Conquer Club

Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series (winner Runeldo)

Tournaments Completed in 2020

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series (winner Runeldo)

Postby Craig25 on Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:42 am

This tournament is a 2 player Tournament on Baltic Crusades.

It is a survivor tournament, not a knock-out. Premium Members Only.

Each Round up to the Sem-Final and Final will be 3x2 player games. Semi will be 5x2 player games and final will be best of 7.

To survive, you simply need to win one of your 3 games.

Scoring will be 3 points for winning all 3 games, 1 point for winning 2 games, 0 points for surviving and winning 1 game. If you lose all 3 you are out of the tournament regardless of how many points you have amassed.

The player with the highest cumulative points will get a bye in the next round. If points are equal it goes to the most points gained in the current, then previous round then the one before that. If it is still a draw it goes down to who finished all 3 games first. To be clear, this is by time the games finish. So it's in your interest to play as quickly as possible.

If an odd number of players are left after that then the next highest scoring player will also get a bye.

Play continues until there are only 4 players left then it is a straight knockout in the semi and final. 5 games in the semi, and 7 in the final. If we go from 5 to 3 players remaining then the hoghest scoring player gets a bye like in previous rounds.


Baltic Crusades
2 player
Flat Rate





So, who can survive to win???


22 sets of games guys:

Draw is attached


The story so far..................................

- We have a round champ. Nut Shot Scott Won all his 3 games, and finished them 15 MINUTES before dollarsnosense. So Nut Shot Scott gets the bye in Round 2. All is not lost for dollarsnosense. He is on 3 points, and if we have an odd number of players remaining after Round 1 he also gets a bye.

- Biggest Fish To Fall - uyumaykimaw was 5th Seed at the tournament start. But, he was sent to the rail in Round 1.

- Giant Killer So Far - panzermeyer for knocking out the fish above.

- Winners (Player on 3points)- 5 from the top half of the draw: mikehayes, Nut Shot Scott, marand, mrgrateful and rpena23
2 friom the bottom half: panzermeyer and dollarsnosense

- 7 Players crashed and burned so far: uyumaykimaw, Strategy_master, mar_par, Captian Bonehead, wdraper, jlnpac and donciccio. 1st 2 from top half of draw and last 5 from the bottom half.

17 games remaining in Round 1.

Full Scores are attached to the tournament thread.



What a battle. The first of the Baltic Crusades was the Wendish Crudade. The Wendish Crusade (German: Wendenkreuzzug) was a military campaign in 1147, one of the Northern Crusades and a part of the Second Crusade, led primarily by the Kingdom of Germany within the Holy Roman Empire and directed against the Polabian Slavs (or "Wends"). The Wends are made up of the Slavic tribes of Abrotrites, Rani, Liutizians, Wagarians, and Pomeranians who lived east of the River Elbe in present-day northeast Germany and Poland.


- Well, the hero of the Round was Nut Shot Scott who won 3 games and completed them 1st. So a bye for him in Round 2. Gauranteed survival! Well Done.

- 2nd to win all 3 games was dollarsnosense. Luckily for him it looks like there are an odd numbers going to be left. So a bye for him too!

- 10 Players were also Winners of their 3 games CheeseBurgler, panzermeyer, rpena23, mrgrateful, MEP, marand, Bromi12, furbiz, mikehayes and Tin Trumpet. Taking out 10 Fallers.

- Those who fell at the first hurdle were mar_par, Strategy_master, TheTrueNorth, tscott, uyumaykimaw, wdraper, Humbaba, MrBoom and Nucker. Better Luck next time.


- Nucker was the highest ranked player to go to the rail. He WAS the Number 1 SEED. Cheese Burgler with a mixture of good strategy and tact blew Nucker off the board. Absolutely annihalated him. Better Luck Next Time Nucker (-: It was such a humiliation that he ended up deadbeating all 3 games, I spologise on behalf of Nucker for the delay.

- 2 other top half players fell at the first hurdle: uyumaykimaw and Strategy_master

-9 Players Fell from the Bottom half of the draw. Making a total of 12 fallers.

- danduz007 is the lowest ranked player remaining. Being 2nd lowest graded at the start of the Tournament. Not only did he survive he won 2 games putting him on 1 point.

- 2 Players are still battling it out. GallantPellham and shoop76. 1 game remaining which is tighter than a badgers arse. They have won one each though so both are safely through to Round 2. Note, the actual result will be updated when they complete their Round 1 game.


By the early 12th century, the German archbishoprics of Bremen and Magdeburg sought the conversion to Christianity of neighboring pagan West Slavs through peaceful means. During the preparation of the Second Crusade to the Holy Land, a papal bull was issued supporting a crusade against these Slavs. The Slavic leader Niklot preemptively invaded Wagria in June 1147.

Scoreboard and full Round 2 draw is attached in the tournament thread. For the draw just look to the right of the Scoreboard and each game number is listed.

Match of the round is undoubtedly Tin Trumpet V Wheelwright, 3rd and 8th Seeds facing off on 3 and 1 points respectively.

Note, if anyone doesn't want to continue to receive Tournament Updates by E-MAil then let me know.

Good Luck Folks.



Live Scores are on the attachment on the Tournament thread. Has anyone saw the Matrix, specifically when Keanu dodged all those bullets? This is relevant.

Anyway, Updates so far are below:

- We have a Round Champ and Tournament Leader. Marand is way out in front with 6 points and gets the bye in Round 3.

- The possible bye for being 2nd (And there being an odd number of players remaining) is still up for grabs. Furbiz is in Pole Position for it on 4 points. But 4 players are still playing Round 2 games, so either one of them could leap frog him onto 6 points. But if none of them get 3 points then Furbiz is on the odd man bye.

- panzermeyer, Hero to Zero, Joint 1st Round Leader gets eliminated by IteachJava

- fuatpanza took care of Shoop76. Shoop was a massive 21 places ahead of him in the rankings.

- craig25 top seed remaining dodges a bullet Keanu style verses madmom. madmom got to go 1st in all 3 games. 3 1st turns later and he has 3 cards and 3 castles. craig25 is already under pressure. Things go from bad to worse. 1st 2 turns, no cards no castles. But, he managed to dodge those bullets and went on to win 2-1. Picking up a point from a dreadful situation. madmom goes through as a survivor though. I wouldn't fancy playing him again.

