by whitestazn88 on Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:34 pm
Here's what I've got so far. In terms of my guesses, I avoided guys who made their maps a while back, I avoided guessing guys who haven't been around in a while, avoided guessing the mods, because wouldn't that be unfair if they could take everyones good ideas and make a combination of them? and lastly I avoided guessing RJ, because I feel like he wanted to share some glory with the other "pro" cartos.
1. I'm guessing wca on this one. Graphics are crisp and clean, very similar to Oasis and Winter. I like the how the territories were moved around especially in Desert and North Tundra, but still has the same feel and look of centerscape. If I had to critique anything, the trees are bothering me. Like they're supposed to represent an impassible I think, but since they're not super tight, it looks like there could be room for movement in those territories. Also, I feel like there's a waste of space on the whole right and bottom sides, because the other continents names are nicely placed in the background, whereas Wastelands and Stone Wilderness could be easily centered. Overall a nice map, but the concept is a little bland to me.
2. First I was thinking DiM, because of how it kinda has the same textures and "pop-out color-ness" of AOR3. But I don't know if he's even making maps still. And my second guess was Kap, because the borders look really nice (and almost look like the borders in Switzerland). I really don't know who did this, but my best guess would be TaC or WM just as two random guesses... and another guess would be EdBeard, just because there is a continent called the Beards lol. I'm a big fan of the concept, the graphics are super eye-catching, but my problem lies in the gameplay. While it seems to be solid, because it obviously follows the format from the original centerscape, it just doesn't give me the same feel. Like it's hard for me to translate the original to this map, and there seems to be way too much going on, with all those islands and boats on one side, but this HUGE mass of land on the other. Good concept, cool looking map, but I just don't feel like it captures the centerscape map I knew and loved...
3. I'm guessing Cairns. It just seems so Egypt-y and although its got a basic look, its still very clean, and the color palate is very pleasurable. On top of that, the butterfly logo would fit perfectly in that little chunk on the right side of the map where the question mark is currently stationed. I like this map because it reminds me of centerscape almost perfectly. The borders look really cool on this map, as is the whole idea that its chipped into a wall or something. Looks good, and is easy to recognize as centerscape. Plus if I'm right and Cairns did make one, well, we all know how much I love cairns' maps.
4. Man, I really thought this was samuel12c(is that his name?)... but he hasn't quenched a map yet. The style is really similar to the map he has in development right now though. My next guess would have to go to RJ, even though I really didn't think he was gonna submit after his apparent dissatisfaction after winning the last competition (although I guess he doesn't have to make sure everything he does with this map is approved by the original carto). It reminds me of Soviet Russia or whatever map he was making (maybe it was called USSR?)... But anyways, on to the likes and dislikes. I again really like the resemblance to the centerscape map, with familiarly placed continents, very basic gameplay,and good use of space. This is another well colored map, but why would you name the continents so basically? I hope that gets revised if this makes it to the next round. Overall, I would say the map adheres to the original centerscape really well, has a good layout and color scheme, and just looks really nice. BUT, I really can't dig the theme... in fact, there isn't one. And that is the ultimate downfall of this map.
So here's a rundown. I like everyone's graphics and I wish I could make a map that looks even half as good as any of these. But 3 stands out to me because it presents a cool theme that replaces the awesome Tolkien-esque world that the original centerscape gave us. Good luck to you all!
Last edited by
whitestazn88 on Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.