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CC Dispatch [Issue 43: 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

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CC Dispatch [Issue 43: 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby nagerous on Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:43 pm


Welcome Comrades to the 43rd edition of the Dispatch :)

So what do we have in store for you this time? From the freestyle side we have an interrogation with TheSaxLad who as well as discussing his obsession with the saxophone, shares with us what is like to lead The 4th Crusade to all their victories ;) In Tournaments, among other things, we have an update on the TPA events from jrh_cardinal, which are now well into the second half of proceedings. Exciting stuff. From the foundry, new exec Victor Sullivan shares with us an interview with the boys in blue and also has a waltz with the foundry! Find out below what this means. As for clans, we are given previews of the Conqueror's Cup and also the Newcomer's Cup, which are about to kick off and should be very exciting!

Newsletter Executive

If you would like to apply to join the news team, please visit the thread below for more details! :)

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Welcome back to another edition of the freestyle news.

It has been another exciting few weeks in Conquer Club with the entertainment team causing trouble again by bringing back the fantastically pink Cutesy Club, hosting the exciting spread the love contest and also the beautiful poetry contest (where the submissions are currently being reviewed). Contest medals were also handed out to all those lucky enough to have won a Battle Royale!

This issue we have Victor Sullivan returning with his regular feature 'The Scum Insider' to inform us of the developments on the mafia games circuit. DoomYoshi offers us another new feature entitled 'Random Game Analysis.' This edition he discusses the perils of 1vs1 and the regular complaint that it is often all dependent on who goes first and the drop. Below you shall also find an interrogation of discussions moderator TheSaxLad.

I am also pleased to welcome Kaisermikeb and KingRat as well as DoomYoshi to the freestyle team and we all look forward to what they have to offer in future editions!

Freestyle Executive

The Scum Insider by Victor Sullivan


Random Game Analysis by DoomYoshi



show: Interrogation ofTheSaxLad


Hi again amigos and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter: "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments.

First of all, I want to mention that we have new members in our team: soldierboy, Angola, sonicsteve and General Brewsie. We are working on new projects and ideas that hopefully we can bring to you in the near future.

Dukasaur's "Meet the Winners" series is presenting two more interviews: long-time CC members Shai and Gypsys Kissare both being honored. Dukasaur is really getting into his subject: Not only is he reporting on tournaments, but he is trying hard to win several of them, and he has recently launched his first effort as tournament organizer.

soldierboy is taking over the "Join this? or Not!" Section and jrh_cardinal has put together a new TPA update.

We hope you find this issue of "War Games" interesting, and please stay tuned for the new upcoming sections that we are working on.

Tournament Executive

TPA Update by jrh_cardinal

Join This? Or Not! by soldierboy

Meet the Tournament Winners! by Dukasaur
show: Interview with gypsys kiss

show: Interview with Shai

show: Get Your Own Interview

Ahoy there, folks! Sully here again, and I'm here to stay. :) dolomite13 decided to step down due to circumstances that he can tell you about if he so chooses. He will be missed. But with the passing of one era comes the dawn of a new one, the Era of Victor Sullivan... :P I am proud to be the Dispatch's Foundry Executive and am excited to serve on Sammy's Dispatch team in a whole new way. Unfortunately, my Foundry team is rather bare at the moment, as it's just me, natty, and MarshalNey, and due to various circumstances, they were unable to write for this issue, so this issue gets a concentrated dose of Sully! Anywho, if you are interested in joining my team of Foundry Reporters, please PM me! Hopefully I'll get some writers for a jam-packed next issue! I hope you enjoy this issue's less standard set of articles.

Victor Sullivan
Foundry Executive

Interview with the Boys in Blue by Victor Sullivan

A Waltz with the Foundry by Victor Sullivan

A Blast From the Past by Victor Sullivan and TaCktiX*


We're getting together a new team for the Platoon Report. Just as well because new things are breaking out all over the clan world like a rash.
jigger1986, leader of the Grim Reapers, arrives to give us a preview of the Newcomers Cup.
Nemesis member Leehar fills us in on the signups for the 2nd Conqueror's Cup.
We take a quick look at the League 1/4s and celebrate the winner of our fantasy league.
The cows and the ponies must make their own fun for now - but as they have likely levelled the scores at 20-20 and are filling the final 20 games for the first C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [20-18] we'll be keeping a close watch for next issue.
And good luck to barterer2002. When Generation One asked for a 1on1 clan challenge they were inundated with replies. So many that barterer2002 decided to start a quickfire tourney. Great innovation.

The Newcomers Cup by jigger1986 (Grim Reapers)

The Second Annual Conqueror's Cup by Leehar (Nemesis)

Clan League by laughingcavalier (TSM)

Clan Fantasy League: congratulations pmchugh

Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of Georgerx7di. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with Georgerx7di

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to nagerous and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 43 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby samuelc812 on Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:14 pm

Good to see some new reporters, i'm sure you will all do great! :)

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 43 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:41 pm

Now we need Foundry Reporters! PM me if your interested in writing for the Foundry Section :)
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 43 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby Qwert on Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:22 am

NEW REVOLUTION-NEW RANKS PRESS THESE LINK viewtopic.php?f=471&t=47578&start=0
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 43 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:53 pm

qwert wrote:hmmm

:-s Something you want to say, qwert?
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 43 01-03-11] Another Saxy Edition!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:56 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:Q. It's ten years from now. lackattack has just officially announced CC's 15th birthday and the tragedy that Andy died in a plane crash of one of Dole's banana shipment planes as a stow away. Shocked by the news, you weep bitterly sitting at your computer in your one bedroom apartment. After mostly collecting yourself, you go back to your discussion mod duties, as you have done for the past ten and a half years, checking your inbox first. Surprisingly, you see lackattack himself has PM'd you. Hand still quivering and possibly more so now, you click on the PM link, titled "Important - Please Respond ASAP". Holding your breath, you read the message carefully, so as to not miss even a punctuation mark. lackattack has offered you AndyDufresne's job as community manager and notifies you that you will be in charge for the next month, as he vacationing in Fiji to focus on family for the month. He says that your word is law, and he trusts any decisions you make over the course of his vacation. You respond immediately, gratefully accepting the position. What is your first order of business and how would you change things over the one month period?
TheSaxlad wrote:VICTOR!!!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE ME SOOOOO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent a good twenty minutes on that question... :( **Goes and cries in the corner** :cry:


An interesting tidbit:
AndyDufresne wrote:I'm curious to see how the Foundry will look 3 years from now (2008)
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Corporal Victor Sullivan
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