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CC Dispatch [Issue 94: 1-5-2013] da-da-da-Dako

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CC Dispatch [Issue 94: 1-5-2013] da-da-da-Dako

Postby thehippo8 on Wed May 01, 2013 10:24 pm


Welcome Comrades to the 94th edition of the Dispatch :)

Well we certainly made a rod for our back this time. A bit late with the last issue, a change of staff and bang - we are on time again! An impressive innings for your favourite group of dedicated volunteers by anyone's standards!! =D>

If you think that CC has started to take off then you won't be alone. The #GCCM event has been enthralling all of us. We have Twitter kicking off, Facebook being relooked at and now even some ideas on the boil with Youtube. Oops :oops: I think I let the cat out of the bag there. An announcement on that hasn't been made yet! And all that on top of your usual Mafia Games, an Interview with Dako, all the happenings in Clans (Oh yeah ... it's CLAN WEEK!!), tournaments and the foundry. When does anyone have time to sleep? Some of us in the real world even balance all this with work or exams or natural disasters or what have you. It's enough to make your head spin! Wesley Snipes put it well when he said:

I've reduced a lot of the stress in my life. I've gotten rid of a lot of things. The light was turned on and a lot of the cockroaches started spinning. I swept them out the door. And sometimes you just have to throw things out because they carry a certain energy.

Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!

Chief Executive


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Welcome back readers. koontz fills us in on current GCCM events, I have another Scum Insider, and Dako talks about Russia, girls, and his martial arts skills.
You Stay Classy, CC.

Freestyle Executive

The Great Community Map Project. Live Chat Event Update

The Scum Insider by safariguy5


show: Interrogation of Dako


Hello loyal Platoon Report readers! I want to kick off this edition by first thanking and applauding Leehar for his years served as Clan Executive here at the Dispatch! It's no small feat to run an ever-changing team of writers and get all the news from the clan world together twice a month, but he sure had a great way of getting it done. It's always been a pleasure to work with him, and I sincerely wish him the best in his new role as Head Clan Director. From all of us, Leehar, we thank you!!

I'm proud to say we have a great bunch of articles for your reading pleasure this week, including multiple contributions from two of our newest writers, IcePack and betiko, as well as updates to many of our regular features, and more news about how clans are getting involved in GCCM.

To kick things off, we've got the exclusive scoop on the updated F400 rankings thanks to IcePack. Check it out to find out all the latest results and movement. IcePack also brings us a report on Conquer Cup 4, including the results of the play-in draw, and great background on the clans involved, as well as a few predictions. Speaking of predictions, betiko has an update on Conquer Cup 3. His report includes the latest on all the action in the finals of the event, and also a look at the implications for the CC3 prediction contest. Completing our reviews of the major ongoing clan events, qwert has another update for us Clan League 5, featuring all the updated scores and tables, as well as the first clan to qualify for the Premier League in the second phase.

As we have for the last couple of months, we have an updated edition of our reader requested Clan Movers and Shakers column, bringing you all the roster shakeups in the clan world from the last month, and the introduction of yet another clan to the realm. To wrap up this edition of the Platoon Report, we have an update from koontz regarding GCCM and Clan Week - don't miss this chance to get in on the fun and win your clan some medals!

Clan Executive

May 1 F400 Update by IcePack

CC4 by IcePack

CC3 Finals Update by Betiko

CL5 by Qwert

Clan Movers and Shakers - April 2013 by Swifte

The Great Community Map Project. Clan Week Update.


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments! Here we are five days away from another anniversary of V-E Day. Will anyone put together a cool tournament on CC's WWII maps to celebrate? I sure hope so!

Here in the Dispatch, we have the 38th installment in Dave's Tournament Tips. After spending some months with more advanced formulae, he is now back into terrain that many of us will recognise, and dealing with formatting and presentation elements.

In the TPA Wrap, you will find a notice that IanG7 has won the Assassinations by Fours tournament. An interview with IanG7 will be presented in our next issue!

Anamainiacks continues his mastery of Join This? Or Not! If you haven't read JTON recently, check it out. Among other things, Anamainiacks launched the innovation of identifying Premium Only. and Freemium Friendly! tourneys.

Last but (I hope) not least, I've cobbled together a quick discussion about tournament etiquette.

Tournament Executive

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: Creating Tables - Revisited

TPA3 Wrap by DaveH

Join This? Or Not! by anamainiacks

Tourney Etiquette Redux by Dukasaur


J.R.R. Tolkien wrote:Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!

Welcome to the foundry section. Where Fantasy can and often does become reality.

    Enjoy the Maps!
      Enjoy the Games!
        Enjoy the Escapism!

koontz1973 -- Foundry Executive

Maps in Development. koontz1973

Tribal War - Ancient Israel - A Slideshow Evolution by Seamus76


Great Conquer Community Map Week 4 by Seamus76

Great Conquer Community Map Project Graphics Contest Two


Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of chemefreak. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with chemefreak

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to thehippo8 and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
Posts: 1025
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:32 pm

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