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CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

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CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Leehar on Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:03 pm

Welcome Comrades to the 57th edition of the Dispatch :)
This issue we have a Russian Techie making waves (and who I mistakenly cast in a German guise 8-[ ), We have interviews from 2 different perspectives on the enterprising ARC.
In tournaments we also have more on the TPA that is so popular among tournament players, but where Angola fails to mention the current comprehensive leader of TPA2 (yours truly ;))
The Foundry section also becomes more and more informative by the week, so head over there to check out all the latest tidbits about the maps we've all played, but rarely discuss.
And then in that same vein, we also have the 200 maps celebration. Check it out to play the exciting Spot the Differences competition, vote on your favourite maps, and participate in the commemorative tournament. :-$

Leehar - Newsletter Executive

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Well, we don't have flag-bearers this year, but we do have a miniature section about Steelhorse's RISK Classic! I did a brief interview with the Tournament Director himself, and Dukasaur got to interview ARC Satellite Tournament winner, Flow520!

On a side note, I screwed up and managed to get part of Steelhorse's interview archived, so it's all my fault that this issue is so late, none of the other fine Reporters or Executives. I will be your lightning rod of disapproval :oops:

I hope you enjoy our special Annual RISK Classic Newsletter anyway!

Victor Sullivan
Belated Executive

The Annual RISK Classic: Interview with Steelhorse by Victor Sullivan

Meet the Tournament Winners: Satellite for the Risk Classic by Dukasaur
show: interview with flow520


Welcome to another edition of the Freestyle Section. We have another edition of the Scum Insider for your mafia needs and an interview with our very own Dako. Much discussion about Russia and programming, with a side of akido.

As always, if you have any article ideas or would like to write for the Freestyle section, let me know.

Freestyle Executive

The Scum Insider by safariguy5


show: Interrogation of Dako


Hello again my friends and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments!

Below you will find angola's TPA Update in its usual spot. Although Season One of the TPA is close to being finished, it is far from over. There are going to be photo-finishes, both between the first and second spot, and between the third and fourth. Have a look at angola's article and see for yourself!

Speaking of the TPA, if it's TPA Season Two you're interested in, you will find some in sonicsteve's Join This? Or Not! feature. Among his recommendations are two TPA tournaments including (if I can be forgiven for blowing my own horn a bit) my very first TPA event.

You may look in vain, however, for the Meet the Tournament Winners interview. Did we fail to produce one? No, in fact there is a MTTW interview, with Flow520 but it is up above in our special feature on the Annual Risk Classic.

Tournament Executive

TPA update by angola

Join This? Or Not! by sonicsteve



Hello! Hello! Sully here with another fully-stocked Cartographic Surveillance, including a special interview with the 200th mapmaker, Seamus76! MarshalNey has taken over the "Stampage Update" and turned it into "Stamps & Rumors" (with the help of koontz1973), koontz finishes off his 3-part article series, OliverFA also talks about revamps (Hm, I wonder why...? ;) ), and thehippo8 examines maps that have been sadly dropped due to real life circumstances. Next issue, isaiah40 should have a briefing for all you Foundry buffs about what exactly happened to Industrial Helix and more! Enjoy, folks! :)

Victor Sullivan
Foundry Executive

Interview with the 200th Mapmaker! by koontz1973

Stamps & Rumors by MarshalNey & koontz1973

Sequels and Revamps (Part Three) koontz1973

Revamp Fever by OliverFA

Brilliant ideas – Eclipsed by Real Life by thehippo8


BoganGod returns to the clan team this issue, with his enterprising column, this time dealing with the messaging ailments that afflict the popular species of clan leaders, and lets be honest, most of us should recall some type of carbon copying we hate.
And then I give a rundown on whats been happening on the Cup front in the clan scene, so if you'd like to know whats the down-low in your clan tournament, thats what you need to check.

Also of note is that after weeks of controversy and excitement in the IA vs Pack match-up, where even admin King Achilles had to step in, the thread has seemed to have quietened down for the better, while still heading for a tense finale as the Pack looks to have the edge in the end-of-war run-in, and with some enterprising banter that seems to be more well taken in the dignified manner it should always have been.

And then this weeks shout-out goes to all-time top 100 candidate and another RA member, jsnyder748 for getting his first star! If you want to share your tales of success and tribulations in the clan world, pm me! There are many exciting clan wars being under-represented currently with all the Cup action, so tell us your first-hand experiences of the amazing battles that make clans such a thrilling experience.

- Clan Executive

Rum Rants - Reply All by BoganGod

Cup Competition Highlights by Leehar (Nem)

Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of Pander88uk. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with Pander88uk

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby DiM on Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:20 pm

i feel neglected :(
i got 7 stamps but only 1 was mentioned.

the 7 stamps are:
All Your Base Are Belong To Us - Gameplay + Graphic
Quilt Wars - Draft
Island of Doom - Supersize + Draft
Knights & Warlocks - Supersize + Draft

other than that it's another cool issue. =D>
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:57 am

DiM wrote:i feel neglected :(
i got 7 stamps but only 1 was mentioned.

the 7 stamps are:
All Your Base Are Belong To Us - Gameplay + Graphic
Quilt Wars - Draft
Island of Doom - Supersize + Draft
Knights & Warlocks - Supersize + Draft

other than that it's another cool issue. =D>

Yeah, the "Stamps and Rumors" article was last updated just before some of them

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Leehar on Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:22 am

Ignore my Spot the Differences abbreviations :oops:
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Qwert on Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:35 pm

