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Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.7

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Re: Futbol (Update 8/6)

Postby Aleena on Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:44 pm

So any comments from the community?

Thought doing this game in a 3D sort of view would make it jump out a bit...

Plus how many maps do we have that are in 3d view frame?

Click image to enlarge.

Replaced area numbers with position names.

Click image to enlarge.

Added the ball and net

Click image to enlarge.
Last edited by Aleena on Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.6

Postby Aleena on Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:37 pm

Map Name: Futbol
Mapmaker(s): Jdean1-Gameplay, Aleena-Graphics
Number of Territories: 30
Special Features: Coaches Bombard Refs
Goalies can only attack each other
Soccer Ball acts as a Capital(Will be added)

Actually with the addition of the ball you have 31 Territories instead of 30.
Territories Break Down:
2 Coaches
3 Refs
1 Ball
2 Goalies
2 Blue Forward
3 Red Forward
3 Red Defenders
4 Blue Defenders
4 Blue Midfielders
4 Red Midfielders
Total 31 Locations

Ok, Let's look at game play...
You say Coaches Bombard Refs - But how do you capture a coach position?
Do Refs do anything?
What about the VIP section...
You say the Ball will catapult ya - but to where?
And your not clear on the movement connection between the players and the other locations...
Also no Victory condition is explained...
And what about Bonuses?

Some suggestions:

Victory Condition:
Player must control BOTH GOALIES for one round to win...
"Basically you make and secure goals going both ways to win?" (just an idea)

Players can only attack Adjacent Opposing Players or/and Pass to adjacent Players of same color.

All 2 players near The Ball are connected to The Ball.

The Ball can catapult players to any/all of the Forward Positions on either side of the field.

Coaches can Bombard any Ref.
Ref 1 can Bombard any Blue Player.
Ref 2 is connected to both coaches.
Ref 3 is can Bombard any Red Player

All VIP are connected to each other and to the corresponding Refs.

Any Forward can attack adjacent Goalie.
Goalies can only attack VIP.

Suggested Bonuses based off these suggested connections:
2/3 Red Defenders + 3/+6 deploy
2/3/4 Blue Defenders +3/+4/+6 deploy
2/3/4 Blue Midfielders +2/+3/+4
2/3/4 Red Midfielders +2/+3/+4

Since all the action seems to be with Refs, VIP, The Ball, Gollies, and Forward positions - I figure that to pull the game a little in field by making the Defenders and midfielders as the bonus areas...

Not sure if you like these connections...
But I believe it allows a perfect circle with any and all spaces on the board, so that even in nuclear spoil games, all spaces can be reached.
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Private 1st Class Aleena
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Re: Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.7

Postby Aleena on Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:12 pm

Map Name: Futbol
Mapmaker(s): Jdean1-Gameplay, Aleena-Graphics
Number of Territories: 30

Actual number of areas is 31 not 30 I think...

Special Features: Victory Condition: Must control both goalies, two refs, and both goalies.

You state both goalies twice?

Players can only attack Adjacent Opposing Players or/and Pass to adjacent Players of same color.

Was thinking maybe instead of attacking Opposing Player - Bombard the opposing player, this way a blue player can not move to Red side and vise versa - that easily... If your Blue, you move down the Blue path, if your Red, down the red path - and have them connected somewhere else - maybe through the coaches.. Coaches can attack player of same color, or/and bombard all refs.

2 players near the ball are connected.

Think you mean ? ??? The 2 players near the ball are connected to the ball ?? (not each other) Or if not is anything connected to the ball?

Ball acts as a capital

??? I'm sorry, what does this mean ??? What does a Capital do ???

Starting Positions: Blue Coach and Red Coach

Players only start as Coaches and can only bombard Refs from here (not connections ??)
So is this only a 2 player game?? Or could multiply players, even team players (like two or two) ??
I think it is best if you make the game available to 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 players.... Not just 2...

Coaches can attack any Ref.

Oh, so Coaches attack Refs now, not bombard?

Ref 1 can attack any Blue Player, but resets to 2 neutral at your next turn.

Attack or bombard? Either I think would work... Maybe attacking would be better???

Ref 2 is connected to both coaches.

Hay! I think I understand this one connection...

Ref 3 can attack any Red Player, and resets to 2 neutral at your next turn.

I see Ref 2 and 3 are the same but just for different teams... Makes since, and is clear...
Just want to varify that you want them to be connected to the players or only bombard?

All VIP are connected to each other and to the corresponding Refs.

Ok, this is clear too...

Any Forward can attack an opposing goalie.

This is Clear....

Goalies can only attack VIP's.

Ok,.... I guess... Was my suggestion, but was not 100% happy with it - but if you think it fits, then ok...
Though Goalies no longer can attack each other? Makes since, if not, since you need both to win..

Flow as I see it....

Move from the Field to the forwards...
Move from the Forwards to the Goalies
----- 1 Forward and 1 Defender can move to Ball - Then From Ball no where...
Move from the Goalies to the VIP
Move from the VIP to the Refs
Move from the Refs to the Coaches
From Coaches only back to Refs....

Is this correct is this how you want it?

Maybe - ((Additional Suggestions))

Both Coaches
--- Bombards Refs 1 & 3
--- One Way connection to any Midfielder of their own color

Refs 1
--- Bombard any Blue Player
Ref 2
--- One Way Connection to Any Coach (Then Resets to N2)
Refs 3
--- Bombards any Red Player

--- All Connected to Each other
--- One way connection to corrisponding Ref

The Ball - "The VIP keeps their eyes on the Ball"
--- One Way connection to any VIP (Then Resets to N2)
--- One Way connection to any Forward on either side of the field (Still Resets to N2)

Blue Defender 4
--- Can Bombard Red Forward 3
--- One Way connection to The Ball
--- Connections to Any other Blue Defender

Red Forward 3
--- Can Bombard Blue Defender 4
--- One Way connection to The Ball
--- Connections to Any other Red Forward
--- One Way connection to Blue Goalie

Any Forward
---- One way Connected to adjacent Goalies
---- Can Bombard adjacent opposing player
---- connected to any adjacent player of same color

All other players
---- Can Bombard adjacent opposing player
---- connected to any adjacent player of same color

---- one way connected to any defender of same color
---- can bombard an forwards of other color

This way to move from being a Red player to a Blue Player you need to either go through the goalie or through the coach - else all you can to is bombard the other color which is adjacent to ya... ??

What do you think?

If the rules are clear - pass lines will not be needed... But I can add them if you still want....
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Private 1st Class Aleena
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Re: Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.7

Postby Aleena on Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:17 pm

You said you wanted lines that showed the connections between the groups of players on the field...

You also said maybe have them appear like foot prints...

So this is what I came up with...
If you do not like the connections or the look, just tell me how you want it changed, and I'll do it...

Click image to enlarge.

This is an alternative way to mark connection between the players on the field...

Instead of feet prints - I placed up markers from A to F...

All players on the field are connected to any adjacent player on the field which is of the same color on the same row or in an adjacent row to them.

Click image to enlarge.
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Private 1st Class Aleena
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Re: Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.7

Postby Aleena on Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:55 pm

I've been trying to help jdean a little with his map...

But I have not seen much interest from the community?
Is this an idea that you (the community want to see come to life, or is it a dead project - not worth the time?)
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Private 1st Class Aleena
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Re: Futbol (Update 8/8) Vers. 1.7

Postby jdean1 on Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:06 pm

Still looking for some input. I got some early on, but anyone?
Neil deGrasse Tyson is cool.
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