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Location Achievement and Tracking Login Locations

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Location Achievement and Tracking Login Locations

Postby LIVExFREE on Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:13 pm

This is somewhat a question.. but also an idea.

I live in the USA, but am currently located in Macedonia for the month of July.

I just checked my profile and it said my location achievement is Macedonia.

Does this mean that my leaderboard ranking will be for Macedonia while located here?

Also, it would be really cool for those that travel around the world ( like me ) to keep a list of places or countries flags in their profile when they have logged into Conquer Club from that country.
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Re: Location Achievement and Tracking Login Locations

Postby greenoaks on Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:39 pm

Yes, you will appear on the scoreboard for whatever country/region your profile shows.

That last bit should have it's own thread over in the Suggestions forum.
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