- Players who have hit the wall this Round so far are: mint-murray, panzermeyer and shoop76 (pre-tournament 7th seed)

- beano66 is the lowest ranked player to have made it to Round 3 so far. He might be battered and bruised but he's still in and can still win.

- Only 5 Match Ups remaining in Round 2.

For players struggling on points, remember, when we get to the Semi it's a knockout so points mean nothing at that stage. On the negative side, an occassional bye would help you get there (-:

On the scoreboard attached, players who have completed Round 2 games are highlighted Red.



What a battle this is. A big shout out goes to mrgrateful, Runeldo, michio3483 and Lord Arioch. These players were the last games to complete Round 2. And the 4 of them played at a lightning to speed to complete their games allowing Round 3 to commence. Nice 1.

Here is the summary of the remaining Round 2 games;

- MEP Killed Danduz007, furbiz lost the Odd Man Bye in the process as MEP leap frogged him in the standings and went up to 6 points.
- Wheelwright Won the match of the round 2-1. 8th v 3rd seed but couldn't dispatch Tin Trumpet (3rd Seed).
- Lord Arioch Survived against a player ranked 1054 points above him, Runeldo (6th seed)

The Summary of the Tournament so far is below;

- 28/44 Survive and progress into Round 3.
- Only 2 Players are on Max points (6), marand and MEP. Well done.
- Lord Arioch is the lowest seeded player remaining in the tournament, seeded 40/44. He's surviving on 0 points.
- Big fish to go to the wall already in the Tournment are Nucker (1st seed), uyumaykimaw (5th seed) and shoop76 (7th seed).
- marand was the Round Champion and gets a bye in Round 3.
- This leaves 27 players playing Round 3. So luckily for MEP that means the 'Odd Man Bye' is 'Live' and he also gets a bye in Round 3.
- The 16 players eliminated so far are:

Captian Bonehead

Final Round 2 standings are attached to the Tournament Thread. Round 3 Draw to follow.

** NOTE: I'm just waiting on a resignation from michio3483. He won his 1st 2, but looks to be well behind in his 3rd and it should finish 2-1. Just waiting on confirmation. But everything above is on the premiss that he will win 2-1. I'm 99.9% certain that will be the case.


ROUND 3 DRAW, The First Swedish Crusade:

The First Swedish Crusade was a mythical military expedition in the 1150s to Southwest Finland by Swedish King Eric IX and English Bishop Henry of Uppsala.

Earliest written sources of the crusade are from the end of 13th Century. The main sources of the crusade, the legend of Saint Erik and the legend of Saint Henry, describes that the reason for the crusade were the multiple raids that pagan Finns made to Sweden.

The crusade has traditionally been seen as the first attempt of the Catholic Church and Sweden to convert pagan Finns to Christianity. However, the Christianisation of the South-western part of Finland is known to have already started in 10th century, and in the 12th century, the area was probably almost entirely Christian. According to legends, after the crusade Bishop Henry was killed at lake Köyliönjärvi by Lalli. He later became a central figure of the Catholic Church in Finland.

The full round 3 draw is attached to the tournament thread and you will be invited to your games shortly. Note, the game number column is to the right of the spreadsheet. But for ease, the games have been sorted in order. Mail me if you have any questions.

13 Match Ups take place in Round 3.

Round 3 Highlights:

- mikehayes (4 points, 9th seed) V Runeldo (2 Points, 6th Seed)
- furbiz (4 points, 10th seed) V Wheelwright (2 Points, 8th Seed) (Another tough draw for Wheelwright)
- Bromi12 (3 points, 12th seed) V michio3483 (1 point, 11th Seed)
- Nut Shot Scott (3 points, 13th Seed) V akachip (1 point, 14th Seed) (Nut Shot Scott re-entering the fray after a Round 2 Bye)
- worldconquer (1 Point, 4th Seed) V Lord Arioch (0 Points, 40th Seed) (A tough draw for Lord Arioch to make it to Round 4)



- Amazingly, the Round hero's from Round 2 Marand and MEP, who got a bye in Round 3 are on course for another Bye in Round 4!!! They remain Tournament leaders on 6 points. So far........

- furbiz (10th seed), on a creditible 4 points falls to Wheelright (8th Seed), getting scuded 3-0 and eliminated from the Crusades.

- Beano66 is winner of Numpty of the Round. Broke the Fog Rule TWICE v Craig25 and Tourney organiser. As such the score was reversed from a 2-1 to beano to a 2-1 to craig25. Beano survives by winning his only game where the Fog Rule wasn't broken. He took his medicine well though!!

- 7 Match Ups Completed in Round 3 so far. 6 Remaining.

- mikehayes, Tin Trumpet, mrgrateful, rpena23, dollarsnosense are the 5 players left who can possibly win byes in Round 4. But they need to win all 3 games to do so

- Lord Arioch remains the lowest ranked player still in the Tournament, Seeded 40th from 44. He is still fighting out his Round 3 Games though.

An up to date Scoreboard is attached to the Tournament Thread. Players Highlighted Red have completed Round 3 games.

Round 4 will commence as soon as the remaining 6 Match Up's are completed.



The remainder of the round highlights are below and the Scoreboard attached to the Tourney thread is 'live'.

And what a Round it was. But 1st of all a correction from 1 score in the last update. Fuatpanza won his game 3-0, in previous post he was down as winning 2-1. And now for the update:

- Fuatpanza Eliminated Pittman, wrong score was in last update. Thankfully Fuat noticed. And it's great promotional material to get people to download Scoreboards when I post. Problem was caused by someone not accepting all games at the same time!! He wins the Automatic Bye as he is Joint Leader and completed the 3 games 1st.
- BLOW ME!….....Tin Trumpet KO's GallantPellham and wins the 'odd man bye'. But alas, after the Round Hero Bye 24 players remain. Unlucky Trumpet. No 'Odd Man Bye' this Round. GallantPellham very graciously resigned his 3 games which were all lost causes to allow the Tournament to progress. N1 Gallant (-:
- Lord Arioch Survived against World Conquer, 4th Seed and 1020 Points higher ranked. Finishing last game but 99.9% sure it's 2-1 to WC. But with the score at 1-1 both are through anyway.
- There are 4 Joint Leaders after Round 3: Tin Trumpet, marand, MEP and fuatpanza (6 points)
- Lord Arioch remains the lowest ranked player to survive this far (40/44). He is on 0 points but not going anywhere soon it appears.