Every time when i see Classic Art map,i remember how some people avoide all foundry process and be above all other map makers,creating something what its very bad, and then get 6 medals instead 2. Now these is camouflaged with Special Contribution Medal for classic art. If i create these i will kick these medal imediatly,because these not worthy to get any kind of medal, unfortunatly some people like to have more medals. These map deserve to be awarded with minus 6 medal not plus 6 medal. I only can hope that Thenobodie will never alove that these behavior of CA and Foundry foreman never again hepend,and that one day all 6 person give these medal back to lack, because these is not something what they be proud.
I still have issue with mine contribution medal for map foundry. I need to contact thenobodies.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Incandenza on Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Seriously dude, it's been over three years, let it go.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Georgerx7di on Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:00 pm

I liked classic art. I would still play it over the current classic map if that were an option.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Qwert on Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:06 pm

there is no time limit for good act, and probably need to pass even more years,for example you can show that the first sign of goodwill and to give up the medal.
For instance i try to get rid of mine Special contribution medal for map foundry,because i get these from MrBeen, and i dont know for what,and what its worst there is nowhere any announcment, and like i say,im all ready awarded with map medals, and i dont want to be holder of these contribution medal. As long you hold these medal i will never come back in map foundry, and as long they refuse to remove mine special contribution medal, these will also be opstacle to mine return to map foundry. Maybe these look like lost battle,but one day justice will win,and you and other 5 will realised that these medal its something what you dont deserve, making the right and honorable move.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Leehar on Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:43 pm

Nonetheless, this remains a discussion off-topic to this thread. By all means discuss the true glory of the foundry highlighted in our articles, but try not to dredge up these other things
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby thehippo8 on Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:17 pm

qwert wrote:there is no time limit for good act, and probably need to pass even more years,for example you can show that the first sign of goodwill and to give up the medal.
For instance i try to get rid of mine Special contribution medal for map foundry,because i get these from MrBeen, and i dont know for what,and what its worst there is nowhere any announcment, and like i say,im all ready awarded with map medals, and i dont want to be holder of these contribution medal. As long you hold these medal i will never come back in map foundry, and as long they refuse to remove mine special contribution medal, these will also be opstacle to mine return to map foundry. Maybe these look like lost battle,but one day justice will win,and you and other 5 will realised that these medal its something what you dont deserve, making the right and honorable move.

Maybe its your intention, but you make me sad. Of course you deserve your medal ... why do you say you don't? Remember that a contribution medal is a contribution medal and nothing more. It's not like you have been awarded a VC! Mind you, a bit like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory maybe by offering your medal back you will win the whole factory? LOL No seriously Quert you make a huge contributionand the foundary would not be the same without it! Not sure what is going on for you right now but you do have supporters so chins up!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby lord voldemort on Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:26 pm

Dibs on Dako's sister
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Leehar on Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:01 am

Pokers a sport?
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Dako on Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:35 am

Leehar wrote:Pokers a sport?

Some people think drinking is a sport.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Ffraid on Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:52 pm

Leehar wrote:The Foundry section also becomes more and more informative by the week...

I usually try to read the parts of the newsletter that interest me (but am not always successful at completing this). I enjoy the interrogations (and this one with Dako was no exception) and other sections, but I've never commented before ( :oops: Sorry, you guys do a great job!).

I have to say now, though, that I agree with Leehar. The Foundry section (always one of my favorites) was fantastic this issue. Love the new "Stamps & Rumors". Well written and informative!

Thanks all, for keeping the community in the loop. This really is becoming a must read (just have to find the time).
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:53 pm

Ffraid wrote:
Leehar wrote:The Foundry section also becomes more and more informative by the week...

I usually try to read the parts of the newsletter that interest me (but am not always successful at completing this). I enjoy the interrogations (and this one with Dako was no exception) and other sections, but I've never commented before ( :oops: Sorry, you guys do a great job!).

I have to say now, though, that I agree with Leehar. The Foundry section (always one of my favorites) was fantastic this issue. Love the new "Stamps & Rumors". Well written and informative!

Thanks all, for keeping the community in the loop. This really is becoming a must read (just have to find the time).

Your comments are much appreciated, Ffraid! :D Glad you liked it! You know, you should venture into the Foundry yourself sometime ;)

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby natty dread on Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:02 am

qwert wrote:there is no time limit for good act, and probably need to pass even more years,for example you can show that the first sign of goodwill and to give up the medal.
For instance i try to get rid of mine Special contribution medal for map foundry,because i get these from MrBeen, and i dont know for what,and what its worst there is nowhere any announcment, and like i say,im all ready awarded with map medals, and i dont want to be holder of these contribution medal. As long you hold these medal i will never come back in map foundry, and as long they refuse to remove mine special contribution medal, these will also be opstacle to mine return to map foundry. Maybe these look like lost battle,but one day justice will win,and you and other 5 will realised that these medal its something what you dont deserve, making the right and honorable move.

Ffs, they're virtual medals... they're nothing but imaginary things represented by a few pixels on your profile. Get over it.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Ace Rimmer on Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:15 am

Dako wrote:
Leehar wrote:Pokers a sport?

Some people think drinking is a sport.

Spoken like a true Russian!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Ace Rimmer on Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:16 am

lord voldemort wrote:Dibs on Dako's sister

How does that make tisha feel?
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 57: 22-10-2011] The DakMeister

Postby Tisha on Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:11 pm

Ace Rimmer wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:Dibs on Dako's sister

How does that make tisha feel?

hurts my feelings, actually. she can have him. (:

different people have different opinions on hot..
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