I should have just put the map in the last Mass PM I sent. Anyway, we have started, Fakryas posted his move, but it needs to be edited as it is impossible to do an attack 2 terr. away from his starting position. You are only allowed to attack adjacent terr., which this game should be treated as a regular CC game in terms of game play. You are allowed to attack neutrals, and you are all allowed 1 attack in round 1. It is currently Bearshark's turn, and Fakyras is going to edit his post. I will then move onto the third person on the list.
Below is the turn order for round 1, you do not have to post your moves in the thread until you receive a PM from me. If you do so early, you will not be penalized, but you will NOT be able to change it either. Bear in mind, the Sequential turn taking can be strategically important. Next round, Fakyras will take his turn last, and Bearshark3 will be first. Every new round will drop the first player to the end of the list, this allows for some extra fairness in declaring attacks.
Please review the revised map below, use this as your template for attacks this round. I will then send out the 1v1 games after all players have had a chance to declare their attacks, or lack there of (which I do NOT recommend the latter since it could cause you to be eliminated without a chance of survival)
I have started creating the games, but cannot finish them until all of round 1 attacks have been declared. I am inviting all defenders for this round, so if you get an invite, it is because you are being attacked, but I will hold off inviting the attackers until round 1 is stated.