Conquer Club

The Foundry Newsletter: 10th Issue

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The Foundry Newsletter: 10th Issue

Postby TaCktiX on Wed May 27, 2009 8:00 am


Hey all,

This past week has been a crazy one. First a server outage took out the Off-topic forum, and suddenly the Map Foundry was home to Mafia and Forum Games. Then mere days later our most beloved Classic map disappeared amongst a firestorm of changed lingo and copyright worries. Add to that a vacuum of details for what would ultimately replace Classic, just an exercise in geometry and a study in abstract art.

But you know what? People have beaten that horse dead already. Instead of wailing and gnashing of teeth, I'd like to remain nostalgic about the Classic that was. MrBenn honors us with a short poem as our Editorial, entitled "Ode to Classic." I challenge each person who reads this Newsletter to PM me about their best memories of Classic (and Middle Earth if you so desire). We'll post every single response in the Community Perspective for next issue. We may not have Classic as we remember it now, but nothing can take the memory of it from us.

On a slightly less somber note, the rest of the issue proudly proclaims that mapmaking is still alive and well in the Foundry. We have a whopping FIVE maps reaching Quench in the past couple of weeks, and plenty of others getting stamps and moving around. We spotlight a very quick-moving map in the Foundry by a relative newcomer, and had a small response to our Perspective that kinda got eclipsed by that whole Classic thing. All in all, it's still all here.

Don't forget to send those PMs to me,


Name: Charleston, SC
Creator: RjBeals
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: Charleston, famous for its role in the American Civil War, the American Revolutionary War, and...Conquer Club maps? In this take on America's second largest Atlantic seaport, Rj has created a straightforward large map with simple but attractive graphics.
Present Development: Quenched..

Name: Europa
Creator: MrBenn
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: The creator set out upon a simple goal: make a map about the way Europe really is, even down to Vatican City. He's stayed true to that vision, and the map reflects it, with a clean look to all the countries no matter their size. The map makes good use of natural boundaries to create impassables, adding to the clean feel of the map.
Present Development: Quenched.

Name: Haiti
Creator: Edbeard
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: This small map shows the nation of Haiti, the western half of the island of Hispaniola. The simple and clean colors and font choices reflect the purely classic gameplay used in the map.
Present Development: Quenched.

Name: Halloween Hollows
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: Holiday-themed maps have been absent from Foundry production thus far, and this map seeks to break that trend. Taking the plethora of creatures and items associated with Halloween, this map incorporates riddles and standard gameplay into a dark All Hallow's Eve look.
Present Development: Quenched.

Name: Madagascar
Creator: t-o-m
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: Another small map in the pipeline, this time of the island nation of Madagascar. Gameplay is straightforward, and the territory naming accurately reflects the regions of the country. Graphics are fairly simple, which helps the appeal of the map.
Present Development: Quenched.

Name: British Isles Revamp
Creator: Gimil
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImage
Description: One of the most beloved maps in the game is getting a makeover. The creator has redone the look of the map to be much cleaner and geographically accurate to the Isles.
Present Development: Stalled, but more or less complete.

Name: Forbidden City
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImage
Description: The Forbidden City has always been an interesting part of Chinese history since its construction in the Ming dynasty. So the most quenched mapmaker has taken a unique bent in portraying it. Instead of just featuring the City itself, he has added outsiders from all over history that have tried to take over the City in some way. Add to that the simple, illustrative graphics reminiscent of Chinese culture circa 19th century, and you've got the whole enchilada.
Present Development: Complete, awaiting quench.

Name: Golfe du St-Laurent
Creators: Lone.prophet and Unit_2
Stamps: ImageImageImageImage
Description: The Gulf of St. Lawrence (French, Golfe du St-Laurent) is the world's largest estuary, but conservation takes a backseat to beating the pulp out of others on this map of the gulf and its surrounding areas. It's an average-sized map with well-done textures and area-appropriate colors. Its classic gameplay is without any gimmicks and should be easy to pick up.
Present Development: This map has remained very quiet for quite some time. A completed XML is supposedly posted.

