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Heaven vs. Hell Tournament - Round 5!

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Heaven vs. Hell Tournament - Round 5!

Postby Zorg_rsk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:06 am

Welcome to the Heaven vs. Hell Tournament.


So what is the Heaven vs. Hell tournament all about? Well its a war, with three sides. Angels (Heaven) vs. Demons (Hell) vs. Humans (Earth). When you register you join one of the three teams, this team is who you will be fighting with to assert dominance over the other teams. The tournament is based on the concepts of having a good story behind the tournament itself and about working as a team.

The Story:

This tournament is set in the future of earth. Its Armagedon and the world is about to be invaded on two fronts, from Heaven and Hell. The angels in heaven and the demons in hell are hell bent on destroying the other, and in the process destroying all humans (converting counts as destroying for this case :wink: ). However the humans arn't going down without a fight, under a last alliance they are fighting back to try and repel the invasion. Who will win this epic battle at the end of the world? Well its up to you. The tournament is made up of 3 Parts (each containing multiple rounds). Each Part will herald in a new peice of information (short story/introduction to game rules applying to this).

The Tournament Layout:

In the tournament you have two main aims. Firstly to ensure your team above all others becomes the true rulers of Earth. Secondly to get yourself a high rank within your team. As described above the tournament has 3 parts, the details of which are secret until they come to pass. However I CAN say the following:

- Total tournament will be played over 6 rounds
- Each round you will play a differnt map
- Game types will include standard, doubles and triples
- All games will be played using sequentialy turns
- You will never play against players on your own team
- You will play in every round, there is no elimination
- At the end of each game please post the results up in this topic

When registration is complete the details for personal scoring and team scoring in the first part will be revealed (Parts will have more rules than just win counts, winning in certain games will give you advantages in others :wink: ). In the game each team is made up of 16 players, however if all the teams fill 4 substitute players can join in case anyone drops out and needs to be replaced.

Joining Rules:

- to join you must have played at least 10 games on the site
- you DON'T need to be premium to join, but make sure you always leave one slot open for this tournament so we don't bog down rounds.
- you must intend to finish the tournament, we don't want people dropping out
- not a rule, but try to make the teams a little even, we don't want all high level players on one team against all low levels on another.
- In your post please specify which team you want to join
- Each team has 16 players, and may have up to 4 substitutes (you may not join as a substitute until a game is full.
- When joining please PM me stating the following:

Which Zone would you prefer to be assigned to, please present a 1st and 2nd prefrence.

You can choose from: Old, New, East, or South . The meaning of which will be clear later.

Your Zone choice is secret and please do not disclose it with anyone, even allies, keeping it secret is in YOUR best intrest.


The game has quite a few awards that will be given out to players. Each award will be an image made by me which you are officialy entitled to, to prove your greatness. Award pictures will be posted soon.

Just for playing you get a team picture, (angels, demons, or humans as you may be). Included with this pic will be your Rank (details introduced with Part 1) and of course wether your team won, came middle, or lost (none portrayed in an overly bad way mind). In addition there is a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rank award for each team, including custom titles. There may also be other team based awards to be added soon.


This tournament is meant a fun fiction based tournament where the emphasis isn't on individual glory but on a team effort. The story is just that, a story, it uses the Christian ideologies in a way, however these are there for fictional means only. This tournament is not in any way trying to be religously offensive to Christians or Non-Christians, its just fiction.

Part 1 Story/Rules: ... 917#310917 ... 670#334670 ... 553#371553

Part 2 Story/Rules: ... 478#435478 ... 774#512774

Part 3 Story/Rules:

Currently Hidden
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Postby Zorg_rsk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:06 am

Teams and Players:


1. Karlo Veliki (21)
2. Usmuk (20)
3. Freyme (17)
4. JCsolidrock (16)

5. adscvr (12)
6. Dreampink (12)
7. Evil Semp (7)
8. Keyborn (5)
9. LSU Tiger Josh (4)
10. Darnor (4)

