I am looking to add 2-3 Tournament Directors to handle or assist with the following tasks:
- International Tournaments
Moving Completed Tournaments / Inputting Winners Into the Database
Abandoned Tournaments
Rescued Tournaments
Large-Team Tournaments
Grand Finale Tournaments
Assisting New Organizers
Tournament Contests
Inputting Tournaments Into the Database
Canceled Tournaments
Play-Now Tournaments
If you feel that you have the time and desire to commit to any of these tasks, please send a PM with the following format to Night Strike. Failure to follow the format (including the subject) may result in disqualification of your application (or at least start you on my bad side). Applications posted in this thread and not by PM will not be considered.
PM Subject: Tournament Director Position
Tasks Interested In:
Time I Can Dedicate per Week:
Availability: (weekends only, all day, mornings, evenings, etc)
Comments: (one or two paragraphs in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)
Thank you to everybody who helps make CC Tournament the best area of the site. And thank you ahead of time to everyone who submits an application to be a Tournament Director.
~Night Strike
Head Tournament Director