Name: Oasis
Creator: wcaclimbing
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImage
Description: Calling Oasis a phenomenon would do it no credit. This graphical feast has taken the Foundry by storm, leaving several regular commenters drooling for the next update. It's based around a central objective Grand Oasis surrounded by decaying desert, and lots of one-territory bonuses sprinkled throughout. Watch out for this map, it's certain to change the way objective maps are made.
Present Development: The XML is good to go, could you stop teasing us Andy and quench it? Please?

Name: Romania
Creator: Foregone
Stamps: ImageImageImageImage
Description: Romania is a little-known country in Eastern Europe, yet steeped in history dating back to the Roman Empire (hence its name). This map takes the country and infuses a piece of parchment with a no-frills depiction of the country, with a touch of hand-drawn charm.
Present Development: Forged and awaiting an XML stamp.

Name: San Marino
Creator: Ruben Cassar
Stamps: ImageImageImageImage
Description: The Ruben Cassar formula to a T: a simple map based around a small area. It's attractive to the eye, and while being average size has plenty of bonuses that should be easy to get and hold onto.
Present Development: XML should come soon from someone, though the original creator is bogged down in that pesky thing known as real life.

Name: War of the Triple Alliance
Creator: Oaktown
Stamps: ImageImageImageImage
Description: This map captures the War of the Triple Alliance, South America's bloodiest war, fought on one side by Paraguay and on the other by Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. The muted colors and faded images help make this map truly feel 19th Century. The gameplay is classic, lacking any sort of twist or gimmick.
Present Development: Recently Forged and with a complete XML.

Name: Ancient Greece Revamp
Creator: Mr. K
Stamps: Image Image
Description: This is a revamp to the current Ancient Greece map. The creator is making the graphics crisper and cleaner without altering the gameplay. The style retains the classical flair that it had before, but is overall brighter and of a higher quality.
Present Development: Slowed down due to the start of school, but an update should be coming along soon.

Name: Antarctica
Creator: e_i_pi
Stamps: Image
Description: Conquer Club has featured at one time or another all continents, save one: Antarctica. To avoid the problems of "boring chunk of ice with only research stations on it" and the treaty protecting it from conquest, the mapmaker has cast the map forward in time to 2060, when ice has given way to land, and everyone is vying to conquer it all. The graphics are suitably cold yet colorful, and the conquest basis of the map has been well-thought-out. The map merely asks that you conquer the previously unconquerable Antarctica.
Present Development: Border understanding and other small graphics tweaks have been the latest issues of concern.

Name: Brazil
Creator: RjBeals
Stamps: ImageImage
Description: The ultimate winner of the well-publicized Brazil Revamp Competition, Rj has created a map that simply oozes with color, fitting for a nation known for its vibrant culture. Graphics are the order du jour now.
Present Development: Likely to have an update in the near future, but no word yet.

Name: Cairns Metro
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: Image
Description: In yet another map by the seemingly tireless Cairns, he's covering the metropolitan area of his hometown, Cairns. Adopting a slightly more pastel color scheme than his recently-released Sydney Metro, the map also employs fewer continents and territories, making it have a significantly different gameplay than Sydney. So for yet another top-quality Australian experience, look for this map in the coming weeks.
Present Development: With a teaser image posted of the next version, the graphics look to be taking quite a jump soon.

Name: Das Schloß
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Description: This map is unique in several ways. For one, it is the only map that can only be won by completing the objective. For two, it's gone back from quenching into the foundry with a major rework of the map's mechanics to fix some unforeseen balance issues.
Present Development: Discussions about the bonuses and the reworked gameplay are the main focus right now. Once issues are resolved on those and all present games on the older map are completed, the map will get re-quenched.

