Conquer Club

CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

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CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby samuelc812 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:29 am

Issue #13:



Hey CC lovers,

It's been another busy fortnight around here, i know a lot of you have been posting your thoughts about the newsletter in the General Discussion thread, and believe me when i say we've been listening.

There is nothing i would like more than to have the community happy with what the newsletter offers. We are looking into getting a dedicated interviewer, who can take interviews to a whole new level, we are just awaiting his reply. As a result of this and your other responses, this issue's interview with Optimus Prime will be the last Moderator interview for a little while.

Other changes include a shuffle around in reporters. thenobodies80 has resigned from the tournament section of the newsletter and will now be working with the.killing.44 to pump out some awesome Foundry articles.

As a result, Night Strike has agreed to take over the tournament section and give that part a bit of a revamp ;) All of these changes will become effective as of next issue.

We are also looking to hire some other people to be freerange writers. Who don't hold back and tell it how it really is. So if that sounds like you, feel free to apply to samuelc812.

Hope you enjoy this short edition of the newsletter :)

samuelc812 - News Director




This section helps you the member gain a little more understanding about Team CC and parts of the site that you may be unclear with. Note: The views expressed in the article are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily express the views of the other moderators or administrators.

a.sub wrote:what do you feel is the best stance on foe lists?
should there be limitations? what constitutes abuse? can there even be abuse? should there be a punishment if so? etc.

I think these questions should be answered in two different ways: as a player and as a moderator.

For players, I think the foe list may be under-used when it comes to forum and game complaints. I would like to see more players buck up and take matters into their own hands when someone makes a comment they don't like. The foe list and PM permissions were built into the phpbb software for members to take care of themselves. There would be far fewer complaints to and about the moderators if people would utilize the foe list. If you can't stand a few curse words, or even some rude comments, you should be putting people on your foe list before contacting a moderator.

In the gaming aspect, I think that people who put players on their foe list just because they can't beat them or some similar reason is pretty low. It could be considered abusive, but I don't think there should be a rule against it (mainly because it would be impossible to enforce). People with a bunch of foes tend to say more about themselves than the people they're foeing.

For moderators, I think the foe list should only be used in extreme cases. This could be people who are very rude in game chats or play very poorly (lots of suiciding, throwing games, etc.), or it could be people or are being just plain annoying on the forums or in PMs. All the moderators are volunteers, so I think they should reserve the right to ignore members who are being annoying. It does make it harder to moderate though because the posts are hidden without clicking on them.

I will answer more questions next issue. If you would like to submit a question, please post them in the Ask A Mod thread.

~Night Strike



  • Fast News
  • Current Signups
  • Editor's Note


  • A new helpful update for tournament organizers. Now is possible to "reserve" a spot for a player in a game!
    Tournament organizers have access to game invitations to their tournament games via the game finder. Now they can control more precisely who goes in which game and even on which team, with no more problems with wrong games joined or wrong passwords.
    If you want more informations about Game Invitations go here
  • Tournament Newsletter, a new issue released. (here)
  • Interview with Steelhorse - submit your questions (here)


Here below the last week current signups:

Colton24's 1st Annual " Rule the Galaxy " Tourney
show: options

Tupence's Birthday Bonanza!
show: options

2009 NFL 1v1 Challenge
show: options

The Epic story of Feudal war
show: options

kyle and murphy's double trouble tournament
show: options

Worlds Greatest Assassin:Classic Art !
show: options

Qwert Bracket Tournament VIII
show: options

NHL 2009-10 SEASON 2
show: options

If you have some interesting ideas or suggestions about, please contact me with a PM.
Thank you


Clan History was made this week as the 1st Clan League declared its winner, The Horsemen of the Apocalypse (THOTA). A number of clans led the league early on, however, it was the Clan Wars undefeated clan that outlasted all other clans involved.

The clan league is the largest publicly known private tournament comprising of 1350 games, and would have not been possible without the support of the clan leaders involved and all of the hard work by all of the clan league contacts. A number of players stepped up and I know many players have a new appreciation for what clans do on this site, and what it takes to manage and run an event like this. It certainly made my job of stats boy and scheduler so much easier. Thank you all very much.

So after making clan history, what next? Well, the league will now move on to Season 2 in early September (and better follow the school year for those still in school). The settings and setup discussion currently resides in the Clan Leaders Association forum, and then will move on to the public forums, for comments in about a week. It appears that the league will almost double in size in terms of clans, along with adding additional features like Triples, Quads, Playoffs, Promotions & Relegations and the naming of All-Star Teams. Some exciting things in the works and only looks to get better.


show: Interview with Optimus Prime


Unfortunately at this point there won't be any interview in the next issue. However if this is to change, keep you're eyes out for a thread in the Newsletter forum.

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the Conquer Club Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to samuelc812 or gimil. If the CC News Team enjoy it than you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


Did you enjoy this Issue? Have you subscribed to the Newsletter yet?

If you want each and every issue of the Conquer Club Newsletter delivered right into your Inbox, then Subscibe Here!

