare occasions when I see people who are considerate enough to thank the TO, and on the even more rare and special moments when I see contestants who are decent enough to congratulate their opponents, I find it absolutely delightful. Still, I often wonder why it is doesn't happen more often. "Follow any given guidelines when registering for a tournament" is a biggie. It is astounding how often people will fail to read the rules, and will sign up for a pick-your-own-map tourney without a map. All of the above, however, is small potatoes compared to the number one problem that organisers face, and that is people who quit without bothering to give any advance notice. This is probably far and away the biggest breach of etiquette possible. Quitting a tournament without giving notice lets everyone down, although the tournament organiser is the one who suffers the most. Replacing people once games have begun can become a really complex problem. First is the problem of finding who to replace the missing player with. This alone is a fair bit of work. It involves the organiser posting or sending out messages to find replacements, which sometimes come readily and sometimes don't. Even once the replacements are available, it presents more problems. The organiser must decide whether the new arrivals start at zero points or with the points of someone they are replacing, or something in between. If he starts them with zero, they may have no chance to win, and then what is their incentive to play? On the other hand, if he starts them with the points of the person who quit, others may be resentful that someone who is just arriving gets "free" points that they haven't worked for. Even if all goes well, and nobody gets their nose out of joint, the process of replacement takes time and drags things out. This may result in further people quitting, and it certainly results in reduced enjoyment for at least some of the players, although in fairness there are many who don't care how long it takes. We all know there are many reasons to quit. Sometimes people's premium runs out before the tournament is over, and they cannot afford to renew it, forcing them to quit. Sometimes the demands of real life are simply too overwhelming, and a person must reduce their online time. Sometimes a tournament is simply boring, and you get sick of it. Online games should be entertainment and not work, so everyone understands if you've simply had enough. It really is the decent thing to do, however, to give some advance notice so that organisers can plan ahead and have your replacement lined up before the time comes. Ultimately, there really shouldn't be the need for an etiquette handbook. Just as in real life, etiquette in online games simple consists of thinking about what impact one's actions have on others, and how to plan ahead to mitigate any negative effects that one's actions might have.
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote: Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!
Welcome to the foundry section. Where Fantasy can and often does become reality.
koontz1973 -- Foundry ExecutiveMaps in Development. koontz1973 show
Drafting Room Where maps start life. But like all new babies, this is where they need the most attention. Homeworlds by dolomite13Mystical Era by ManBungalowAlaska by Seamus76Lisbon Metro 2030 by ArmandolasTank Battle by oneyedDistrict of Columbia by brhibaMap Foundry The main block of work is done here. Escape by koontz19734 Star Meats by dana1971Spanish Amarda by cairnswkTribal War Israel by Seamus76Research & Conquer by isaiah40Three kingdoms of China by Seamus76Alamo by generalheadRing of Fire by vaughn03 Happy gaming everyone, whatever map takes your fancy.
Tribal War - Ancient Israel - A Slideshow Evolution by Seamus76 show
All maps start as an idea. They take shape, and a life of their own as they evolve from that idea to a quenched map. Over that time period, which usually takes upwards of a year or more, the map goes through many changes and many versions (38 different ones for this map). Some of which are posted and some of which are overwritten as progression. What follows below is a time lapse progression of my map Tribal War - Ancient Israel, taking you on a 45 second journey from the original map I used as a template to what should be the final version, and one of the next great maps of Conquer Club. The below directions are step by step, so it does look like a lot, but it's really not hard. It will also make your life easier if you have all of the photos or images you want to use in one folder, that way you can just load them all at one time. Well, here we go... 1. Open GIMP and create a New image - File -> New - The size can be whatever you want it to be, but just make sure it is larger or the same size as the pics you will be using. For this, because I'm posting in a forum and want to use the Img tags I had to keep it to a width of 500px, which put the height at 476px. 2. Now hopefully you have all of your images in one place, which makes loading them easy, or you can do one image at a time. Let's just say you have a folder with 10 pics you want to use, just load them all in as layers - File -> Open as layers - Select the folder or the pics and hit Open. Now all of your pics should be loaded in, each one as a separate layer. *Note - The final slideshow will run the pictures starting with the bottom layer to the top, so the pic you have on the bottom of the layer list will be first. 3. Now you can use GIMP to add text to the images. Just click on the Text tool, and click on the layer you would like to add the text to. This will put your text on a separate layer as well, which will need to be merged down so as not to mess up the slideshow later on. For this just click on your text layer, which should be the layer above layer of the pic you want it on, Right Click -> Merge Down - Note, once you do this you will not be able to edit the text with out Undoing the steps to un-merge them again. 4. Maybe you want to add an introduction slide. You can either add a new layer by clicking on the little sheet of paper icon on the Layers-Palette Editor, or by using the blank layer that was created in step one. Either way you want to fill that layer with a color, white, or whatever. Just click on the layer and drag the color you want to it, and it should fill in the layer. Repeat step three merging the text down onto this layer so you have your intro slide. 5. Now for the magic. We're going to save the image as an animated GIF. Click on File -> Export -> expand the Select File Type box at the bottom -> select GIF image. Next a box of options will open up. -Uncheck GIF comment. -Do check As Animation. -Loop Forever option is up to you. For this I do have it looping forever. -Delay between frames can be whatever you want, just note that 1000 milliseconds is 1 second so unless you want a super fast show just change it how you need. If you want the delay to be the same for each slide, or the majority of them, it will save time to check Use delay entered above for all frames. 6. Now go to File -> Open, and find your saved GIF file you just made. In the Layers Palette you should see that all of the layers have been renamed as "Frames", and includes the slides time. Here is where you can adjust the order of the slides if you need, or adjust the time of specific slides, etc. For my slideshow I set the intro slide at 6000ms(6 seconds), the second slide at 4000ms, the third at 30000ms because there is some text to read, and the rest at 1000ms. The last slide I have set for 40000(40s) so the show won't loop to quickly. 7. At this time you can preview your slideshow to make sure everything is the way you want it, hit Filers -> Animation -> Playback. This will open a window with your slideshow. Just hit the play button and it should run how you have it set up. If there is anything that needs to be changed, now is the time to do it. 8. Once you have everything the way you want it hit File -> Overwrite xxxx (or whatever the name of your GIF file is) And there you have it, an animated GIF Slideshow you can post on the web, email to people, etc. I'm sure there is something I have left out, so if you have any questions, or you run into trouble please feel free to PM me.
