Speed Tournament Introduction
For players and organizers alike, speed tournaments can be immensely fun and very exciting. However, until now, they have proven to be difficult to organize and get off the ground. There is great potential to increase the prevalence of this very under-used tournament format. We are therefore introducing measures to support Tournament Organizers so that more speed tournaments can take place.
Successful speed tournaments require committed, flexible and well prepared Tournament Organizers. It is our policy that we will provide support to Tournament Organizers who can demonstrate these characteristics.
This policy includes introducing specific speed tournament requirements (see below). They have been designed to help ensure Tournament Organizers are fully prepared, organized and supported when arranging a speed tournament.
We are well aware that, with speed tournaments being in their infancy, organizers may create innovative new formats and systems which may prove to be successful. Therefore, if Tournament Organizers feel that these requirements are hindering them in any way they are urged to contact the relevant Tournament Directors who will be happy to review individual items, change policy, or grant exemptions if they deem it to be appropriate and beneficial to the community.
Support and Promotion
Firstly, DJ Teflon is developing an advice and recommendations thread for Tournament Organizers wishing to create and recruit for speed tournaments. He is of course happy to receive PMs to discuss your ideas and has compiled a list of previous speed tournament players to aid your recruitment.
Where feasible, DJ is also happy to provide on-line support during the 'live' phase of your tournament.
In addition, well prepared speed tournaments will be provided with a little extra help in recruiting. As you may have noticed, speed tournaments take priority in the Tournament tab listings and, in certain cases, it may be possible to provide home-page public announcements the day before speed tournaments take place. This will continue until such a time that we feel that speed tournaments have become sufficiently popular and regular that this additional promotion is no longer required.
We hope to bring further future developments, such as more multi-organizer speed events and, in the long term, we hope that an increase in speed tournaments will merit creating a speed tournament calender as well as specific forum and sign-up areas.