And this Tourney's getting good now so you wouldn't want to go out like that.

- Another tough draw for Lord Arioch (40th Seed), 0 Points. He's up against 6th Seed Runeldo, 3 points. Can the Lord make it to Round 5???
- Joint Leader Tin Trumpet (3rd Seed) is up against Bromi (12th Seed)
- Marand, Joint Leader (16th Seed) takes on bamage (18th Seed)
- MEP, the last Joint Leader playing this Round is up against mrgrateful

The full draw is included in the Scoreboard. Scroll to the right and sort Spreadheet by Game Number and that puts it into draw order.




2 Most important things 1st:

- Join World Cup Survivor Series if you havn't already.
- Remember Fog Rule for this Round. YOU WILL LOSE ANY GAMES YOU BREAK IT IN.

Ty to all the guys finishing the last games of the round quick style to allow Round 5 to Progress.

Before we move onto Round 5 draw, here are the highlights of Rd 4:

- Bromi12 Beats Tin Trumpet 2-1 in one of the live televised matches of Round 4. It was 12th V 3rd Seed, the 12th Seed (Bromi) coming out on top. Both survive a tough Round.
- marand Beats bamage 2-1 to go into contention for a bye in the next round. Turns out picking up the 1 point made him Round Hero (7 points) so a bye for Marand.
- worldconquer (4th Seed), picks up his 1st 3 points of the Tournament, Eliminating Beano66. Shock result, 6 points put him in jnt 2nd place. Therefor a contender for the Odd Man Bye. The only other player scoring 3 points in the last Round and being joint 2nd was craig25. But alas, worldconquer finished his games 1st so wins the odd man bye. But will there be an odd numer of players remaining for Rd 5?????
- Surviving on zero points, The Beano crashes out at Rd 4
- MEP 19th Seed plays 20th Seed, and gets the worse of it. Goes down 2-1 but survives. (predicted result, will be updated if different)
- Wheelwright, Slow and steady as you go, Wheelwright picks up another point, winning 2-1 v rpena23. Wheelwright has picked up points in every round so far.
- mikehayes, Predicted Score, Almost definitely 2-1 to michio. Both players have won 1 each. If different actual score will be updated when game completes.
- i-andrei, in a close Match Up takes out early Tournament Leader and 13th Seed Nut Shot Scott.
- Furio wins a close battle on paper.21st v 23rd seed. But on the board it was a walk over. Furio KO's CheeseBurglar 3-0. The Burglar crashes out of the Tournament in Rd 4 on 4 points.
- iteachjava (24ths Seed) wins a tough match v akachip (14th seed), 2-1, Both survive.
- vykingsfan64 picks up his 1st points of the tournament in a 2-1 win over dollarsnosense.
- By eliminating madmom, craig25 mirrors WorldConquers progress in the Tournament: 1-1-1-3
- Lord Arioch, The Lord survives against 6th seed, and 1054 points Higher Ranked Runeldo

ROUND 5 Summary:

Full Scorecard and Round 5 Draw are attached on the Tournament Forum.

- 20 Players Remain in the Tournament.
- 2 Are on Byes!!!! Marand and worldconquer does indeed get that odd man bye.
- Tournament Leader is Marand on 7 Points.
- 6 Players are on 6 points, too many to mention.
- Lord Arioch is the lowest ranked player remaining in the Tournament (40/44)
- 9 Match Ups Take Place this Round.

Round 5 Televised Games:

- Craig25 v Mikehayes - 2nd v 9th Seed
- Tin Trumpet v Bromi - 3rd v 12th Seed


Round 5 Update:

We are waiting on 1 match up before we can move onto Round 6. As yet, nobody has been KO'd.

MEP v Michio3483 - They are locked in an epic battle. Both are doing what they can to get it finished so Round 6 is imminent.

Some consultation guys, of 44 players who entered the tournament, we are down to 20. Now, should we change from starting the KO phase from Semi's to last 8 or last 16? It's your tournament guys so anyone who has an opinion, mail me.


- Craig25 moves into joint top spot in the Tournament on 7 points. Beats MikeHayes 2-1.
- TinTrumpet (3rd Seed), beats 12th Seed Bromi 2-1. In contention for the odd man bye on 7 points. Craig25 also on 7 points completed his games 11 hours before the Trumpet. And got 3 points in the previous Round v Tin Trumpets 1. So craig25 in front for the Rd Hero Bye.
- dollarsnosense gets a great Rd 5 result, beating 8th Seed Wheelwright 2-1, both survive.
- Bamage beats fuatpanza 2-1. Both survive, fuat remains on 6 points.
- Rpena 23, After picking up max points in Rd 1, hasn’t scored since. But survives v i-andrei
- Furio beats akachip 2-1 to move into contention on 6 points.
- ITeachJava Wins a tough match v vykingsfan64 2-1. Moves onto 6 points.

GL MEP & Michio

Scoreboard is 'Live'.


RD 5 Complete/RD 6 Draw

The 2 games to complete Rd 5:

- In Rd 5 Lord Arioch gets off the mark, but what a way to do it. Beats 6th Seed Runeldo 2-1 who was a whopping 1054 points higher ranked!! (predicted score)
- Last but not least, 19th Seed v 11th, MEP KO's Michio 3-0 in an epic tussle.

Rd 5 Summary:

- In the Marathon Match, MEP secured his Round Hero status by Eliminating his 3rd opponent and moves onto 9 points. Snatching it from Craig25 at the last possible moment.
- Craig25 wins the 'Odd Man' Bye.
- 19 Players remain from 44 starters.
- Everybody remaining has scored in the Tournament has scored so no ultimate survivor getting to Rd 6 on zero points.
- Lowest ranked player remaining is Lord Arioch (40/44).

Rd 6 Draw Highlights:

19 Players left, Bye for MEP. 18 Take Part in Rd 6, 9 MAtch Ups, 'Odd Man' Bye Kaput! Craig25 gutted.

Highlights Below, Matches to be screened on RTE 4 at 4am on the 32nd October 25 Hundred Hours:

- Tin Trumpet v Mike Hayes - 3rd v 9th Seed. TT needs a 3-0 victory for a chance of a Bye in Rd 7.
- World Conquer v Lord Arioch - 4th Seed v 40th Seed. WC also needs 3 points for any chance of a bye in the next Rd.

Now, with so few players remaining, rounds are going to move fast. So if everyone can focus on these games specifically we can move to Round 7 in a timely manner.

