Hello Everyone,
During the past days I've heard some rumors about the intention of the new administration of Conquer Club to start with a major advertising campaign around the world.
However I thought about just mere rumors. However, today I was chatting with a friend of mine who is visiting New York and, believe it or not, it seems that it's true!
Since I didn't think he was serious I asked him to take a picture.
I can't believe in my eyes! NYC was covered with the pictures of some conquer Club maps.
In the midst of all that mess it took me a while to find them all but, in the end, I was able to see 10 maps.
Now, apart the advertising campaign joke, I've hidden 10 maps into the above image.
The first 3 of you that will be able to spot all the hidden maps will receive a fantastic prize!
Be aware, some maps are easy to find, but others are harder.
So, If you're willing to test your skills, here the contest rules:
How to take part to the contest
- Spot the largest number of maps in the image (again there're 10 maps)
- Clearly mark in red the hidden maps directly on the image using a graphic software (PS, GIMP, Paint, etc)
Look into the spoiler for a couple of quick examples: - Send a PM to thenobodies80 with the image
Note: You can use a host the image using tinypic, imageshack or any other similar hosting site
If you have problems in using a graphic software or to use a image hosting site, you can add just a list with all maps you've found. In this case add a list with the name of the maps and a clear description of where they are hidden into the image.
The Maps
- Even if all the maps are visible and can be found, consider that they may have been scaled up/down, have a different saturation,perspective, brightness or trasparency. In addition a map could be not totally visible (e.g. half hidden behind other objects).
The prizes
- The first user that will find out all the 10 maps (or the largest number of maps) will receive a contest achievement
- The first user that will find out all the 10 maps will receive 2500 Conquer Credits
- The 2nd and the 3rd users that will find out the maps will receive 500 Conquer Credits
- If nobody will find the 10 maps, the 3 users that will find most maps will receive 500 Conquer Credits
Note: The 500 credits can be stored or used to reserve a free spot in the next Conquer Cup
I strongly suggest to take all the time you need to spot the maps, as you can see the prize for finding out all the maps is much more interesting! It doesn't count if 1000 users have already sent to me a PM, like I said the "jackpot" is given only to the first user that find all them!
Since there're always some users that find "funny" to post the maps directly in the contest thread or to give hints, I'll lock the topic till the conclusion of the contest.
If there's something unclear or if you have questions, feel free to send me a PM, I'll give you a reply and I'll quote it here also for the others.
Everyone can take part, users and also volunteers. I'm the only one who knows which are the maps and where they are hidden.
Have fun!