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Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

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Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Night Strike on Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:07 pm

Have you wanted a chance to be a Tournament Director? In the past, the Tournament Directors have been sought out by those already in the position. But this time, I would like to change it up and find out what kind of interest is in the community for such a position. I will be considering candidates who have extensive organizing experience as well as others who have extensive tournament playing experience. Prolific players are just as valuable to CC Tournaments as organizers, so don't feel that only having run a few tournaments means you aren't qualified.

I am looking to add 2-3 Tournament Directors to handle or assist with the following tasks:

    International Tournaments
    Moving Completed Tournaments / Inputting Winners Into the Database
    Abandoned Tournaments
    Rescued Tournaments
    Large-Team Tournaments
    Grand Finale Tournaments
    Assisting New Organizers
    Tournament Contests
    Inputting Tournaments Into the Database
    Canceled Tournaments
    Play-Now Tournaments

If you feel that you have the time and desire to commit to any of these tasks, please send a PM with the following format to Night Strike. Failure to follow the format (including the subject) may result in disqualification of your application (or at least start you on my bad side). Applications posted in this thread and not by PM will not be considered.

PM Subject: Tournament Director Position

Tasks Interested In:

Time I Can Dedicate per Week:

Availability: (weekends only, all day, mornings, evenings, etc)

Comments: (one or two paragraphs in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)

Thank you to everybody who helps make CC Tournament the best area of the site. And thank you ahead of time to everyone who submits an application to be a Tournament Director.

~Night Strike
Head Tournament Director
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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:19 pm

Oo! I wonder who will be the newest members of TeamCC! *Exciting*

Man, so many callouts in such a short time frame!

A little advice from ol' Sully: don't leave anything out of your application! Write as much relevant information and persuasion as you can within the guidelines. I've reviewed two rounds of Entertainment Team applications, and I can say that one of the worst things you can do is be too brief and leave things out.

Good luck!

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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Lindax on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:06 pm

ffs Sullivan, is there anything you don't poke your nose in?

Maybe you should put your energy into the enigma of the many call-outs for TeamCC. Like in "why are all the good ones leaving"?

Or maybe you should just stick to Entertainment issues....

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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:24 pm

Lindax wrote:ffs Sullivan, is there anything you don't poke your nose in?

Maybe you should put your energy into the enigma of the many call-outs for TeamCC. Like in "why are all the good ones leaving"?

Or maybe you should just stick to Entertainment issues....


I remember a time when I had more respect for you, Lindax.

To answer the question, it's a number of reasons, as I'm sure you well know, though may not admit it's more than the go-to conclusion that lack isn't doing enough. RL I'd say is more often than not the reason why people have left TeamCC.

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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:20 pm

I recommend that:
- you talk to HighlandAttack and Plurple (or someone like him). HA won 100 tourneys in 2011 and would have some idea I bet -- same goes for Plurp/?
- CC cross breed Caymanmew and Eddie2 and come up with a SUPER CC PLAYER/Director. That person would then be able to handle those type of chores AND you'd be assured that TD's get enough input to Forums.
- think about supplementing as opposed to complimenting YOUR style. It's amazing what two people with opposite points of view can come up with.
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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:29 pm

Me! Me! Me! :twisted:
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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Victor Sullivan on Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:20 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:Me! Me! Me! :twisted:

:lol: I thought you retired!

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Re: Open Callout for Tournament Director Applications

Postby Night Strike on Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:16 pm

The applications period has closed. Thank you for all that have applied. Announcements should be made soon as to who gets the positions.
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Major Night Strike
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