mint-murray wrote:Okay firstly I have given our opponents 5 rating on the games - and will not lower myself and change this, just because Chewie is incessantly whingeing.
As for 12 hour fog rule, I am aware of this due to Clan Games - however I was unaware that this rule was in place in this tournament and do not believe any reminder was sent out prior to tournament starting (although I may be wrong on this).
Game play is game play - and it really shouldn't make any difference in long wrong, they did not use BOB - so you play on instinct and make moves based on what makes sense - not the fact someone took a turn when only 8 hours and 26 minutes had elapsed.
As for applying punishment - is it acceptable that this was applied in retrospect ???: when no action was stated at start of tournament. If it was such an issue why did they not ask for games to be restarted rather than having an expectation they would win games through default and not their actual performance.
Well it would appear that even with punishments applied we are winners - I am sure Chewie is still annoyed that we have not been forcefully ejected from the tournament, VVV will oblige with a Clan War if vengeance and closure is required. With or without 12 hour fog rule, he can decide.
Mint you are misunderstanding me.
I have not once asked for you to be forcefully ejected, I did ask in an earlier post what the punishment was!
We just pointed out that rules were broken.
We could debate this all day but we lost end of, I'm not interested in having a war of words cause its only a game.... but a war with you guys in the future would be cool?