Name: Eastern Hemisphere
Creator: Oaktown
Stamps: Image
Description: What happens when you slice the world in half then age it 90 years? This map showing the far side of the world around 1910! It's the time when the great European empires are crumbling, and the creator has worked hard on making gameplay appropriate to the time setting. Expect a fresh world experience soon.
Present Development: Awaiting a graphical update to improve the quality of the impassables on the map.

Name: Europe 1914
Creator: Qwert
Stamps: Image
Description: Another covering of World War I, this time from an overall theater look. With eye-popping colors, rigorous detail, and a slew of bonuses, this map definitely gets one's attention. With two objectives that aren't mutually exclusive (unlike Operation Drug War), the gameplay looks to be a mix of classic and complex. Overall it's a new look on a oft-forgotten war, which is bound to turn out interestingly.
Present Development: The current quandary is explaining Cyprus's bonus well enough to not cause confusion

Name: France, 18th Century
Creator: Pamoa
Stamps: ImageImage
Description: The French Revolution changed the course of European history, so having a map based on the country at that time only makes sense. It's a simple, attractive small map, with classic gameplay. The clean approach to the map has made it very interesting to watch as it has progressed.
Present Development: Now sporting a small version, this map seems almost there for Foundry sticky.

Name: Germany Revamp
Creator: Pepperonibread
Description: The current Germany map, as many German members have pointed out, is quite inaccurate. In this revamp, Pepperonibread is redrawing many of the borders to more accurately reflect the real Germany, as well as changing many of the territory names. Finally, the graphics will be completely overhauled and replaced with, in the words of Gimil, "super cool, shit hot graphics."
Present Development: With a brand-new update posted, this map look virtually there for Graphics stamping.

Name: Holy Roman Empire
Creators: Grayhawke and Pamoa
Stamps: ImageImage
Description: The Holy Roman Empire has been said to neither be Holy, nor Roman, and most certainly not an Empire. At least CC players can fix the last part by building their own on this map detailing the HRE and surrounding nations. Taking a combination continent/influence bonus gameplay, the map tries to bring out some of the history of the HRE, all the while backing it with simple, solid graphics.
Present Development: Very very near a Graphics stamp, as everything looks to be coming together.

Name: Iron Curtain
Creator: RjBeals
Stamps: Image
Description: The Soviet Union and its constituent Warsaw Pact nations formed the basis of the feared Iron Curtain. This map takes that large region and turns it into a 96 territory map colored in shades of iron. Its construction is very clean, and the gameplay fairly open with a minimum of impassables. Recreating a symbol of oppression never was so much fun.
Present Development: Stalled while the mapmaker finishes his two other projects.

Name: Rail Australia
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: ImageImage
Description: Cairns is becoming a master of serial maps. Following up Rail USA and Rail Europe is this third map, Rail Australia. It brings, as expected, the rail system from Down Under into vivid color. Unlike the other two though, there are added twists to the map that should make play very interesting and varied.
Present Development: With a title change and various other graphical touches, this map looks to be nearly done with Graphics.

Name: Scandinavia
Creator: CoolC
Stamps: Image
Description: Scandinavia is the region of Norsemen, Danes, and people who contemplate the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (at least Shakespeare would have us believe that). Taking the NYC idea of separate regions within greater ones, this map covers in fairly simple gameplay the Nordics, with cold colors to match the region's northern climes. Accurate region lines and names complete the representation of Scandinavia as it exists today.
Present Development: Still awaiting a post-move update.

Name: Switzerland
Creator: Kaplowitz
Stamps: ImageImage
Description: Switzerland is famed for its bank accounts, neutrality in war, and sweeping mountains. So have a hostile takeover on this average-sized map of the country. Graphics are simple and the gameplay matches, with only classic continents and impassables.
Present Development: Graphically starting over, a full version should be out soon.

