I'm looking for 64 players. I don't know if that's asking for a lot, but I guess we'll have to see
Games will be played with, auto deployment, no cards, no fog. Sequential. Unlimited fortifications. Doodle Earth.
The first round, players will play in the order that they sign up, four players to a game. So players a, b, c, and d sign up first, the first game will have players a, b, c, and d in it. There will be 16 first round games. The winners in each game moves on.
The second round, players will play each other in the order that they won their first round game. So if player a won, then player f won, then player s won, then player l won, those players would play each other in the second round. Each second round game will have four players in each game, for a total of 4 games.
In the third and final round, the winners will play each other in a final 4-way battle. Winner of the final game, wins!
I will be taking up to 4 reserves. Premium is not required.
Any questions?