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CC Dispatch [Issue 63: 19-01-2012] Q's with the Q's

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CC Dispatch [Issue 63: 19-01-2012] Q's with the Q's

Postby Victor Sullivan on Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:23 am

Welcome Comrades to the 63rd edition of the Dispatch :)

I hope you all are enjoying your casual battle royales! Behind the scenes, the other Executives and I have been hard at work preparing for the big release next issue! "What's that?" you ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see! :D

safariguy5 has a Mess Hall brimming with fine articles, including the new series, "JD's Hot List", and the return of DoomYoshi's "Random Game Analysis", plurple debuts with his first brief article in War Games, koontz fills up another Cartographic Surveillance with hippo's return on the horizon, and Leehar's back to introduce this issue's Platoon Report with skillfusniper33, QuikSilver, and DJoach! But first things first!

Our Subscriber of the Issue this issue is barterer2002! PM me a new name that is under the "ConquerClub Dispatch Team" heading and the medal is all yours!

And what about that little contest we did last issue? Let's see who won... :D


The winner of the Phony Paragraph contest is...

L M S! =D>

Congrats on your 3 months of premium and General Achievement Medal! (To be awarded soon)

And congrats to our runners-up who will also be receiving General Achievement Medals: Ffraid (2nd), barterer2002 (3rd) (Wow! 2 medals in 1 issue!), and DoomYoshi (4th)! There were still two more medals up for grabs, but only 4 players answered correctly! :o

Enjoy the fruits of our laboring fingers!

Victor Sullivan
Chief Executive

P.S. I've taken a break from Ask A Mod! this issue. It will be back next, however! Feel free to ask me more questions in the meantime ;)

If you would like to apply to join the news team, please visit the thread below for more details! :)

Click here for Recruitment Details...


Exciting things are happening in Freestyle this issue. The mafia forum is organizing a Mafia Awards to honor the best mods, players, and other general scummy characters who frequent our forums.

We also welcome Jdsizzleslice to the team! He's kicking off a new column about hot topics, which will become an every issue article.

Finally, we have a special double interview with OT poster extrordinaire Quirk and his Wife. 2 interviews for the price of 1!

Freestyle Executive

Mafia Awards of 2011 by Commander9/safariguy5

Random Game Analysis by Doomyoshi

Veni, Vidi, Vici by Commander9

JD's Hot List by Jdsizzleslice


show: Interrogation of Quirk and Quirks Wife


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments!

The big news in the Tournaments World is the combination TO of the Year/Tournament Primes contest. The Primes are the CC equivalent of the Oscars, and the name "Primes" is in honour of Optimus Prime, the "godfather" of CC tournaments. If you've played in a tournament this year which struck you as being particularly memorable, I suggest you drop by the nomination thread and nominate it!

show: some details about the nominations

Now, on to our regular features.

This issue is absolutely chock-full of tournament how-to stuff! Sensfan and DaveH have launched a new idea: co-ordinated articles about the same type of tournament. Sensfan, in his "World of Possibilities" series, will discuss the basic layout and the pros and cons of various tournament formats. DaveH, in his "Tournament Tips" series, brings his spreadsheet genius to bear on that format and shows you how to keep the scoring process smooth and efficient.

Also in this issue plurple brings you "Dodging Bullets" about avoiding some of the pitfalls of tournament organising, Sensfan continues the "TPA Wrap" and NoSurvivors takes over "Join This? Or Not!" which is now our longest continually-running series!


Tournament Executive

A World Of Possibilities by Sensfan

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: Round Robin Scoring

Dodging Bullets by plurple

TPA Wrap by Sensfan

Join This? Or Not! by NoSurvivors


Welp, this is my last issue of deja vu for the Foundry section! thehippo8 should be back on duty next issue :) Anywho, koontz returns with his "Foundry News" and "What's Where in the Foundry" series - enjoy!

Victor Sullivan
Chief Executive

Foundry News by koontz1973

What's where in the Foundry by koontz1973


It's been a busy start of the clan year, with the commencement of the 4th edition of the highly acclaimed Clan League with games set to start imminently. With just short of 40 clans participating to make this likely the biggest and best Season yet, it's sure to be a cracker!
In aid of that, we'll also be looking for reporters to take on the challenge of reporting on events underway in the different divisions of the League, so if you're interested in documenting the journey of your clan in the quest for League glory, shoot us a pm and get a free GA medal for your efforts!

We've also had a changing of the guard at the helm of the Clan Directorship, so please Welcome Bruceswar as Head CD as he replaces fellow clan member and leader Masli who resigns to take some time back for himself after the drains of modship.

Clan Executive

NC2 Round 2 Update by Skillfusniper33

A new year by QuikSilver and DJoach (LHDD)

French Version:

Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of dhallmeyer. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with dhallmeyer

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Corporal Victor Sullivan
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 63: 19-01-2012] Q's with the Q's

Postby DiM on Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:10 am

“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 63: 19-01-2012] Q's with the Q's

Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:59 pm

Nice issue. :D

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