Map Name: Geometry: Circle Mapmaker(s):Plurple Number of Territories: 54 (with 2 region starting off neutrals) Special Features: Transforms What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: New maps and a display of how transforms work! In play testing the transform the map was feeling boring so I have redesigned it I have simplified the transform so just a simple add 1 to all region every round I have also reduced the number of regions from 64 to 54. Have also restricted the connections so not all regions connect to each other and added some bonuses
Update 1: looks like the bonuses are just way to high. The map is meant to be a simple one so not as bothered if it is a little unbalanced, but is a bit too unbalanced at the moment. Can't make changes to the art till Thursday though.
Release Update: This is the second version of the map as I found the 1st a bit boring. I am looking for feedback on how the map plays and make adjustments to the balance or the graphics as it comes in. I like version 2 in my couple of test games, but am thinking about not applying the transform to the neutral territories as found it less likely to go for the neutral territories as they grow to big.