Ultrafit was the tournament winner - the ultimate terminator of Discworld
Your job in Discworld is simple: to guide souls onward into the next world
This tournament is the second in a series of small knock-out terminator tournaments I am releasing. It is open to all players with a decent attendance record (see below). Freemiums welcome (one-game-at-a-time, although very small chance of two-games-at-once in the finals stage).
Your job in Discworld is simple: to guide souls onward into the next world
This tournament is the second in a series of small knock-out terminator tournaments I am releasing. It is open to all players with a decent attendance record (see below). Please not this tournament is freestlyle (for a quick tournament and regular turns). Freemiums welcome (one-game-at-a-time, although very small chance of two-games-at-once in the finals stage).
1st in Centerscape Tournament 1st in LW's Red and Green Double Tournament! (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Australian Open Tournament (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Best 3 of 3 Tournament 2nd in North America Tournament