Good Luck All!!!!!!! REMEMBER FOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Round 6:

1 Match Remaining before we commence Round 7. However, World Conquer and Lord Arioch are still on Round 6 of all 3 games. How 24 games can Finish entirely and leave 3 games from the same 2 players on Round 6 is beyond me. I've been harassing them so hopefully Round 7 is imminent!! (-:

19 Started this Round, 1 Bye, 1 Elimination, 2 Players still battling it out.

Unbeleivable, the Round Hero from last Round MEP is on course for another Bye in Round 7!!!!

Scoreboard attached to the Tournament Thread is 'live'.

Counsultation: 2 players wanted to keep format the same. 1 thought a QF is best and 1 thought a last 16 is best. With us entering Round 7 with 18 players remaining, and only 1 or zero players falling per round. It looks like getting to the semi's would take too long. As such, I'm erring on the side of a QF. But, lets play Round 7 and make a decision after that.

Highlights of all the other games:

- Craig25 got 3 starts v DollarsNoSense. Due to dice, position and excellent play by Dollars Craig25 is delighted to get through this with a 2-1 defeat!!
- Featured Game of the Rd was Tin Trumpet v MikeHayes (3rd v 9th Seed). Mike wins a close one 2-1.
- Bromi up to 5 points, beating marand 2-1
- Looks like they are all match ups are close now, bamage beats wheelwright 2-1
- fuatpanza bites the dust in Rd 6, crashing out while on 6 points. Runeldo, rather cold and calculatingly said 'I had excellent drop and great dice, so it was hard for fuatpanza who had to leave with a loss 3-0. He struggled as much as he could and played very well. But dice, drop and starter was too rough'. Runeldo the stone faced killer up to 7 points.
- Another close one, rpena comes out on top v i-andrei, both survive though.
- AkAChip Wins a close match up v Furio 2-1
- vykingsfan, on 1 point, beats ITeachJava (6 points), 2-1. Vyking up to 2 points, a late charge?

Right Troops, get those last 3 games finished!

Good Luck!


ROUND 6 Complete / ROUND 7 Draw.

The last game is completed. World Conquer and Lord Arioch smashed their games in super quick time to allow Round 7 to progress. Lord Arioch wins the Marathon Match, beating World Conquer 2-1. Definitely a black horse, World Conquer was 1132 points higher ranked!.

Round 6 Summary:

- 19 Warriors entered Round 6, 18 Survived to progress to the next battle.
- Unbeleivably, MEP has Hero status. Even although he got a Bye in the last Rd, he remains out in front by 2 points.
- Runeldo wins the 'Odd Man' Bye. He is the only player on 7 points to get the Max 3 points in the last Round.
- Lord Arioch remains the lowest ranked player to survive, Seeded 40/44. He is on 2 points.

Round 7 Draw Highlights:

With 18 Players remaining, and MEP getting the Hero Bye, the 'Odd Man' Bye is 'Live', well done Runeldo. 8 Match Ups take place in this Round consisting of 24 games. Highlights Below:

- Round 7 sees a repeat of a Rd 6 Match, Craig25 goes up against DollarsNoSense once again. Not good!
- 2nd Repeat, Tin Trumpet v Mike Hayes
- 3rd Repeat, Marand v Bromi
- Lowest ranked player, Lord Arioch goes up against 24th Seed Vykingsfan.



Round 7 Update:

Players are dropping like flies!!!

9 Players ready to play Rd 8, 3 Eliminated, 6 still playing...............................................

Only 3 Match Ups Left, the highlights so far:

- Craig25 gets a little revenge over DollarsNoSense. His last Rd 2-1 defeat was reversed with a 2-1 win this Rd. Craig25 up to 8 points.
- bamage makes steady progress up to 6 points with a 2-1 win over 4th Seed world conquer. World remains on 6 points.
- Rpena bites the dust in Rd 7 at the hands of Wheelwright. Wheelwright moves up to 9 points and is potentially on the 'Odd Man' Bye. 22nd Seed Rpena leaves us in Rd7 with a decent 4 points. Saying that, he got 3 of them in Rd 1!!! (-:
- Wooooof, AKAChip starts a late charge by eliminating i-andrei. Andrei was on a massive 6 points! AKA up to 5.
- Furio get's a 3-0 win just at the right time. He moves up to 9 points and potentially takes the Round Hero Bye for Rd 8, courtesy of the 1 point he got in Rd 5 (When Wheelwright scored zero). He eliminated VykingsFan64 in the process, who had made it to Rd 7 on 2 points.

2 Players are still playing on 7 points, so if they get Max points....................It's Bye Bye to the Byes mentioned above!

Scoreboard is 'Live' on Tournament Thread.



That Round was a pure belter!, and in English, that Round was very entertaining!

The Shocks Continued right up to the last games:

- ITeachJava moves up to 7 points with a 2-1 win over Lord Arioch. Putting him in a position to competed for a Bye in Rd 8.
- Predicted Score: Bromi12 (12th Seed), wins a close one over Marand (16th Seed) 2-1, Both Survive!
- Predicted Result: Another huge result. MikeHayes KO's 3rd Seed Tin Trumpet. The Trumpet was on a huge 7 points and was a contender, but alas, this format is brutal, and he loses all in RD 7.

Players with predicted Scores are Orange Blocks on the Scoreboard. Actual Scores will be updated if different. And the Trumpet re-instated if necessary.


- 18 Started the Round, 14 Survived, 4 Fallers.
- Furio gets the Round Hero Bye, Wheelwright the 'Odd Man' Bye.
- There are 3 players on 9 Points, and 2 on 8, the lowest score to survive is Lord Arioch on 2 points.
- Highest Seed still competing is Craig25 (2nd Seed)
- Lowest is still the Lord, (40th out of 44 Runners)

ROUND 8 Draw Highlights:

With 14 players left, the Round Hero Bye Takes us down to 13, so the Odd Man Bye is 'Live', 2 players get byes in this Rd, leaving 6 Match Ups.

With only 6, things move quickly guys so try to Scud your games ASAP. And, as ever, remember the Fog Rule!!!

- 2nd Seed Craig25 on 8 points gets another tough draw. He squares off v 12st Seed Bromi12 on 6 points.
- The Lord, 40th Seed and surviving on 2 points is up against ITeachJava on 7 points.

FOG RULE!!!, GL Guys!!!!!!


