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CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

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CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby thehippo8 on Tue May 22, 2012 4:08 am


Welcome Comrades to the 72nd edition of the Newsletter :)

Well we are still steadfastly looking for Sully. We seek him there, we seek him there, but he is elusive and seems nowhere. If you are hiding him then ... but seriously Sully, wherever you are, your team are diligently marching on. Keeping in step, gathering the goss and working the words. We have a routine and won't let anyone get in the way of putting out the Dispatch ... ooh what's over there? No, must keep control!

This issue our very own Strategy Executive Viceroy63 is interviewed. I don't kinow what it is but each issue the newsletters get more personal and more gritty. Viceroy63 certainly holds back nothing! I won't try and precise it here, you need to read it all!

Meanwhile everyone else has been busy, busy, busy:

  • In the Mess Hall Saf gets all Mafiaso on it. I always thought that Benjamin Franklin had a monopoly on the lightening rod but I was oh so wrong.
  • Strategic Services gets all technological with video lessons! Now this alone is worth the price of your Dispatch. Watch carefully as crazymilkshake5 first loses then wins using his favourite strategy! Viceroy63 tells us what not to do on the first move and reports on the SoC score-board.
  • In War Games DaveH brings us more wizardry with Excel while WorldCup4James brings us tips on tournetiquette.
  • In Cartographic Surveillance koontz1973 both drags us visually into the Foundry with one hand and shows uis what's happening in there with the other. I have a look at Conquership from both a histo-copyright perspective and from my HIPPO analysis.
  • And finally, the Platoon Report has another Francophone special from Quicksilver while our reporters Chapcrap and Wpbrj update us on the ICL vs Premier Legue and Clan League Divisional Semi's respectively. Time to have your say on the first and root for your favourit team on the second. And some teams are doing a brilliant job at upsets!

So, be like Viceroy63, who asserts:

I am the Lord of my vice and not the other way around.

Enjoy the fruit of our labouring fingers!

Foundry Executive


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Welcome back to the Freestyle Section readers. We have another scum insider and an interrogation with Viceroy63 for you this issue.

As always, if you would like to write for the freestyle section or have any good article ideas, please send me a PM.

You Stay Classy, CC.

Freestyle Executive

The Scum Insider by safariguy5


show: Interrogation of Viceroy63


Another short and sweet edition from the Office of Strategic Services for the 72nd issue of the Conquer Club Newsletter.

First we Begin with a Video walk through that you are sure to get a Kick out of. There is a strategy in there some where so pay close attention to "Video Walk Through: Oasis" by CrazyMilkShake5.

Also in this issue we learn of the most important first move that we can make in any setting, in any game. Patience is a commodity in the very first move. So be sure to read, "The Very First Move In Any Game" by me, Viceroy63.

And of course the continual list of SoC Student winners for the first half of the Month of May. May the games begin, Er um, List begin.

Strategy Executive

Video Walk Though: Oasis by crazymilkshake5

The Very First Move In Any Game by Viceroy63

Current SoC Training Fields Winners List by Viceroy63


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments! We have a couple of very important articles this time. One is targetted towards tournament organisers, and the other is targetted towards tournament players.

DaveH continues his long-running series of Tournament Tips. This time, he covers the subject of how to extract a list of CC's maps from the site to your Excel spreadsheet. I advise all TO's to sit up and pay attention to this one because choosing maps is one of our most important tasks in building tournaments, and having your own customizable database of maps is the first step towards doing this efficiently.

WorldCup4James covers the subject of Tournament Etiquette. Sometimes simple courtesies can go a long way to making the whole tournament experience better for everyone, and I urge everyone to read James' words of wisdom.

Sensfan has been overwhelmed by his duties in real life, and will no longer be writing TPA Wrapup. If you are a TPA player or organiser, I would love to see you apply for a reporter's job here. (Warning: the pay is lousy. On the plus side, it can be a lot of fun!)

