Synopsis: A 32-player elimination tournement featuring a variety of settings and maps. Freemiums are welcome, but must keep one slot open for the tournement.
To Make A Short Story Long... I thought my first tourney was going to be a music themed tourney (I will do the Y-Pod Shuffle at some point!) but instead I am developing my tourney chops with a literary themed tourney, devoted to the works of Terry Pratchett, creator of the Discworld. (If you haven't read his stuff, go and do so now!) There will be six rounds. Players will be randomly sorted into games, the maps picked because they seemed thematically appropriate to me. Each of the first five rounds will elimnate some of the players, and then offer a chance on the Discworld map for eliminated players to get back into the tournement. The sixth round will also be on the Discworld map, and determine the tourney winner.
Last edited by YoursFalsey on Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:37 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Good Omens: Round II of the Pratchett Invitational has begun which is a good omen that I'll start another tourney... Coming soon: Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, the nuclear tourney...
Round II: Good Omens is nearly over... The optback games are underway- since they are four player games they should be fairly quick.
Last edited by YoursFalsey on Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:39 pm, edited 23 times in total.
Good Omens: Round II of the Pratchett Invitational has begun which is a good omen that I'll start another tourney... Coming soon: Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, the nuclear tourney...
Last edited by YoursFalsey on Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:09 am, edited 17 times in total.
Good Omens: Round II of the Pratchett Invitational has begun which is a good omen that I'll start another tourney... Coming soon: Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, the nuclear tourney...