ROUND 8 COMPLETE / Round 9 Draw.

World Series Bounty Builder Survivor Series, MASSSSSSSIVE PRIZES. Join now if you havn't done so.

That's the advert break finished, now the Rd 8 Highlights:

- MikeHayes (9th Seed) moves up to Jnt 1st Place on 9 points with a 2-1 win over 18th Seed Bamage. Mike is ahead of Craig25(also on 9 points) for a bye courtesy of his 3 poins in Rd 7. Relegating Craig25 to the 'Odd Man' Bye. Both of these were Surpassed by MEP going up to 10 point )-:

- DollarsNoSense, the 2nd lowest ranked player surviving, survives again V Runeldo who was 761 points higher ranked!

- In the 16th v 14th Seed Match Up, Marand comes out on top, beating AKAChip 2-1.

- Craig25 gets a superb win, 3 games, 2nd in every one, fails to take a territory in the 1st, wins 2-1 v Bromi12. In the after match interview, Bromi said, 'They don't call him Lucky for nothing'.

- Predicted Score: Lord Arioch 2-1 ITeachJava. The Lord (40th Seed) and lowest ranked player left survives again v 24th Seed I Teach Java. Infact, he won 2-1 putting him up to 3 points, I Teach Java is on 6.

- MEP ALMOST KO's 4th Seed WorldConquer, but he doesn't die easy. World wins a very close match to survive. With the 2-1 win MEP wins the Rd Hero Bye in Rd 9. Relegating MikeHayes to the 'Odd Man' Bye and Craig25 to NoByeFFS (Technincal Term).

Round 8 Summary:

- MEP is the Round Hero and Tournament leader on 10 points, Mike Hayes is on the 'Odd Man' Bye.
- 12 Players Fought in Round 8, nobody died. Now, if Covid was around in the days of the Baltic Crusades, this Tournament would certainly move quicker!
- 14 Players move on to Rd 9. With MEP on a Bye, that leaves 13, so the 'Odd Man' Bye is 'Live', Congrats Mike! You only need to avoid Corona and you're in Rd 10.
- 4 Players are in Jnt 2nd on 9 points, too many to mention.
- Lowest Ranked Player still Surviving is Lord Arioch, Ranked 40th of 44 Pre-Tournament. He's on 3 points.

Round 9 Draw Preview:

The Scoreboard and entire Round 9 Draw are attached to the Tournament Thread. Televised Matches are below, they will be broadcast just after the WPT Poker Tour, weirdly, I am running another Tourney on Random and POKER MAP with MASSIVE PRIZES, Join Up!!!!:

- Disaster, 2nd Seed Faces up against 4th Seed, Craig25 v WorldConquer
- The lowest ranked player surviving, gets a re-match V ITeachJava. Now, as you are still playing 2 games from the last Round, YOU NEED TO PLAY FASTER THIS ROUND!!!!. You have both played so slowly in the last Round, this is the 1st Time I have had to try to speed players up in the PREVIEW of the Round!!!

Good Luck Guys, REMEMBER THE FOG RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We have a situation here, more to follow. But first the Round 9 Highlights so far:

- Craig25's Tournament is going down hill rapid. He fails to score yet again, but with a 2-1 loss survives to the next Round. 4th Seed World Conquer was the 2-1 Victor and is up to 7 points.

- Wooooof, Brutal! Furio, on a huge 9 points crashes and burns in Rd 9. Elimination was at the hands of Bamage, who takes Furio's place on 9 points with the 3-0 scudding.

- 37th Seed DollarsNoSense survives against 6th Seed Runeldo. Runeldo wins 2-1 and moves into contention on 9 points, DNS surviving on 6.

- Marand up to Jnt 2nd Place on 9 points with a 2-1 win over AKAChip who Survives on 5 points.

- MEP, Round Hero in the last Round, is on course for another Bye in Rd 10. He is still the Sole Leader on 10 points.


Only 2 match up's remain:

Wheelwright v Bromi
ITeahJava v Lord Arioch

Now I Teach and the Lord are also still playing a Round 8 game. We don't want the next Rd delayed for ages again.

It's Super Sunday in the Baltics Survivor Series, get online at the same time and get those match ups Scudded Guys!


Tourney Table is 'Live'. I've even deleted the Eliminated Players so it actually looks okay now!


Round 9 Complete / Round 10 Draw:

Round 9 was absolutelyt immense. The 2 final updates are below:

- 12th v 8th Seed, Damn, both survive, Bromi12 2 v 1 Wheelwright.

- Predicted Result: 2nd player exits the Tourney in Rd 9. ITeachJava bows out at the hands of Lord Arioch. The Lord moves closer to contention. Rising from 3 to 6 points with the KO. ITeachJava also leaves with his head held high. Even although he knew he was getting pumped in the Match Up. When he got theTail Enders Mail, He got pumped quick! To allow the tournament to progress. N1 Java!

Note: if by the holiest of holiest miracles Java survives, actual score will be updated and he will be re-instated back in the Tournament.

Round 9 Summary:

We started with 14, now....................................12 remain.

- Unbelivably, MEP remains the Sole Leader on 10 points. Another Round Hero Bye, even with him not playing in Rd 9!!
- Bamage shares 2nd place with 5 other players on 9 points. But thanks to his 3 points win in Rd 9, he gets the 'Odd Man' Bye.
- Lowest Ranked Player Alive, Lord Arioch, Seeded 40/44 Pre-Tournament. Now in the last 12 on 6 points with his 3-0 in the last Rd.
- Highest Ranked Player remaining, The Risk God (-:, Craig25 seeded 2nd Pre-Tournament.

Round 10 Preview:

No surprises here, the 'Odd Man' Bye is 'Live', Bamage makes it to Rd 11 with the Hero of last Rd MEP.

No Highlights of the next Round anymore. With so few players remaining, every Match Up is an absolute cracker, draw with points total below. Amazingly 7 of the 10 players playing this Rd all have a chance of winning the Rd Hero Bye next Rd.

Runeldo (9) v Bromi (7)
Marand (9) v World conquer (7)
Mike Hayes (9) v Lord Arioch (6)
Craig25 (9) v DollarsNoSense (6)
WheelWright (9) v AKAchip (5)

Scoreboard is Live on Tournament Thread. You all know what to do with it by now.



Round 10 Complete / Round 11 Draw:

We're at the business end of the tournament and players are dropping like flies, totally un-expected.