Name: Trench Warfare
Creator: Mibi, Incandenza, and Yeti_C
Stamps: Image
Description: This map brings WWI style Trench Warfare to life! Two opposing fronts are separated by a large no mans land. Players will scramble for bonuses in trenches and use gameplay features such as mortars and artillery to bombard a path across no-mans land before rising from the trenches and blasting through to the other side. The high-quality and realistic graphics compliment this gameplay style very nicely.
Present Development: This map looks to be getting gameplay locked up in the near future.

Name: USA 6 Region Map Pack
Creator: WidowMakers
Stamps: Image
Description: This project is bold. WM is aiming to create 6 maps based on the 6 regions of the USA map, all with the same essential mechanics. The graphics are simple and effective, reflecting the colors and territories of the USA map while keeping a new set of flair. It's sure to be perfect tournament material, as well as an interesting set of maps to play with friends.
Present Development: Slowed significantly due to recent mapmaker computer troubles, feedback is rolling on despite.

Name: Wales
Creator: MrBenn
Stamps: Image
Description: With maps of Ireland and Scotland already quenched, it is only natural that a map of Wales be developed. The graphical style is simple, and makes heavy use of Welsh motifs. The gameplay is mostly classic, with one twist: each geographical territory has two sets of armies, one for each clan in the area. Special bonuses are given for holding both clans in the same shire.
Present Development: Mountain concerns and poetic gameplay understanding are the present topics of feedback.

Name: WWI: Ottoman Empire
Creator: Cairnswk
Stamps: Image
Description: World War I has also slipped into the void of uncoveredness, but thanks to Trench Warfare and this map the War to End All Wars will get its just deserts. The map takes on a lesser-known part of the war (though the famous battle of Gallipoli was fought here), focused around Turkey and the Central-allied Ottoman Empire. The general theater is portrayed in simple, understandable colors and the gameplay is fairly standard on this medium-sized map.
Present Development: This map has been quiet of late, though a typo correction or two are in the works.

Name: WWII Europe
Creator: Qwert
Stamps: ImageImageImage
Description: Long stalled due to its large size, this map has undergone a weight-loss program and now fits within the size requirements. Taking his WWII Eastern and Western Front maps and meshing them with a Central front in the middle, this is a map that covers the entire theater of the war in Europe. With a large scale, and lots of opportunities, it will definitely be the WWII map to play when it's quenched.
Present Development: Graphics stamped and looking soon to enter the Forge.

Name: Age of Quests
Creator: DiM
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: In his latest effort, DiM is taking a conquest look at pencil-and-paper RPGs, translating such things as classes, skills, treasure, and alignment into the realm of CC. The overall theme is of a piece of parchment that has seen much wear, and the symbols employed on the map match the style perfectly. Bonuses change depending on starting point, creating an interesting interplay between hindering an opponent and helping yourself.
Present Development: Gameplay balancing is a major concern right now, with graphics taking a backseat. All balancing suggestions are more than welcome.

Name: British India
Creator: Oaktown
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: Taking a cue from another, more modern attempt at India and its surrounding countries, Oaktown has taken the period of time when India was a British colony, and translated it onto a beautiful rendering of a history book (Editor's Note: he used the same book for the Brazil revamp contest). Combining simple colors and a hand-drawn look for terrain features and the like, the map is fairly simple on gameplay, with classic continents and a railway bonus to spice things up. Rewrite history for who controlled the region in the 1800's, or join those building the next railway for the ruler. The choice is yours.
Present Development: This map has been fairly quiet of late, most likely due to the Classic change.

Name: Castle Battle
Creators: Marvaddin and Telvannia
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: This map is a siege of a fictional castle. The top-notch 3-D graphics give this map a perspective that not many other maps have. The gameplay heavily utilizes elements such as autodeploys and bombardments.
Present Development: This map also has been relatively silent.

