Based on your feedback - I think this proposed layout should satisfy everyone. We put a basic player listing to the side of the map (like before the update, minus rank and rating) and print full statistics below the action panel. This will eliminate horizontal scrolling, while letting you immediately see who is who (and with how many cards) upon entering the game. Please vote to let me know what you think.
Proposed layout:

We just added game stats to the the players list on the right of the map. It means some people will have to scroll horizontally to see them, which is a shame. But we don't want vertical scrolling for each attack right? Considering that even small maps are quite large these days, and we still have many users on 1024x768 resolution, getting a good layout is tricky.
Should the player listing & stats be above the map or below instead? Or is there a completely different solution?
I'd love to hear what you think.
Note: this topic is intended for layout discussion. To discuss the update in general, please do so in the announcement. Thanks