Rd 10 Highlights:

- Bromi12 edges closer with a 2-1 win over Runeldo. Bromi up to 8, Runeldo remains on 9. One down for a Bye In the next Rd.

- 4th Seed WorldConquer crashed and burned in Rd 10. The 3-0 Victor was 16th Seed Marand who moves up to a commanding 12 points. Definite Bye material!

- Predicted Result: MikeHayes 2 v 1 Lord Arioch. Definitely 1-1 but the 3rd is in the balance. If actual Score different, it will be updated.

- Predicted Result: Craig25 3 v 0 DollarsNoSense. The Dollar crashes in Rd 10.Craig25 up to Jnt 1st after a rocky patch, Dollars outta here on 6 points. Very unlucky, 3 2nds, after a rocky start Craig25 took command of all 3 and highly unliklely to lose it.

Rd 10 Summary:

- 12 Players started the Round, 10 Players ended it.
- Marand gets the Round Hero Bye, courtesy of his 1 point in Rd 9.
- Craig25 on the 'Odd Man' Bye. And it's 'Live' You Dancer!
- Wheelwright up to Joint 2nd on 10 points with a 2-1 win over AkaChip. The Chip surviving on 5.

Round 11 Preview:

Scoreboard and Draw is on Tourney Thread. No repeats of Round 10 games. 5 of the 8 players playing have a real chance of a Rd Hero Bye. They only need to get to 12 points or above.

Games will be set up tomorrow morning.

- MikeHayes (10) v Bamage (9)
- Wheelwright (10) v Bromi12 (8)
- MEP (10) v Lord Arioch (6)
- Runeldo (9) v AKAchip (5)




With only 4 Match Ups taking place in that Rd it was fast and furious. TY to the guys finishing the last match up quick. Highlights:

- 18th Seed Bamage overcomes 9th Seed MikeHayes, but only won 2-1. Both now on 10 points. 2 games down in Rd 11, no fallers!

- Wow, Bromi12 KO's Wheelwright in Rd 10. Wheelwright was Jnt 2nd on 10 points and had a real chance of a Round Hero Bye this Round. But this format is brutal, and from that promising position, it's RIP Wheelwright. Bromi12 up to 11 points.

- Predicted Score: Another 2-1 win for Lord Arioch, he won't die. That’s him up to 7 Points, MEP Blows the chance of a bye and remains on 10.

- AkaChip edges closer to contention with a 2-1 win over Runeldo.

Round 11 Summary:

1 Faller was Wheelwright. 9 Players remain. Highest Seed remaining, Craig25 (2nd), Lowest Seed, Lord Arioch (40th). Marand retains the Rd Hero Bye without even playing!

Round 12 Match Ups:

Scoreboard on T.Thread is 'Live'. Draw, with each players points below:

Craig25 (12) v (10) MEP
Bromi12 (11) v (9) Runeldo
bamage (10) v (7) Lord Arioch
mikehayes (10) v (6) akachip



Round 12 Complete / Round 13 Draw:

If there is a morning to be doing this update this is it. Scotland qualified for Euro 2020/2021 last night with a win on penalties over Serbia, so, after that, all is well in the world! #BringItOn

I'm pretty gutted though, with so few games there is no way I can hide my score somewhere near the end of the mail.............

Righteo, Round 12 Highlights:

- MEP KO's Tournament Organizer and Jnt Leader Craig25. RIP Craig25. MEP now in Pole-Position on 13 points.

- Bromi12 moves up to joint 1st with the 2-1 win over Runeldo. He's in prime position for a bye with me, currently getting pumped. (He was overtaken by MEP).

- Predicted Score: The Highest and Lowest ranked players left in, crash out the Tournament together. Lord Arioch goes down 3-0 at the hands of bamage. bamage up to Jnt 1st with MEP, overtakes him for the Rd Hero Bye, courtesy of his 1 point in Rd 11.

- AKAChip edges closer with a point to get up to 7. MikeHayes with the 2-1 defeat misses a bye but survives.

Round 12 Summary / Round 13 Draw:

9 goes to 7. Bamage and MEP share the lead on 13 points. AKAChip brings up the rear on 7. We are very, very close to the KO stages. With 7 remaining and 3 Match Up's, there is a small chance the next Round could be the Semi's!!!!

And here is the draw, Scoreboard on Tourney Thread is 'Live':

MEP (13) v MikeHayes (10)
Bromi12 (12) v Runeldo (9)
Marand (12) v AKAChip (7)



ROUND 13 Complete / Round 14 Draw:

It's squeaky bum time in the Baltics Crusades Survivor Series - WHO IS GOING TO BLINK 1st???????

Before that, join the new Tournament, it's the European Football Super League:

Round 13 Highlights:

- With Marands 2-1 win over AKAChip. Marand is in Pole Position for a bye next Round and with no elimination, we're not moving to the Semi's this Round.
- Runeldo wins a point from Bromi12. Bromi had a chance of a bye next Rd but that’s gone.
- MikeHayes gets a crucial 3 points in Round 13. It puts him in equal 1st and gets him the Round Hero Bye for Round 14. And with only 6 remaining, the Semi's could start next Round! He KO's MEP who was in Joint 1st on 13 points. I've said it before, this formal is so cruel it's unreal!

Round 13 Summary / Round 14 Draw:

7 started the Round, 6 finished. 1 Round Hero Bye and 5 compete in Rd14. So.........Another 'Odd Man' Bye is 'Live here. It goes to Marand! Draw is:

Bamage (13) v Runeldo (10)
Bromi12 (12) v akaVhip (7)

For the Semi's to start we need 2 KO's!




bamage - 13
marand - 13
mikehayes - 13
Bromi12 - 12
Runeldo - 10
akachip - 7


Round 14 Complete / Round 15 Draw;

Nobody blinked that Round. Here are the results:

- At squeaky bum time, every point is criucial, every survival is like an early round KO. Runeldo beats bamage 2-1, Runeldo up to 11, bamage remains on 13. Bamage messes up his chances of a bye at a crucial stage in the Tournament.

- AKAChip beats Bromi12 2-1. AKA up to 8 and Bromi remains on 13. With no chance of a bye, AKA is preying this goes to a Semi ASAP!

Round 15 Preview:

Here are the standings:

mikehayes - 13
marand - 13
bamage - 13
Bromi12 - 12
Runeldo - 11
akachip - 8

6 Compete in this Round. 1 Hero Bye and we are down to 5, so like the last Round an 'Odd Man' Bye is 'Live'. But who's getting them..........