Name: Conquer Club Golf
Creator: Ethitts
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: Conquer Club lacks any Sports maps. Not a single one. This map is on course to change that, as it takes on the sport of Tiger Woods, the green jacket, and countless upper management: Golf. Taking 9 holes thematically named after some of CC's finest maps, this map tailors the various elements of golf into a system of bombards, decays, and ranged attacks. Surprisingly, the map isn't that complex as a result, but seems to make sense, most likely due to the simple small-scale graphics scheme on the entire map. Look to be yelling "Fore!" when you start your turn in the near future.
Present Development: Nothing new this issue from this map.

Name: Conqueropoly
Creators: Bryguy and Gilligan
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: The game of monopoly, turned into a CC map! The map features numerous gameplay elements to make it similar to the board game, including battle ships (trains), cards, and even the dreaded sales tax. The graphics on this map are pretty much hammered out already.
Present Development: Amidst some fruitless feedback is a gem noting that the map's gameplay needs a good workover. More feedback seems a must at this early stage.

Name: Mediterranean Basin
Creator: Samuelc812
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: This is a map of the regions around the Mediterranean Sea. It has classic gameplay and a simplistic graphical style that is still being developed.
Present Development: The mapmaker is mostly playing around with various graphical aspects right now. Movement into the main foundry won't be far away.

Name: War of the Roses
Creator: bspride
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: The War of the Roses was a pivotal moment in English history, replacing one dynasty of rulers with another, setting the stage for England's Renaissance, among a slew of other things. But that's not as important as the numerous bloody battles fought across southern England during that time, inviting a CC map to be made based on it. Bonuses are varied, being a combination of traditional continents and collections of single territories. The overall map look is of one written on parchment, depicting an old-time view of the region. Be prepared to claim the throne for your own soon.
Present Development: Updated, but in need of further graphical tweaks according to feedback.

Name: Zodiac Map
Creator: rsacheli
Stamps: [Advanced Draft]
Description: The Zodiac has been a centerpiece of astrology for generations, enshrined most noticeably by the naming of constellations in the stars. This map portrays their constellations and has bonuses centering around the seasons and the elements those constellations comprise. It also features a super-connected Black Hole territory, allowing a lot of mobility for such a large map. The map beckons that you decide your own fate among the stars.
Present Development: Slowed due to lower mapmaker ability, but looking ready for the main Foundry.


The editorial this week is a graphic poem by MrBenn:

This week, we shine the Spotlight on foregone and his map of Romania:

foregone wrote:
ZeakCytho wrote:How old are you/what gender are you/where do you live? Answer specifically, vaguely, or not at all.

20 something-ish, which is old enough to start feeling age but young enough to pretend I'm not. Male, last time I checked. And I live in the capital city of Sunny South Africa... still a map-less country sadly.

ZeakCytho wrote:How did you find out about Conquer Club?

Random online search after my girlfriend encouraged me to find something of the sort online... I'm quite sure she regrets that now.

ZeakCytho wrote:What is your favorite map currently up for live play? Why that one?

Tough one. I'm one for standard game play, so it has to be toss-up between World 2.1 and British Isles... and a couple of others. Soooo hard to pick a favourite!

ZeakCytho wrote:What interested you in map making?

I was on holiday at the time and was trying to avoid any actual work. Since I was spending whole days on CC anyway I figured I'd give it a shot, do something mildly useful. Making a map seemed the appropriate balance between laziness and usefulness.

ZeakCytho wrote:What kind of feedback do you like getting the most?

Friendly, helpful commentary. I don't think one realises how much a map can improve before one goes through the process and compares the start with the end, its truly amazing. I'm not adverse to the occasional outright compliment either, heh. ;)

ZeakCytho wrote:What "keeps you going" through getting a map through the Foundry?

Generally the whole process has been quite enjoyable. Friendly people, helpful commentary, etc. The good people have been the main reason I haven't gotten overly frustrated at any point.

ZeakCytho wrote:What inspired you to create this map?

A couple of random things really. I'm fond of the traditional geographical maps and the layout of the country suits a good game of CC, in my opinion. And...Romanian and Portuguese are the closest languages to Latin (or so I have heard). Random.