Next issue we begin our new Meet the Tournament Directors series, to complement our Meet the Tournament Winners and Meet the Tournament Organisers. I've begun an interview with Tournament Comissioner Night Strike which I hope to unveil then!

Tournament Executive

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: List of CC maps

Let's Be Players: Tournament Etiquette by WorldCup4James


Bang, fortnight, bang, fortnight, bang ... but how, how does time move so quickly? It can't be fought - time is here to stay. It may be our friend, our enemy, our plaything, and now ... it's taking over! Speaking of taking over, time for your involvement - check out koontz1973's article We Want You Now! Where Are You? Yes, that's an imperative. Quick march! And for those wondering what's happening and where to march to, koontz1973 delivers another What's Where? If you think that's not timely enough, I check out Conquership – a 2-player game of naval strategy. Interestingly, the origins of that game are lost in time. And, to add to the curiosity, Lostatlimbo and Victor Sullivan have added decay into the game to ensure that we don't forget the importance of timeI Which brings us swiftly to this by George Bernard Shaw:

Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.

thehippo8 -- Foundry Executive

We Want You Now! Where Are You? koontz1973

What's Where? koontz1973

Conquership – a 2-player game of naval strategy by thehippo8


Welcome to the Clangor.

This issue we wrap-up Quiksilvers series of Training Clan articles, as he delves into the great unknown by unveiling his own Training Clan as the Culmination of his endeavours.
And as more and more Leagues gather momentum, we look at the positives in merging some of them to create a more streamlined direction, with a feature on ICL vs the Premier League.
We also get the latest on The CL4 Divisional Cups!

Our Section is also interested in resurrecting the Clan Spotlight feature, so if you're already an active Participant in the Active Challenges Sub-Forum, how about taking the opportunity to get a medal for reporting on the different Clan Wars in Progress?
Even if you're The War Organizer or a fond patriot of your clan and are already spending the time keeping track of your personal War Progress, spend a few minutes to write a few words and share the exciting events with the rest of the Clan World with your own column in the Dispatch :D

Clan Executive
Recruitment Method III: Open Bar! by QuikSilver (LHDD)

French Version:

ICL vs Premier League by Chapcrap (Emp)

Clan League Divisional Cup Semi's by Wpbrj (DYN)


Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of TheHippo8. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with TheHippo8

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby Viceroy63 on Tue May 22, 2012 1:28 pm

Excellent work Hippo!

Congratulations on Issue 72.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

And it came out on time. That's pretty amazing for the Newsletter.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby thehippo8 on Tue May 22, 2012 1:34 pm

Viceroy63 wrote:Excellent work Hippo!

Congratulations on Issue 72.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

And it came out on time. That's pretty amazing for the Newsletter.

Thanks Vice but I can't have all the credit. These things only happen when everyone pulls together. But, yeah, I am proud of everyone that we could get one out on time for a change! Great work everyone!!
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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby koontz1973 on Sat May 26, 2012 11:41 am

Any reason this is not on the home page?

Same with issue 71.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue May 29, 2012 1:16 pm

Headlining is my job, and seeing as how I was gone, I couldn't do it! ;)

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby TheCrown on Tue May 29, 2012 6:34 pm

Nice interview Viceroy, way to put it out there. Blessings. =D>
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby Viceroy63 on Tue May 29, 2012 10:29 pm

TheCrown wrote:Nice interview Viceroy, way to put it out there. Blessings. =D>

Thank you! I'm adding you to my friends list right now. Blessings to you as well.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 72: 22-05-12] Vice A Versa Issue

Postby Ffraid on Wed May 30, 2012 4:34 pm

You do realize that this statement:
Viceroy63 wrote:...or the American Civil war that killed more people then WWI, WWII, The Vietnam and Korean wars all put together...

and this statement:
Approximately 625,000 men died in the Civil War, more Americans than in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined.

are not at all the the same, right?
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