With Bamage scoring Zero in the last Round, it goes to previous Rounds results once again. MikeHays and Marand once again!!!!

Which means........... on the top 1/2 v bottom 1/2 draw system, this round is a replay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bamage (13) v Runeldo (11)

Bromi12 (12) v AKAChip (8)




But First, with one player in mind, the European Super League is about to start. If anybody hasn't joined yet, time is just about to run out. Reply to mail to join, but details can be found here:

Round 15 Highlights to far...................................;

- OOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! Bromi12 Blinked first!!!!! AKAChip KO's him in Round 15 to set up a potential Semi. AKA has came from nowhere, that’s him up to 11 points. Still no chance of a bye but if someone is KO'd in the other Match Up, HE's in the SEMI's! Bromi scores an amazing 12 points in the Tournament. But looks like he'll just fall short of the Finals. A great effort Bromi. The European Super League is about to start though, fire another bullet at that!

Only one other Match UP left, and if it's decisive, the SEMI's start!!!!!!!!


Arrange to get online at the same time guys, scud the games. With so few games now, you are under pressure straight away. GL Guys, you are now playing for a semi-final spot!!!



The other game update in Round 15............................................................................

- Runeldo is the 2-1 winner over bamage in the other Match Up. Bamage only needed 1 point for a bye at this crucial stage but, it was a Round 15 fail. 5 REMAIN!!!

Round 16 Preview:

MikeHayes, courtesy of his 3 points in Round 13 wins another Bye, 3 Players are tied on 13 points. Marand and Bamage miss out, it went down to Scores in Previous Rounds.



The 2 games for this Round, a Round you could call the SEMI-SEMI Final are.............................................................

Marand (13) v Runeldo (12)

Bamage (13) v AKAChip (11)

3/4 players have a chance of a Bye in the next Round if nobody get's KO'd. The only player not to is AKA. He would need 3 points, and ofc that would be a KO, so it'd be the Semi's.




We are trully down to battle hardened troops now. Nobody blinked that Round.

- AKAChip continues his late surge by picking up another point. He beats Bamage 2-1 to move up to 12. Still not enough to be in bye contention though. It is a Semi or another Round for AKA dependant on how results go.

- Runeldo beats Marand 2-1. It puts him in Joint 1st on 13 points. With the other 3 players on 13 points not scoring that Round it's Runeldo who is on the Round Hero Bye this Round. It comes at a crucial stage!! MikeHayes re-enters the field of battle after what feels like an eternity of Bye's!

Scores are:

mikehayes - 13
marand - 13
bamage - 13
Runeldo - 13
akachip - 12

I've attached the latest Scoreboard to the Tournament Thread so that you guys can see points gained in previous Rounds as it is playing a crucial part on who is getting the bye!


MikeHayes v Bamage
Marand v AKAChip




This is heart stopping Risk. After 17 gruelling Rounds, nobody wants to go out at the Semi-Semi Final stage!...................................................

Highlights below:

- Nobody blinks in Bamage v Hayes. Bamage picks up a point to move onto 14, Mike remains on 13.

- Well AKAChip, there is only 1 possible comment to describe your 3-0 victory in Round 17…......................... AKA gives us all a Semi!. AKA destroys Marand to send him out at the Semi-Semi Final stage. We are down to 4 troops. GL in the semi-finals! In his aftermatch interview, AKA focused on his great comeback in the Tournament. Coming from absolutely nowhere in the Tournament (he was on 7 points in Rd 12!) to enter the Semi's as Tournament leader. He said:

"Well mate, I dont know how the other game is going but this tournament is officially in the semi finals! Bet you didn't expect me to potentially go into the semis with the highest score out of everyone left after being the cockroach for so long huh? I sure didn't lol.

I am definitely going to miss having the games in this tourney being in my regular rotation, I sure have gotten used to them."

Marand leaves us on a massive 13 points. He had a phenomenal Tournament, outlasting 40 other players. But phenomenal ain't good enough to win a Survivor Series!


This is over 5 games, its a straight KO now! Things just got even tougher!

I have updated the Scoreboard to the Tournament Thread so you can see how the draw was calculated. But, the games are below.....................................

- 14th Seed,15 points, AKA Chip V 6th Seed, 13 Points, Runeldo

- 18th Seed, 14 Points, Bamage V 9th Seed, 13 Points, Mike Hayes

REMEMBER THE FOG RULES, and my best wishes to all players.....................




Well guys, both of the players defeated in the Semi-Final played amazing Risk through some of the most brutal 18 Rounds of the Baltic Crusades Survivor Series. These Tournaments are almost impossible to win. Getting to the Semi's is a Major Achievement in itself.

My personal commiserations and congratulations for making it this far, go to................................................:



Our Final is between..................


Let's have a look at their form pre-final. So we can establish who is the Bookmakers favourite to take this Tournament Down!!


- 2 Players KO'd in Normal Play, 1 in the Semi.
- Finished Survivor phase of the Tournament on 14 Points.
- Last 5 Rounds Scores, 0,0,0,0,1.
- Played 6 games against each other in the Tournament, Bamage won: 2


- 1 Player KO'd in Normal Play, 1 in the Semi.
- Runeldo finished the Survivor Phase of the Tournament on 13 Points.
- Last 5 Rounds scores, 1,1,1,1,0.
- Played 6 games against each other in the Tournament, Runeldo won: 4

It's a tough call, you can't split these guys performance and form with a fag paper! But we do have a favourite.................


Bamage: 11/10 or 1.1

Runeldo: 9/10 or 0.9

So Runeldo is the slight favourite on paper, but, who can take it down in reality???






This is the mail going to the tournament winner guys. HE IS NOT ON THIS MAIL.

I hope you all enjoyed the Tournament. But, I need one last favour. I need you to all offer a few words of congratulations for Runeldo. Something personal to your games, general congratulations, something funny, anything you want. There is no higher praise for winning a tournament than from his fellow competitors. So have a bash. Reply to me and I will compile into the winners e-mail.

P.s If you aren't in any of my other Tournaments you can stop scudding now!


What looked like an amazing Match Up for a final didn't disappoint! It was the best Survivor Series Final EVER TO TAKE PLACE!

Before the final, there form was almost inseperable! It was so close.

And as expected, the result was close.