11. Forza AZ (3)
12. dragon dor (3)
13. happy2seeyou (3)
14. Coleman (3)
15. MountainLion (3)
16. Windparson (-2)


Princes of Darkness:
1. mm1987mm (11)
2. Captain Crash (7)
3. Vader_09 (3)
4. Stinkbom9 (3)

Fallen Angels:
5. Exterminator (3)
6. MackBolan (3)
7. Kupo666 (3)
8. WolfMaster (3)
9. Master Bush (2)
10. Kahless (0)

11. hendy (0)
12. Zorg_rsk (-2)
13. corner G (-2)
14. monte485 (-2)
15. The Eleven (-2)
16. XenHu (-2)


1. luckyderus (16)
2. bob3603 (13)
3. Cheyco (12)
4. Yellow4Life (12)

5. reptile (8 )
6. luckywar (8 )
7. fish061 (8 )
8. Strider24 (6)
9. kwanton (4)
10. pault334 (4)

11. Patsfan (4)
12. Kernal_Kronic (2)
13. YaTToo (0)
14. arebez (-1)
15. dcc1220 (-2)
16. djt5483 (-2)



Old - Europe

Keyborn, Adscvr, JCsolidrock, Coleman
Vader_09, MackBolan, Zorg, Hendy
YaTToo, Yellow4Life, pault334, Strider24

New- The Americas

Freyme, DreamPink, Darnor, Dragon dor
Stinkbom9, Exterminator, Monte485, The Eleven
Cheyco, Luckywar, djt5483, dcc1220

South - Africa

Usmuk, EvilSemp, MountainLion, Windparson
Mm1987mm, Kahless, Kupo666, XenHu
Reptile, bob3603, Patsfan, Kernal_Kronic

East - Asia and Oceana

Karlo Veliki, LSU Tiger Josh, Forza AZ, Happy2seeyou
Captain Crash, Master Bush, CornerG, Wolfmaster
Luckyderus, Kwanton, fish061, arebez
Last edited by Zorg_rsk on Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:23 am, edited 65 times in total.
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Private 1st Class Zorg_rsk
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Postby Zorg_rsk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:06 am


Total Team Scores:

Angels: 30
Demons: 13
Humans: 26

Old - Europe Scores:

Angels: 1
Demons: 0
Humans: 1

New - The Americas Scores:

Angels: 1
Demons: 0
Humans: 0

South - Africa Scores:

Angels: 0
Demons: 1
Humans: 1

East - Asia and Oceana Scores:

Angels: 0
Demons: 1
Humans: 1

Part 2 - Round 5 Games:

Old - Britain Battles:

Game 3: 535070 Winner:
Keyborn and Coleman VS.
Vader_09 and Hendy VS.
YaTToo and Strider24

Game 4: 535072 Winner:
Adscvr and JCsolidrock VS.
MackBolan and Zorg VS.
Yellow4Life and pault334

New- Arctic

Game 3: 535077 Winner:
Freyme and Dragon dor VS.
Stinkbom9 and The Eleven VS.
Cheyco and dcc1220

Game 4: 535078 Winner:
DreamPink and Darnor VS.
Exterminator and Monte485 VS.
Luckywar and djt5483

South - Middle East

Game 3: 535079 Winner:
Usmuk and Windparson VS.
Mm1987mm and XenHu VS.
Reptile and Kernal_Kronic

Game 4: 535080 Winner:
EvilSemp and MountainLion VS.
Kahless and Kupo666 VS.
bob3603 and Patsfan

East - Australia

Game 3: 535081 Winner:
Karlo Veliki and Happy2seeyou VS.
Captain Crash and Wolfmaster VS.
Luckyderus and arebez

Game 4: 535082 Winner:
LSU Tiger Josh and Forza AZ VS.
Master Bush and CornerGVS.
Kwanton and fish061

Part 2 - Round 4 Results:

Old - Europe Battles:

Game 1: 442717 Winner: Angles
Keyborn and JCsolidrock VS.
Vader_09 and Zorg VS.
YaTToo and pault334

Game 2: 442720 Winner: Humans
Adscvr and Coleman VS.
MackBolan and Hendy VS.
Yellow4Life and Strider24

New- The Americas

Game 1: 442724 Winner: Angles
Freyme and Darnor VS.
Stinkbom9 and Monte485 VS.
Cheyco and djt5483