ZeakCytho wrote:How did you decide what graphics styles to go with? Why the antique/parchment look?

I think that just sort of happened somewhere along the line, heh. I think there was quite a bit of community involvement with the development of the background, which was absolutely great for a first timer like m'self. It started out with a very bad, barely visible parchment backdrop and with enough people demanding (and advising) improvement it developed its full style.

ZeakCytho wrote:How much time do you spend on each update? How much of that time do you enjoy?

Hmmmmmm...that really depends on what has to be updated. I like to do the updates as the comments come in, keep it fluid. Sometimes what seems the simplest requests can take absolutely bloody longest because you just can't get that colour quite right, or the one shadow just won't drop in the right place. Anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours on each one, I'd say.

I enjoy doing the updates almost 98% of the time. Every time I do something I get a better grip of GIMP and learn a few new tricks. Its been a crash course in graphic design!

ZeakCytho wrote:Was there anything in the foundry that you found surprising or unpredictable concerning your map?

It being my first time I tried to not have overly much in the expectations department. Looking back now, I'm surprised (and quite happy) that my first idea worked and I seemed to have soldiered through.

ZeakCytho wrote:Were there any suggestions that you absolutely loved? Or any that you really hated?

The vast majority of comments were great, I think I was quite lucky in that department. What I love is the guys who make continual commentary, who let you know if they are/aren't satisfied and who work with you throughout the whole process.

I don't think I hated any commentary. It can be frustrating to get a comment about an issue which you though you had passed, but mainly because you know you'll have to go back and re-open it. This isn't in itself bad....just not my favourite part of the process. ;)

ZeakCytho wrote:What do you think of the foundry process in general?

It's organic, brutal, frustrating, satisfying, cruel, friendly...and then it starts again :mrgreen: . I definitely gained from the process, and am the better for it. 9 out of 10 doctors recommend all CC'ers do it at least once!

Perspectives Issue 10 Poll:
What do you think the most important role of a CA is?

whitestazn88 wrote:i say the number one job of a CA is to just lick the stamps.

foregone wrote:In my mind it's a combination of stamping and directing feedback in so far as their feedback is designed to maintain the quality which is expected for maps at CC.

DiM wrote:In a perfect foundry the CAs should simply follow threads and when necessary just come in and give the stamps
but this is not a perfect foundry so they must read threads, give feedback, guide the map maker, issue warnings for spammers and give stamps

My Perspective

blacky44 wrote:Hey everyone this is blacky44 reporting.

This week I`ll be writing about my favorite stuff about the foundry.You don`t have to be a mapmaker to post something on the foundry here but it might help. If you like a map post a reply saying what you like about the map and what you dont and if you really don`t like it say this is a f****n bad idea. I don`t suggest this but hey some people like to do that.

The foundry discussion has mapmaking concepts and techniques which is good if you want to create a map and need some techniques. Final forge is my favorite thing about the foundry because you can see what maps are being made and coming soon.

Some of my favorite maps in the ideas and suggestions is antartica race to the south pole and Rail GB and Rail London maps. Some good ones in the drafting rooms is Conqueropoly and Conquer CLUB Golf. Some good ones in the final forge is Europa and Charleston, SC.

P.S. Please PM me blacky44 and tell me what you think about the Iceland and Luxembourg map going live and about the classic map and centerscape map changing.

This is blacky44 saying peace out and thank you!!!!!!!


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Wrap up

We would like to thank you all for taking the time to read and enjoy our newsletter.
See you next time!

ZeakCytho - Perspectives Editor, Spotlight Editor, Maps In Development Editor
wcaclimbing - Graphics
gimil - Graphics
InkL0sed - Formatting Editor, Proofreading Editor
TaCktiX - Senior Editor, Editorial Editor, Maps in Development Editor

Originally posted October 20th, 2008
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Corporal 1st Class TaCktiX
Posts: 2392
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Location: Rapid City, SD

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