But one player shaded it.......................................................

It was 4-3.

The Victor, The Baltics Bully, The Crusades King, The Master of Disaster, The King of Sting, The Danish Destroyer............................I give You...........


Commiserations to Bamage, he had an amazing Tournament. Coming 2nd was an immense achivement over 19 Rounds of Risk. Even better when you consider there was 17 players higher ranked than him at the start of the Tournament. Well done BAMAGE!


To make this appropriate I have to post Runeldo's comments on the Tournament:

"Yeah, it finished very quickly today - was some supergames. I wanted to write you before the final started, bit was just over so fast:)))

But again, i really thought your writing is excellent and inspiring. Loved the preview of the semis and the finals.

Actually i was a bit suspicious to the game format to begin with, but it was excellent to play these games, and loved that you didnt have to leave even if you lost 2-1... i ended up loving this format, also because im somewhat a safe player - so my strategy is robust not knocking out too many, but also advancing every round. For this format it was brillant:)))"

It appears his strategy from the start worked quite well, especially against us duffers.

Round 1: 2-1 v Fuatpanza - Fought Well

Round 2: 2-1 v Lord Arioch - Fought Well
Lord Arioch Survived against a player ranked 1054 points above him, Runeldo (6th seed)

Round 3: 2-1 v MikeHayes - Fought Well

Round 4: 2-1 V Lord Arioch - Fought Well
- Lord Arioch, The Lord survives against 6th seed, and 1054 points Higher Ranked Runeldo

Round 5: 1-2 v Lord Arioch - Survivor
- In Rd 5 Lord Arioch gets off the mark, but what a way to do it. Beats 6th Seed Runeldo 2-1 who was a whopping 1054 points higher ranked!! (predicted score)

Round 6: 3-0 v FuatPanza - Winner & his only KO in Survivor Phase!
- fuatpanza bites the dust in Rd 6, crashing out while on 6 points. Runeldo, rather cold and calculatingly said 'I had excellent drop and great dice, so it was hard for fuatpanza who had to leave with a loss 3-0. He struggled as much as he could and played very well. But dice, drop and starter was too rough'. Runeldo the stone faced killer up to 7 points. (HOW APPROPRIATE WAS THAT COMMENT?)

Round 7: BYE

Round 8: 2-1 v DollarsNoSense - Fought Well
- DollarsNoSense, the 2nd lowest ranked player surviving, survives again V Runeldo who was 761 points higher ranked!

Round 9: 2-1 v DollarsNoSense - Fought Well
- 37th Seed DollarsNoSense survives against 6th Seed Runeldo. Runeldo wins 2-1 and moves into contention on 9 points, DNS surviving on 6.

Round 10: 1-2 v Bromi12 - Survivor
- Bromi12 edges closer with a 2-1 win over Runeldo. Bromi up to 8, Runeldo remains on 9. One down for a Bye In the next Rd.

Round 11: 1-2 v AKAChip - Survivor
- AkaChip edges closer to contention with a 2-1 win over Runeldo.

Round 12: 1-2 v Bromi12 - Survivor
- Bromi12 moves up to joint 1st with the 2-1 win over Runeldo. He's in prime position for a bye with me, currently getting pumped. (He was overtaken by MEP).

Round 13: 2-1 v Bromi12 - Fought Well
- Runeldo wins a point from Bromi12. Bromi had a chance of a bye next Rd but that’s gone.

Round 14: 2-1 v Bamage - Fought Well
- At squeaky bum time, every point is criucial, every survival is like an early round KO. Runeldo beats bamage 2-1, Runeldo up to 11, bamage remains on 13. Bamage messes up his chances of a bye at a crucial stage in the Tournament.

Round 15: 2-1 v Bamage - Fought Well
- Runeldo is the 2-1 winner over bamage in the other Match Up. Bamage only needed 1 point for a bye at this crucial stage but, it was a Round 15 fail. 5 REMAIN!!!

Round 16: 2-1 v Marand - Fought Well
- Runeldo beats Marand 2-1. It puts him in Joint 1st on 13 points. With the other 3 players on 13 points not scoring that Round it's Runeldo who is on the Round Hero Bye this Round. It comes at a crucial stage!! MikeHayes re-enters the field of battle after what feels like an eternity of Bye's!

Round 17: BYE

SEMI: 4-1 v AKAChip
- My trash talk was saved for the Final in this one.

The Victor, The Baltics Bully, The Crusades King, The Master of Disaster, The King of Sting, The Danish Destroyer............................I give You...........RUNELDO!

I've given it my best shot to capture Glory in a Tournament Mail, but truth is, my writing skills cannot capture the sheer excellence of Runeldo's Risk Skills on Baltic Crusades.

As such, no words can compare to his fellow competitors thoughts on his Brilliant Victory:

Furio: Runeldo - Well done, man!!! Looking forward to our next match and until then, good luck! - Furio

Marand: Congratulations Runeldo! You played well...All the best!!

Bamage: A class act with a steady hand... I could never relax against him even when I was ahead, because he incessantly sought other ways to win and I've seen him turn losers into winners.

TinTrumpet: Impressive win, Runeldo. Well played

Craig25: We never got drawn against each other. That's probably the only reason I made it to Round 13! An amazing achievement Mate. Seeded 6th and won a Tournament of 45 Players over 19 Rounds, and 389 Games. Amazing, Congratulations!

Tournament Directors are included in the mail for your medal mate. To Tournament Directors, see above, If there are Medal Rankings, Runeldo deserves one of the best.

TY for taking part all, and KEEP SCUDDING!

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:35 am

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby i-andrei on Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:29 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby TheTrueNorth on Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:06 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby jlnpac on Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:48 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby Captian Bonehead on Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:56 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby furbiz on Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:58 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby michio3483 on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:00 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby akachip on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:08 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby panzermeyer on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:22 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby petea on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:25 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby mar_par on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:27 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby marand on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:35 pm

I’m in...thanks
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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby Humbaba on Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:38 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby wdraper on Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:02 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby Wheelwright on Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:17 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby uyumaykimaw on Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:37 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby Craig25 on Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:48 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby GallantPellham on Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:25 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby rpena23 on Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:31 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby iteachjava on Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:55 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby mint-murray on Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:46 pm

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby madmom on Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:02 am

Sounds fun... add me please.
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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby mrgrateful on Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:19 am

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Re: Baltic Crusades - Survivor Series

Postby worldconquer on Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:14 am

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