Rescued Tournaments
Along with the increases in the number of ongoing tournaments comes an increase in the number of tournaments that are abandoned. It's always unfortunate when an organizer abandons a tournament, which is why we have our current Abandoned Tournament Policy. However, this policy doesn't actually protect the players who have participated in the tournaments. In an effort to help the players, we've developed a process for Rescuing Tournaments.
If a tournament has had no activity (organizer post or active game) for more than 3 weeks, the tournament can be classified as "Needing Rescued".
At this point, a new organizer can qualify to take over the tournament. To do so, the following steps must be taken:
- A statement of intent to rescue the tournament must be sent to the Tournament Director overseeing rescued tournaments.
- If the original organizer has been on the site within the last week, the new organizer must get permission from the original organizer to take over the tournament. Permission can be posted in the thread or forwarded to the Tournament Director overseeing rescued tournaments.
- If the original organizer has not logged on for more than one week or has been busted/banned (1 month or longer), the new organizer does not need permission to rescue the tournament.
- The new organizer must determine if the old thread will continue to be used or if a new one will be needed.
- If a new thread is needed, the new organizer must include a link to the original thread as well as the text from the first post(s) of the original thread. A link to the new thread must also be posted in the old thread.
- Note: Due to the current coding, the game label will still go back to the original tournament thread. The Tournament Director should put the new link in the top of the first post of the old thread so the new thread can still be found easily.
- The new organizer then sends a privilege request to the Tournament Director overseeing rescued tournaments. This request must include the following information:
- New Organizer:
- New Tournament Thread:
- Tournament Title (Must exactly match the old title)
- Original Organizer:
- Original Thread:
- If the same thread will be used, fill out the request in the same manner, and remember to PM a Tournament Director upon completion of the tournament to update the thread title/first post with the necessary information.
- The tournament will now continue as normal, with the new organizer solely responsible for the tournament.
- The new organizer will receive a Tournament Contribution Medal if the tournament had at least half its players and rounds remaining when it was taken over. No medal will be issued for tournaments that are more than halfway completed. Exceptions can be made on a limited basis.
- If a tournament that is rescued did not have permission from the original organizer, the original organizer will be recorded for an abandoned tournament per the Abandoned Tournament Policy.
- The original thread will be moved to the Abandoned Tournament forum, but it will include a [Rescued] tag in the thread title.
- Franchised Tournaments cannot be rescued without permission from the original organizer. If granted, the new organizer may not continue the franchise by starting new tournaments without permission from the original organizer.
- The original organizer can still pass their tournament off to another organizer at any time if issues arise. The procedures here serve as an outline to easily do this.
- Canceled Tournaments (those that do not fill or start within 30 days) cannot be rescued. An organizer may start a new tournament that has the same settings and name (unless a Franchise) and even notify the players who signed up in the original thread.
- Tournaments that have already been moved to the abandoned forum cannot be rescued. A tournament will not be moved to abandoned if a player is going through the process of rescuing it.
Updated Premium Prize Policy
Over the time that we've had the Premium Prize Policy, there have been many questions and concerns regarding the process. In an effort to clarify some of the vagueness in the policy, it has been given an update. The only way to gain premium from the site for a tournament is to purchase a premium membership for a tournament from your own wallet and the site will match you with another year of premium membership to distribute in the same or a future tournament. The details and procedures are spelled out in the Tournament Handbook.
Official Tournament Handbook - 2nd edition
We have gone quite a while without an update to our Official Tournament Handbook. There are some updates and important information that have been missing from the handbook, so they have now been added, including the updates in this announcement. There are no new restrictions/policies in the handbook that either were not already there or had not been announced. Please be sure to check out the new edition to make sure you are up to speed on all the policies and procedures of the Tournament Forums.
Tournament Task List
In an effort to streamline our effectiveness as Tournament Directors, we have made public a list of tasks that each of us will focus on. Each of us have different levels of commitment that we can give to our roles as Directors, so we each have different tasks that we are in charge of. Every Director will give out privileges and answer general questions, but when you have a specific question about carrying out a policy, I encourage you to go to the Director who is responsible for that task. This helps us focus on specific areas, but it will also help you get consistent answers and more timely responses. I hope this list will be beneficial for everybody. You can check it out in the Tournament General Info Forum.
Game Invitations
You can now invite your players directly into a spot in the game. After you make the game, look up the games on the Game Finder page, click on the spot in the game that you want filled, and then select the player who you want to fill that spot. The site will then send an invitation directly to the player for them to automatically join the game without having to enter a password. The spot only stays reserved for 24 hours, so you will have to resend the invitation after that. For more details and explanations, check out the Announcement Thread.
We hope all these updates will continue to enhance everyone's experience in the tournament forums. Thank you all for your many contributions and participation.
~Night Strike, Steelhorse, Gilligan, Natewolfman