Conquer Club News Team

samuelc812 - News Director
gimil - Advisor
Night Strike - Ask a Mod
thenobodies80 - Tournament Reporter
the.killing.44 - Foundry Reporter
jpcloet - Clan Reporter
ubersky - Suggs and Bugs Reporter
InsomniaRed - Community Opinion Reporter
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby Optimus Prime on Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:29 am

Excellent job, samuelc812 and others. Looking forward to seeing who the choices are for non-TeamCC interviews in the upcoming issues.
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby timmytuttut88 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:41 pm

Not that interesting...
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby AgentSmith88 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:49 pm

Hey, at least they posed all the questions asked in the forum.
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby timmytuttut88 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:56 pm

AgentSmith88 wrote:Hey, at least they posed all the questions asked in the forum.

Yeah, that's at least an improvement. But I was kind of disappointed that they didn't talk about the recent bans and things that have the forums in turmoil.
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby the.killing.44 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:02 pm

timmytuttut88 wrote:
AgentSmith88 wrote:Hey, at least they posed all the questions asked in the forum.

Yeah, that's at least an improvement. But I was kind of disappointed that they didn't talk about the recent bans and things that have the forums in turmoil.

2 things:

1. If you want someone to mainly talk about what happened in the forums, submit an article. Fruitcake resigned from this very post BECAUSE of what happened in the forums. So please don't say "they don't have xxx article" while you can submit something for that very thing yourself.

2. One of those bans you're referring to was t-o-m's, correct? The same one that happened 1 or 2 days before publishing?

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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby timmytuttut88 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:08 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:
timmytuttut88 wrote:
AgentSmith88 wrote:Hey, at least they posed all the questions asked in the forum.

Yeah, that's at least an improvement. But I was kind of disappointed that they didn't talk about the recent bans and things that have the forums in turmoil.

2 things:

1. If you want someone to mainly talk about what happened in the forums, submit an article. Fruitcake resigned from this very post BECAUSE of what happened in the forums. So please don't say "they don't have xxx article" while you can submit something for that very thing yourself.

2. One of those bans you're referring to was t-o-m's, correct? The same one that happened 1 or 2 days before publishing?


Well I know I don't have the time to write an article, but it would be nice to have someone else write a general "what they think of cc" thing. And yes I guess it's hard to write a whole article in two days.
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby wcaclimbing on Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:32 pm

Thats the best interview I've read on here.
Nice work, OP.
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby mibi on Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:32 pm

cool interview....
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby owenshooter on Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:27 pm

wcaclimbing wrote:Thats the best interview I've read on here.
Nice work, OP.

and that is the problem in a nutshell... this response has so many problems with it on so many levels, and i am sure the irony of it escapes the poster... sigh... i believe many people lost interest when "real" questions weren't posed or answered. OP could have easily been asked about the current climate within the forums, as the banning of DM was very fresh at the time the questions were posed. it would have been a great subject to spend real time on. anyway, samuel has stated that the softball interviews are going to change with the next interview. so, hopefully the next one will be a bit more "substantial" and not so much fluff... looking forward to moving forward, good luck!!-0
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby cowboyz on Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:48 pm

Best interview yet, Thank you Samuel and OP for having balls and a bit of a sense of humor :D
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby Lindax on Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:55 pm

owenshooter wrote:OP could have easily been asked about the current climate within the forums, as the banning of DM was very fresh at the time the questions were posed. it would have been a great subject to spend real time on.

You are assuming that people are interested in the DM issue. As far as I can see in the forums, it's only a very small group of people that are....

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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby owenshooter on Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:34 pm

Lindax wrote:
owenshooter wrote:OP could have easily been asked about the current climate within the forums, as the banning of DM was very fresh at the time the questions were posed. it would have been a great subject to spend real time on.

You are assuming that people are interested in the DM issue. As far as I can see in the forums, it's only a very small group of people that are....


yeah, hence the impending rule change being discussed in suggestions with andy... way to stay on top of things... the DM issue was just the starting point in a much larger discussion concerning a rule change for perma-bans/bans and the escalating punishment scale. so, if an admin is in the process of making a major overhaul of a rule that was soundly denounced in the forums by the community, i think it is more than a few people. furthermore, t-o-m had a site ban reversed last week, too... the community has a voice and is listened to. the DM issue was a very valid topic that was avoided... hey, let me go read some more lame transformer jokes that pose as questions...-0
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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby Lindax on Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:02 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Lindax wrote:
owenshooter wrote:OP could have easily been asked about the current climate within the forums, as the banning of DM was very fresh at the time the questions were posed. it would have been a great subject to spend real time on.

You are assuming that people are interested in the DM issue. As far as I can see in the forums, it's only a very small group of people that are....


yeah, hence the impending rule change being discussed in suggestions with andy... way to stay on top of things... the DM issue was just the starting point in a much larger discussion concerning a rule change for perma-bans/bans and the escalating punishment scale. so, if an admin is in the process of making a major overhaul of a rule that was soundly denounced in the forums by the community, i think it is more than a few people. furthermore, t-o-m had a site ban reversed last week, too... the community has a voice and is listened to. the DM issue was a very valid topic that was avoided... hey, let me go read some more lame transformer jokes that pose as questions...-0

You can be as condescending as you like mate.

And you can call a small group of people making a lot of noise "the community" too. You're entitled to your opinion.

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Re: CC News [Issue 13: 24-7-09] - Short Edition with Optimus

Postby owenshooter on Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:02 pm

Lindax wrote:And you can call a small group of people making a lot of noise "the community" too. You're entitled to your opinion.

less than 2-3% of all CC'ers visit the forums regulary... it is a small group of people, and we are the community. notice how much action this newsletter receives? far less than most threads in the GD and Off Topics? why? they haven't engaged the community.-0
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