Great Conquer Community Map Week 4 by Seamus76 show
The Great Conquer Community Map project is a month old, medals are flying out the door, and we have one heck of a poll this week. So far everyone has voted for a Medium sized Fantasy map, based on a Battle, between 35-65 terts, and with Classic Gameplay. If you haven't voted, shame on you. A map based on a Battle won by only 1 vote, so anyone could have changed the course of the map. Current Poll results are below and don't forget there are multiple ways to get involved, win medals and show your support. Results from Poll 1: Map based on fantasy 97 votes 55% Map based on real place 79 votes 45% Results from Poll 2: Small map - Less than 35 regions 92 votes 13% Medium map - 35-65 region count 318 votes 44% Large map - 66-99 region maps 305 votes 43% Results from Poll 3: Classic Game Play 69 votes 63% Conquest Game Play 40 votes 37% Results from Poll 4: Map of a WORLD 36 votes 34% Map of a CONTINENT 18 votes 17% Map of a COUNTRY 16 votes 15% Map of a BATTLE 37 votes 35% As I mentioned you can show your support for this project in many ways. We have an avatar and signature for you to use, and Koontz1973 is still randomly traveling through the forums, if he come across someone using either one, he'll award a medal. I said it before, and I'll say it again, it doesn't get easier than that, just use the codes below, post your thoughts, sit back and brag about your shiny medal. 100% Guarantee (This is not a guarantee ) . AvatarCode: Select all [img]http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/download/file.php?avatar=289440_1364706096.png[/img]
Signature Code: Select all [url=http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=188035][img]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/4606/sigmp.png[/img][/url]
Congrats to the winners so far: Support Medal awarded to iamkoolerthanu (week 1) Support Medal awarded to anamainiacks (week 2) "Persuasion" Contest 1 medal awarded to Swifte "What can I say" Contest 2 medal awarded to Armandolas Patrons Medal 1 awarded to betiko "What can U say" Contest 3 medals awarded to Iron Maid , dakky21 , Dukasaur , moler29 , CJ Lues Graphics Competition 1: TheNobodies80 Avatar Winner dako This weeks Poll (High Fantasy/Epic Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, or Science Fantasy) and mind bending Competition (Carnival Games) are up and ready, so head over, make your voice known, and have some fun.Things to be on the look out for: New Poll and Competition every Monday. Live Chat Event: Tuesday, 7 May 2013 Times: 3 trivia contests will be held that day at the following times: CC Time: 11:00:00 CC Time: 17:00:00 CC Time: 23:00:00Location: Live Chat, enter /join #GCCM in the message box to join the room where the event will be held. Format: The first member to correctly answer 10 trivia questions about maps and the foundry wins. The winner of each session will not be allowed to compete in the following session/s. However, if you compete and are unsuccessful, you may compete in other sessions. Prizes: A shiny gold GA medal! We also have an amazing Clan Week coming up. Event details have been announced, and Clans have been submitting their Champion.Official GCCM Tournaments , when available, can be found in the offical CC tournament thread. And as always, make sure you don't just come vote and run each week, because a player at the end of the month will receive a GC medal and 500 conquer credits. This medal will be called The Patrons Medal, and to win this, all you need to do is post in the thread why you voted the way you did over the course of the month and generally participate within the thread. Also very important, like us on Facebook, follow @ConquerClub on Twitter and be sure to look out for the #JustForFun hash tag which will announce special games and event information. We hope you've enjoyed the ride so far, and see you in the Foundry.Future Events.
Great Conquer Community Map Project Graphics Contest Two show
Attention all Conquer Clubbers!! Welcome to the second graphics competition in conjunction with The Great Community Map Project. .................................................... Everyone is a Critic Below, you will find two images from my Rorke's Drift map. The only difference between the two images are the impassables for the outpost have been removed. Your job is to put them back in. Original Image Download this image. Do not copy my impassables. This contest is to see if you can come up with something better. Rules:You cannot resize the images. You must not change the game play. You can submit up to two entries. DO NOT put your name on the image!Send your images to me koontz1973 via PM. All submissions must be in by this time . Prizes: First Place. General Achievement Medal 500 Conquer Credits or your name (variation may be used) as one of the regions on The Great Community Map. Second / Third Places. General Achievement Medal All entries will be judged by a crack squad of troops who recently broke out of a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by El_Jefe they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The Mod-Team.
Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of
chemefreak . Post any questions you may have for them here -->
Interrogation with chemefreak Submitting Your Own Articles If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to
thehippo8 and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!
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