Game 2: 442726
DreamPink and Dragon dor VS.
Exterminator and The Eleven VS.
Luckywar and dcc1220

South - Africa

Game 1: 442727 Winner: Demons
Usmuk and MountainLion VS.
Mm1987mm and Kupo666 VS.
Reptile and Patsfan

Game 2: 442728 Winner: Humans
EvilSemp and Windparson VS.
Kahless and XenHu VS.
bob3603 and Kernal_Kronic

East - Asia and Oceana

Game 1: 442730 Winner: Humans
Karlo Veliki and Forza AZ VS.
Captain Crash and CornerG VS.
Luckyderus and fish061

Game 2: 442731 Winner: Demons
LSU Tiger Josh and Happy2seeyou VS.
Master Bush and WolfmasterVS.
Kwanton and arebez

Part 1 Results (combined):

Battles in Heaven:

Battle For Heaven:

Angels: 8
Demons: 3
Humans: 5

Game 1: Karlo Veliki Mack Bolan bob3603 328480 Winner: Karlo Veliki
Game 2: Mountain Lion Exterminator dtj5483 328481 Winner: Exterminator
Game 3: Coleman Stinkbom9 dcc1220 328482 Winner: Stinkbom9
Game 4: Usmuk Kupo666 Cheyco 328483 Winner: Usmuk
Game 5: Freyme monte485 arebez 328484 Winner: Freyme
Game 6: Dreampink corner G Kernal_Kronic 328486 Winner: Dreampink
Game 7: happy2seeyou Vader_09 luckywar 350118 Winner: luckywar
Game 8: dragon dor Zorg_rsk pault334 350121 Winner: pault334
Game 9: Forza AZ Captain Crash kwanton 350125 Winner: kwanton
Game 10: adscvr Master Bush Strider24 350126 Winner: adscvr
Game 11: JCsolidrock Brindelinio Patsfan 350127 Winner: JCsolidrock
Game 12: Windparson XenHu Ehriggn 386871 Winner: Ehriggn
Game 13: Kid_A WolfMaster luckyderus386873 Winner: Kid_A
Game 14: Evil Semp hendy Yellow4Life 386875 Winner: Evil Semp
Game 15: LSU Tiger Josh mm1987mm fish061 386877 Winner: mm1987mm
Game 16: Darnor The Eleven reptile 386880 Winner: reptile

Battles in Hell

Battle For Hell:

Angels: 8
Demons: 1
Humans: 7

Game 1: Windparson hendy reptile 328487 Winner: reptile
Game 2: Kid_A mm1987mm Ehriggn 328488 Winner: Kid_A
Game 3: Evil Semp The Eleven Luckyderus 328489 Winner: Luckyderus
Game 4: LSU Tiger Josh XenHu Yellow4Life 328490 Winner: LSU Tiger Josh
Game 5: Darnor WolfMaster Fish061 328492 Winner: Fish061
Game 6: Karlo Veliki corner G arebez 350130 Winner: Karlo Veliki
Game 7: MountainLion MackBolan Kernal_Kronic 350131 Winner: MountainLion
Game 8: Coleman Exterminator bob3603 350133 Winner: Coleman
Game 9: Usmuk Stinkbom9 dtj5483 350136 Winner: Usmuk
Game 10: Freyme Kupo666 dcc1220 350137 Winner: Freyme
Game 11: Dreampink monte485 Cheyco 350138 Winner: Cheyco
Game 12: happy2seeyou spinwizard Strider24 386881 Winner: Strider24
Game 13: dragon dor Vader_09 Patsfan 386882 Winner: Patsfan
Game 14: Forza AZ Zorg_rsk luckywar 386883 Winner: luckywar
Game 15: adscvr Captain Crash pault334 386884 Winner: Captain Crash
Game 16: JCsolidrock Master Bush kwanton 386889 Winner: JCsolidrock

Battles on Earth:

Battle For Earth:

Angels: 8
Demons: 3
Humans: 5

Game 1: happy2seeyou Zorg_rsk kwanton 328493 Winner: happy2seeyou
Game 2: dragon dor Captain Crash Strider24 328494 Winner: dragon dor
Game 3: Forza AZ Master Bush Patsfan 328495 Winner: Forza AZ
Game 4: adscvr Brindelinio luckywar 328496 Winner: Adscvr
Game 5: JCsolidrock Vader_09 pault334 328497 Winner: Vader_09
Game 6: Windparson WolfMaster Yellow4Life 350144 Winner: Yellow4Life
Game 7: Kid_A hendy fish061 350146 Winner: Kid_A
Game 8: Evil Semp mm1987mm reptile 350149 Winner: mm1987mm
Game 9: LSU Tiger Josh The Eleven Ehriggn 350151 Winner: Ehriggn
Game 10: Darnor XenHu luckyderus 350152 Winner: luckyderus
Game 11: Karlo Veliki monte48 dcc122 386895 Winner: Karlo Veliki
Game 12: MountainLion corner G Cheyco 386897 Winner: Cheyco
Game 13: Coleman MackBolan arebez 386898 Winner: MackBolan
Game 14: Usmuk Exterminator Kernal_Kronic 386899 Winner: Usmuk
Game 15: Freyme Stinkbom9 bob3603 386900 Winner: bob3603
Game 16: Dreampink Kupo666 djt5483 386901 Winner: Dreampink
Last edited by Zorg_rsk on Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:12 am, edited 70 times in total.
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Private 1st Class Zorg_rsk
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Postby reptile on Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:34 am

i am in!

i will play for the humans!

great ideah on the tournament!

will be pming you the whole old, new, east, west thing
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Postby Ehriggn on Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:37 am

hey Zorg_rsk. suuuup?
yeah, I'm in and last I checked, I'm human,
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Postby Master Bush on Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:38 am

I wanna be a demon player. A zombie son!
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Postby Yellow4Life on Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:19 am

Well someone has to defend the honour of the Human Race.

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Postby fish061 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:41 am

I will battle demons and angels as a human
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Postby Zorg_rsk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:47 am

Glad to see theres alot of intrest! :D

We need some people on the angel team too though :P .

Also, remember you need to send me a pm with prefrences as described above. And yes, your not meant to know what the hell it means :wink: .
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Postby Karlo Veliki on Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:11 pm

Here comes an angel!
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Postby MountainLion on Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:16 pm

I'll be an angel as well O:)

So the maps we'll be playing in are not revealed yet? Will it be the USA Apocolypse map?

not a rule, but try to make the teams a little even, we don't want all high level players on one team against all low levels on another.

Should we list our rank on CC as well to even it out?
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Postby Zorg_rsk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:38 pm

If you feel the need to then do, but it seems ok as of now. I'm just thinking if we DO get vastly uneven teams I might get people to switch around a bit. But it should be ok.

EDIT: The maps will remain a mystery yes. They will be differnt each round and will actualy have a meaning related to the story connected to their use.
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Postby Vader_09 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:44 pm

i want on the demons team
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Postby Strider24 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:55 pm

I'm up for the fight of the human race, sgin me up! HURAH!!!!!!!

I will fight with my fellow brothers til the end!
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Postby kwanton on Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:02 pm

looks like it'll be fun. alrite i'll play for the humans.
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Postby MackBolan on Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:20 pm

I would like to play for the demons.... =)
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Postby Exterminator on Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:42 pm

sign me up as a Demon
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Postby stinkbom9 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:36 pm

im up for the fight, sign me up on the demons side
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Postby Kupo666 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:48 pm

Another demon here.
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Postby Coleman on Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:51 pm

Angel here.
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Postby Usmuk on Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:53 pm

I'll play for the angels team.

Ill pm about New, East, Old, or South.
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Postby patsfan on Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:08 pm

sounds interesting, I will play for the humans :D
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ill play

Postby DreamPink on Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:18 pm

I would like to be on the angels teams....
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Postby corner G on Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:23 pm

I'll play for the demonds.
Cynthia wrote:
Hitman079 wrote:i wonder when I'LL get quoted *sniffle* :cry:

same here :cry:
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Postby luckywar on Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:32 pm

Storyline of humans seems best.
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